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737 lines (654 loc) · 26.5 KB

File metadata and controls

737 lines (654 loc) · 26.5 KB


All notable changes to VELOX will be documented in this file.

  • Update App class:
    • Make constructor final.
    • Update instance() method.
    • Update terminate() method.
    • Update shutdown() method.
  • Update Globals class:
    • Update initialize() method.
  • Update Database class:
    • Add #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute where necessary.
  • Update Element class:
    • Add #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute where necessary.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Update VAR_DUMP_CONVERSIONS class constant.
    • Update dump() method.
    • Update varExport() method.
    • Update varDump() method.
  • Update autoload.php:
    • Add $_VELOX superglobal.
  • PHP 8.1 support:
  • Update tests:
    • Update DumperTest class.

  • Update Dumper class:
    • Update VAR_EXPORT_CONVERSIONS class constant to fix an issue with multiline strings.
    • Refactor exportExpression() method and fix an issue when var_export() fails.

  • Update Exception class:
    • Update create() method to fix an issue with returned namespace.
    • Update throw() method to accept $previous as \Throwable instead of \Exception.
    • Update handle() method.
  • Update Misc class:
    • Update transform() method to add new cases.
  • Update Event class:
    • Update listen() method to add the $priority argument.
    • Refactor dispatch() method to allow listeners to attach events when executed.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Add VAR_EXPORT_CONVERSIONS class constant.
    • Add VAR_DUMP_CONVERSIONS class constant.
    • Update $styles static property.
    • Add varExport() method.
    • Add verDump() method.
    • Refactor exportExpression() method and change visibility to public.
    • Refactor getDumpingBlocks() method.
    • Update dump() method.
  • Update tests:
    • Add EventTest class.
    • Add MiscTest class.
    • Add DumperTest class.
  • Update composer.json:
    • Update required php version.
    • Add required PHP extensions ext-mbstring.

  • Add Exception class.
  • Update the following classes to improve thrown exceptions classes and messages:
    • Update App class.
    • Update Auth class.
    • Update Controller class.
    • Update Globals class.
    • Update Router class.
    • Update Database class.
    • Update Model class.
    • Update DBAL class.
    • Update Element class.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Update $styles property to improve exceptions page styling.
    • Update exportExpression() method.
    • Update exportExpressionWithSyntaxHighlighting() method.
    • Update dump() method to fix an issue with block styling.
    • Update dumpException() method to add code snippet for each item in the stacktrace.
    • Add highlightedFile() method.
    • Add tabulatedStacktrace() method.
  • Update Config class:
    • Add getReference() method.
    • Update getAll() method.
  • Update Data class:
    • Update load() method to make use of Config::getReference() instead of resetting the config array.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Update error handler function.
    • Update exception handler function to allow for rendering specific error pages using exception code.
  • Update tests:
    • Add ExceptionTest class.

  • Update App class:
    • Remove __get() magic method.
  • Update Database class:
    • Update mock() method.
  • Update View class:
    • Refactor class by extracting parts of it to View/Compiler.
  • Add Compiler class.
  • Update Session class:
    • Refactor class by extracting parts of it to Session/Flash and Session/CSRF.
  • Add Session\Flash class.
  • Add Session\CSRF class.
  • Update tests:
    • Update AppTest class.
    • Update EngineTest class.

  • Update Engine class:
    • Update getCompiledContent() method.
    • Update printVariables() method to print escaped and unescaped variables.
    • Remove printUnescapedVariables() method.
    • Refactor wrapControlStructures() method.
  • Update Router class:
    • Update start() method to allow for ON_START event to be dispatched when CSRF check fails.
    • Rename doEchoResponse() method to respond().

  • Update App class:
    • Update abort() method.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Add $styles property.
    • Add getDumpingBlocks() method.
    • Refactor dump() method.
    • Update dumpException() method.
    • Update exportExpressionWithSyntaxHighlighting() method.
  • Update Router class:
    • Add HANDLER_ROUTE class constant.
    • Add MIDDLEWARE_ROUTE class constant.
    • Change visibility of getValidParameters(), getRoutePath(), getRouteRegex(), getRouteArguments(), doEchoResponse() methods from private to protected.
  • Update Element class:
    • Rename class from Base to Element. This shouldn't introduce any problems as the Base class was marked as @internal.
    • Fix set() method return type hint.
    • Fix setAttributes() method return type hint.

