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File metadata and controls

237 lines (170 loc) · 7.71 KB

Mahuta Java API


Before starting, the client needs to instantiate a Mahuta object:

Mahuta mahuta = new MahutaFactory()
    .configureStorage(IPFSService.connect("localhost", 5001).configureThreadPool(2))
    .configureIndexer(ElasticSearchService.connect("localhost", 9300, "cluster-name").withIndex("article"))

Storage configureStorage

Storage represents the storage layer (aka IPFS)

StorageService storage = IPFSService.connect(host, port) or .connect(multiaddress)
    .configureRetry(maxRetry, delay) 
property type optional default description
connect(host, port) String, Integer false localhost, 5001 connect to the IPFS node via it HTTP address host:port
connect(multiaddress) String false connect to the IPFS node via its multiaddress
configureTimeout(timeout) Integer true 5000 Configure timeout (in milliseconds)
configureRetry(maxRetry, delay) Integer, Duration true 3, 0 (sec) Configure retry on error with delay between each retry attempt
addReplica(pinningService) PinningService true Add Replica service. files are pinned on the connection node (connect)and on each replica service (can be another IPFS node or a IPFS-cluster node

Indexer configureIndexer

Indexer represents the indexing layer (ElasticSearch)

IndexerService indexer = ElasticSearchService.connect(host, port, clusterName)
    .withIndex(indexName) or withIndex(indexName, configuration) 
property type optional default description
connect(host, port, clusterName) String, Integer, String false localhost, 9200, null connect to ElasticSearch
configureIndexNullValue(indexNullValue) Boolean true false Configure Index null value (null
withIndex(indexName) String true Create an index during the connection
withIndex(indexName, configuration) String, InputStream true Create an index during the connection with configuration

Service implementation

Select the service implementation to use:

  • DefaultMahutaService: Default implementation (synchronous functions)
  • AsynchonousPinningMahutaService: Implementation with asynchronous pinning
    .asynchronousPinningImplementation(long schedulerPeriod)


Create Index

Create an index

CreateIndexResponse response = mahuta.prepareCreateIndex(indexName)
property type optional default description
indexName String false Index name
configuration InputStream true Configuration file (on ElasticSearch index mapping JSON)

Get Indexes

Retrieve all indexed from the indexer

GetIndexesResponse response = mahuta.prepareGetIndexes()
property type optional default description

Index (String)

Index a String document

IndexingResponse response = mahuta.prepareStringIndexing(indexName, content)
property type optional default description
indexName, content String, String false Index name and content
indexDocId String true Document ID to index the document against (if null, autogenerated ID)
contentType String true Mimetype (if null, content type guessing function)
indexFields Map<String, Object> true Index field
indexContent Boolean true false Store content in the indexer (caching) - Converted into Base64

Index (CID)

Index a document already on IPFS by its CID

IndexingResponse response = mahuta.prepareCIDndexing(indexName, cid)
property type optional default description
indexName, cid String, String false Index name and cid
indexDocId String true Document ID to index the document against (if null, autogenerated ID)
contentType String true Mimetype (if null, content type guessing function)
indexFields Map<String, Object> true Index field
indexContent Boolean true false Store content in the indexer (caching) - Converted into Base64

Index (InputStream)

Index any type of content

IndexingResponse response = mahuta.prepareInputStreamIndexing(indexName, content)
property type optional default description
indexName, content String, InputStream false Index name and content
indexDocId String true ID to identify the the content in the index (if null, autogenerated ID)
contentType String true Mimetype (if null, content type guessing function)
indexFields Map<String, Object> true Index field
indexContent Boolean true false Store content in the indexer (caching) - Converted into Base64


Remove a document from the index and unpin

DeindexingResponse response = mahuta.prepareDeindexing(indexName, indexDocIn)
property type optional default description
indexName String false Index name
indexDocId String false ID identifying the file to unindex and unpin

Update field

Update a field in the index without touching the file

UpdateFieldResponse response = mahuta.prepareUpdateField(String indexName, String indexDocId, String key, Object value)
property type optional default description
indexName String false Index name
indexDocId String false Document ID identifying the file
key String false Index Field name
value Object false New value (nullable)


Retrieve a file by its IndexDocId or ContentsID (IPFS hash)

GetResponse response = mahuta.prepareGet()
    .indexDocId(index) or .contentId(index)
property type optional default description
indexName String false Index name
indexDocId String true Document ID identifying the file
contentId String true Content ID (IPFS hash)
loadFile Boolean true false Load Metadata only (index fields) or Metadata and file


Search content indexed by query

SearchResponse response = mahuta.prepareSearch()
property type optional default description
indexName String false Index name
query Query false Query
loadFile Boolean false false Load Metadata only (index fields) or Metadata and file