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Francesco Mineo edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 9 revisions


Helpers for state management, streams and BLoC pattern, SharedPreferences and various widgets (animations, blur, transitions, timed widgets, scrollingtext, etc.).

  • AppStateModel
  • AppStateProvider

Streams and BLoC pattern

Helper class with static methods for the SharedPreferences package

Widgets for streams and futures

Classes for animations and timing

  • TimerObject
  • AnimatedObject
  • StagedObject
  • StagedWidget

Widgets for effects

  • LinearTransition
  • CurvedTransition
  • FadeInWidget
  • FadeOutWidget
  • BlurWidget
  • BlurInWidget
  • BlurOutWidget
  • AnimatedBlurWidget
  • WavesWidget

Various widgets

  • ScrollingText

Examples built with this library

  • Example app
  • Theme changer and persistent theme with SharedPreferences
  • Counter app
  • Blood pressure example app
  • Pair game


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