  • Update App class:
    • Add $instance property.
    • Update instance() method.
  • Update Engine class:
    • Update class namespace (MAKS\Velox\Frontend\Engine -> MAKS\Velox\Frontend\View\Engine). This shouldn't introduce any problems as this class is marked as @internal.
  • Update Model class:
    • Refactor the class by extracting parts of it to Model\DBAL and Model\Base.
  • Add Model\DBAL class.
  • Add Model\Base class.
  • Update tests:
    • Update EngineTest class.
    • Update ModelTest class.

  • Update Event class:
    • Update dispatch() method.
    • Update listen() method.
    • Add isDispatched() method.
    • Add hasListener() method.
    • Add get() method.
    • Add create() method.
  • Update Router class:
    • Remove $routeNotFoundCallback property.
    • Remove $methodNotAllowedCallback property.
    • Remove handleRouteNotFound() deprecated method.
    • Remove handleMethodNotAllowed() deprecated method.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Add default timezone setting.
  • Update global.php config file:
    • Update timezone config entry.
  • Update composer.json:
    • Update branch-alias.
    • Add blend as a development dependency.
    • Add document script.
  • Update tests:
    • Update RouterTest class.
    • Update EventTest class.

  • Update App class:
    • Update shutdown() method to fix an issue preventing functions registered via register_shutdown_function() from executing.
  • Update Router class:
    • Update __construct() method to fix an issue where shutdown function is registered multiple times.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Update exception handler function.
    • Update shutdown function.

  • Update App class:
    • Add events as class constants.
    • Add shutdown() method.
    • Update terminate() method.
    • Update abort() method.
  • Update Auth class:
    • Update fail() method.
  • Update Controller class:
    • Update $crudRoutes ID regex to make them start from 1 instead of 0.
  • Update Router class:
    • Update __construct() method.
    • Update getRouteRegex() method to fix issues with route placeholder.
  • Update Session class:
    • Update csrf() method.
  • Update Path class:
    • Update current() method to strip query string from the returned path.
  • Update PersonsController class:
    • Update createTestData() method.
  • Update UsersController class:
    • Update registerAction() method.
    • Update loginAction() method.
  • Update system/events.php:
    • Add App::ON_SHUTDOWN event listener.
  • Update velox theme:
    • Update error pages (401, 403, 404, 405, 500).
  • Update composer.json:
    • Update description.
    • Update keywords.
    • Update support.
    • Update branch-alias.
  • Update tests:
    • Update TestCase class.
    • Update AppTest class.

  • Add Auth class.
  • Add UsersController class.
  • Update App class:
    • Add instance() method.
    • Add $auth property.
    • Update abort() method.
  • Update Controller class:
    • Swap class properties with calls to the app class instance.
    • Remove hard coded dependencies.
    • Update doRegisterRoutes() method to allow for registering middlewares via annotations.
  • Update Router class:
    • Add sort() method.
    • Update start() method to sort routes when starting the router (middlewares now have priority over handlers).
    • Update getRouteRegex() method to add support for the * wildcard in route expression.
    • Update redirect() method to allow for setting the HTTP status code.
  • Update Engine class:
    • Update printVariables() and printUnescapedVariables() methods to explicitly cast expressions to strings ($varA ?? $varB => (string)($varA ?? $varB)).
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Update dump() method to fix some styling issues with dump block.
  • Update tests:
    • Add AuthTest class.
    • Update AppTest class.
    • Update ControllerTest class.
    • Update EngineTest class.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Add Auth class to the list of aliased classes.
  • Update intellisense.php:
    • Add alias for the Auth class.
  • Update helpers.php:
    • Update app() function.
    • Add auth() function.
  • Update global.php config file:
    • Update errorPages config entry.
  • Add auth.php config file.
  • Update routes/web.php:
    • Add instantiation for UsersController.
    • Add 401 error page.
  • Update system/events.php:
    • Add Auth::ON_REGISTER event listener.
  • Update velox theme:
    • Add 401.phtml.
    • Add UsersController views.
    • Update persons/edit view.
    • Update navigation partial.

