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Instant messaging software. (Maman 15, Defensive Systems Programming).

  • Client code written with C++.
  • Server code written with Python.

Project Configuration


  • Developed with Visual Studio 2019.
  • Client code written with ISO C++14 Standard. (Default by Visual Studio 2019).
  • Boost Library 1.77.0 is used.
  • Crypto++ Library 8.5 is used.
  • These instructions apply for x86 configuration. Upon loading .sln, use x86 build!

Client project configuration:

Both libraries Boost & Crypto++ are statically built in this guide.

1. Boost 1.77.0 Installation & Configuration

Boost 1.77.0 Installation Instructions are based on Pattarapol Koosalapeerom's Boost Installation Instructions.

1.1. Get Boost

1.2. Complie Boost library

  • Run CMD as administrator inside boost folder.
  • The following commands will take a while to build:
  • Run bootstrap.bat
  • Run b2 link=static runtime-link=static

1.3. Include Boost library in Visual Studio's C++ Project

  • Open Client's Project Properties.
  • Add "D:\boost_1_77_0" under Project > Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories
  • Add "D:\boost_1_77_0\stage\lib" under Project > Properties > Linker > General > Additional Library Directories
  • Define _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 under Project > Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions (Windows 10. For other OS see this link).

2. Crypto++ 8.5 Installation & Configuration

2.1. Get Crypto++

  • Download the copy of Crypto++ for Windows platform via (ZIP).
  • Extract the archive file to your directory of choice. Example path: "D:\cryptopp850"

2.2. Complie Crypto++ library

  • Open "D:\cryptopp850\cryptest.sln" with Visual Studio.
  • Build the solution. Make sure build configuration matches. (For example, Debug, Win32).
  • Close the solution.
  • We will use the static library cryptlib.lib. (If Win32, Debug was built, the library will be located within Win32\Output\Debug).

2.3. Include Crypto++ library in Visual Studio's C++ Project

  • Open Client's Project Properties.
  • Add "D:\cryptopp850" under Project > Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories
  • Add "D:\cryptopp850\Win32\Output\Debug\cryptlib.lib" under Project > Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies
  • Make sure the project's Runtime Library is Project > Properties > C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library > Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)

3. Additional configurations

The following configurations already set within the sln. Unlike above libraries, it doesn't need external references hence probably shouldn't be modifed.

  • Not using precompiled headers.


  • Developed with PyCharm 2021.1.2.
  • Server code written with Python 3.9.6.

Server project onfiguration:

No special packages were required. Only the language's standard.