  • Update App class:
    • Update terminate() method to allow for ignoring the shutdown function.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Swap usage of exit with App::terminate() for consistency.
  • Update Model class:
    • Add findBy*() magic method where * is an attribute name in PascalCase.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Update shutdown function.

  • Update Database class.
    • Fix connect() method DocBlock.
  • Update Engine class.
    • Fix wrong property name $templatesFileDirectory -> $templatesFileExtension.
  • Update Config class:
    • Add events as class constants.
  • Update Controller class:
    • Add events as class constants.
  • Update Router class:
    • Add events as class constants.
  • Update Data class:
    • Add events as class constants.
  • Update View class:
    • Add events as class constants.
  • Update events/system.php:
    • Swap listened-on events with constants of the corresponding class.

  • Update PersonsController class:
    • Update createTestData() method to use static data instead of API call.
  • Update Database class:
    • Update class properties data types.
    • Update instance() method, to return a fake if DB config is invalid, to make the Database an optional requirement.
    • Update transactional() method.
    • Update prepare() method.
    • Add mock() method.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Update dumpException() method.
  • Update Model class:
    • Update isMigrated() method.
  • Update velox theme:
    • Add missing CSRF tokens in some views.

  • Add Session class.
  • Add Database class.
  • Add Model class.
  • Add Engine class.
  • Add Person class.
  • Add PersonsController class.
  • Update App class:
    • Add $session property.
    • Add $database property.
    • Update abort() method to not clear all opened buffers.
    • Update terminate() method to rename UNIT_TESTING constant to EXIT_EXCEPTION.
  • Update Controller class:
    • Add $crudRoutes property.
    • Add $session property.
    • Add $database property.
    • Add $model property.
    • Add associateModel() and doAssociateModel() methods.
    • Add registerRoutes() and doRegisterRoutes() methods.
  • Update Router class:
    • Update redirect() method.
    • Update forward() method.
    • Update start() method to check fot CSRF.
    • Update doEchoResponse() method to fall back to error pages in config.
  • Update View class:
    • Add parse() method.
    • Update compile() method.
    • Update require() method.
    • Update clearCache() method.
    • Add engine config default in DEFAULTS constant.
  • Update Misc class:
    • Add transform() method.
  • Update Globals class:
    • Update initialize() method to replace direct use of session function with Session class.
  • Update TestCase class:
    • Rename UNIT_TESTING constant to EXIT_EXCEPTION.
  • Update tests:
    • Add SessionTest class.
    • Add DatabaseTest class.
    • Add ModelTest class.
    • Add EngineTest class.
    • Add DatabaseMock class.
    • Add ModelMock class.
    • Add ControllerMock class.
    • Add TestObjectMock class.
    • Update AppTest class.
    • Update ControllerTest class.
    • Update ViewTest class.
    • Update MiscTest class.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Add Session class to the list of aliased classes.
    • Add Database class to the list of aliased classes.
    • Update exception handler function.
  • Update intellisense.php:
    • Add alias for the Session class.
    • Add alias for the Database class.
  • Update helper.php:
    • Add session() function
    • Add flash() function
    • Add csrf() function
    • Add database() function
  • Add session.php config file.
  • Add database.php config file.
  • Update global.php config file:
    • Add errorPages config entry
    • Remove errorPage config entry
  • Update view.php config file:
    • Add engine config entry
  • Update routes/web.php:
    • Add instantiation for PersonsController.
    • Update error pages routes and demo routes documentation.
  • Update app-mirror command:
    • Update blacklisted directories and files regex.
  • Update velox theme:
    • Update navigation.phtml partial.
    • Add 500.phtml.
    • Add 403.phtml.
    • Update 404.phtml.
    • Update 405.phtml.
    • Add PersonsController views.
  • Update composer.json:
    • Add new required PHP extensions ext-pdo and ext-intl.
    • Update branch-alias.
    • Update keywords.
  • Update .travis.yml:
    • Add database config.

  • Update App class:
    • Add abort() method.
    • Add terminate() method.
  • Update Globals class:
    • Add cut() method.
    • Fix an issue in initialize() method with $_SESSION reference.
  • Update Router class:
    • Update getRequestMethod() method to remove _method variable from $_POST.
    • Refactor doEchoResponse() method.
  • Update View class:
    • Remove VIEWS_CACHE_DIR class constant (config is used now instead).
    • Update cache() method to replace VIEWS_CACHE_DIR with value from config.
    • Update cacheClear() method to replace VIEWS_CACHE_DIR with value from config.
    • Update resolveCachePath() method to replace VIEWS_CACHE_DIR with value from config.
    • Update include() method to accept a parameter for variables.
    • Update require() method to minimize variables leaking into the view.
    • Refactor compile() method.
  • Update HTML class:
    • Update minify() method.
  • Update Path class:
    • Fix an issue with regex in normalize() method.
  • Update Misc class:
    • Add cutArrayValueByKey() method.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Refactor dumpException() method to decode HTML in stack trace function arguments.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Update exception handler function.
  • Update helpers.php:
    • Add abort() function.
    • Add terminate() function.
  • Update html.php:
    • Add string casting to functions parameters.
  • Update TestCase class:
    • Add UNIT_TESTING constant.
  • Update tests:
    • Update GlobalsTest class.
    • Update MiscTest class.
    • Update RouterTest class.

  • Update velox theme:
    • Replace filler text in pages with actual text.
  • Update global.php config file:
    • Add baseUrl config entry.
  • Update theme.php config file:
    • Update paths.
  • Update Router class:
    • Update redirect() method to make use of 'baseUrl' config value.
  • Update Path class:
    • Update resolveUrl() method to make use of 'baseUrl' config value.
  • Update Misc class:
    • Fix an issue in getArrayValueByKey() method with default return value.
  • Update HTML class:
    • Update minify() method to fix invalid HTML minification.
  • Update tests:
    • Update GlobalsTest class.
    • Update HTMLTest class.

  • Update Globals class:
    • Update __get() magic method.

  • Update Router class:
    • Refactor echoResponse() method.
    • Rename echoResponse() method to doEchoResponse().
    • Update start() method to make use of doEchoResponse() method.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Update dd() method to make it skip shutdown function.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Add a check for $GLOBALS['_DIE'] in shutdown function to allow for exiting the script.
  • Update events/system.php:
    • Remove use statement for Event class.
    • Update events handling examples.
  • Update routes/web.php:
    • Remove use statement for Router class.
    • Replace hse() function call with htmlspecialchars().
  • Update tests:
    • Update RouterTest class.

  • Update App class:
    • Add magic methods signatures in class DocBlock.
  • Update additional.php:
    • Remove includes directory path.
    • Remove includes/events directory path.
    • Remove includes/routes directory path.
  • Update Controller class:
    • Fix wrong name of the dispatched event in __construct() method.
  • Update Router class:
    • Refactor echoResponse() method.
  • Update events/system.php:
    • Add use statement for Event class to avoid class name collision.
    • Update events handling examples.
  • Update routes/web.php:
    • Add use statement for Router class to avoid class name collision.

  • Add Event class.
  • Update App class:
    • Add new property $event (Event class).
    • Refactor log() method.
  • Update Controller class:
    • Add new property $event (Event class).
  • Update Router class:
    • Add Event::dispatch() calls in different methods.
    • Update __construct() method to add auto start functionality.
    • Refactor echoResponse() method to echo an auto-generated fallback pages for 404 and 405 responses.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Update HTML markup in dumpException() method.
    • Refactor isCli() method.
  • Update Config class:
    • Add Event::dispatch() calls in different methods.
  • Update Data class:
    • Add Event::dispatch() calls in different methods.
  • Update View class:
    • Add Event::dispatch() calls in different methods.
  • Update helpers.php:
    • Add event() function.
  • Update router.php config file:
    • Add allowAutoStart config entry.
  • Update global.php config file:
    • Add includes path to the available paths.
  • Update .htaccess.dist
    • Add includes/ to the black-listed directories
  • Update additional.php:
    • Add includes directory path.
  • Update intellisense.php:
    • Add alias for the Event class.
  • Update loader.php:
    • Add Event class to the list of aliased classes.
    • Extract error handler and exception handler functions into variables.
    • Add shutdown function.
  • Update directory structure
    • Add includes/ directory.
  • Add events/system.php.
  • Add routes/web.php.
  • Update index.php
    • Remove routes registration (moved to /includes/routes/web.php).
    • Add includes to the black-listed directories.
  • Update tests:
    • Add EventTest class.
    • Update RouterTest class.
    • Fix tests namespaces to be compliant with PSR-4
  • Update composer.json:
    • Update branch-alias.

  • Update composer.json:
    • Update branch-alias.
    • Update docs link.
  • Update App class:
    • Add extendStatic() method.
    • Refactor log() method.
  • Update Router class:
    • Add registerRoute() method.
    • Refactor handle() and middleware() methods to make use of registerRoute().
  • Update Globals class:
    • Add $globals static property.
    • Add $isInitialized static property.
    • Add instance() method.
    • Refactor initialize() method.
  • Update tests:
    • Add new tests to the newly created methods.

  • Update App class:
    • Add extend() method.
    • Add log() method.
  • Update Path class:
    • Add normalize() method.
  • Update Misc class:
    • Remove log() method (moved to App::log()).
    • Remove getNormalizedPath() method (moved to Path::normalize()).
  • Update Data class:
    • Refactor load() method to make Config::$config['data'] reference Data::$bag.
  • Update View class:
    • Swap usage of Misc::log() with App:log().
    • Swap usage of Misc::getNormalizedPath() with Path:normalize().
  • Update Config class:
    • Refactor include() method to allow concatenating files and directories with the same name.
    • Refactor include() to exclude files that are not .php files.
    • Swap usage of Misc::log() with App:log().
  • Update Router class:
    • Swap usage of Misc::log() with App:log().
  • Update loader.php:
    • Swap usage of Misc::log() with App:log().
  • Update global.php config file:
    • Add logging config entry.
    • Remove loggingEnabled config entry.
  • Update tests:
    • Add new tests to the newly created methods.

  • Update loader.php:
    • Make autoload function use BASE_PATH instead of dirname(__DIR__).
    • Update additional include paths array.
  • Update Config class:
    • Refactor parse() method to allow referencing items of all data types.
    • Refactor include() method to skip files/directories that have dots in their names as this will conflict with array access separator.
  • Update Misc class:
    • Add getObjectProperty() method.
    • Add setObjectProperty() method.
    • Add callObjectMethod() method.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Add support for syntax highlighting in the CLI.
    • Refactor various class methods.
  • Add config-dump command.

  • Update composer.json:
    • Add required PHP extensions ext-json and ext-dom.
  • Update app-mirror command:
    • Fix file permissions issues with generated files/directories.
    • Fix platform related issue when removing old links.
  • Update app-serve command:
    • Remove declare(ticks=1) execution directive that was introduced by mistake.

  • Update autoload.php:
    • Use require() to load ./loader.php instead of include().
  • Update Globals class:
    • Make the class final.
  • Update Config class:
    • Change class constants from protected to public.
    • Change $config property from private to protected.
    • Update parse() method to make it parse for the count of config files.
  • Update View class:
    • Change class constants from protected to public.
  • Update Data class:
    • Make use of Globals class instead of direct access to superglobals.
  • Update Dumper class:
    • Refactor dumpException() method.
    • Update exportExpression() array construct to square brackets regex.
  • Update global.php config file:
    • Add public path to the available paths.
  • Add cli.php config file.
  • Update all commands to make use of cli.php config file.
  • Update cache-config command:
    • Rename cache-config to config-cache.
  • Add app-mirror command:
    • Rename cache-config to config-cache.
  • Fix typos and update DocBlocks:
    • Fix some typos in DocBlocks and other parts of the codebase.

  • Initial release.

  • Release candidate.

  • Beta release.
