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Ansible documentation

Ansible playbooks to test application deployments on fresh EC2 instances


Create an AMI

The Ansible playbooks are expected to launch instances based on an AMI with the following software and packages installed:

  • AWS CLI package
  • Python / Pip
  • Docker and Docker-Compose
  • Logged in to Dockerhub

To create the AMI, please follow the steps below.

  1. Launch a new Amazon Linux 2 instance

  2. Run the following commands

sudo yum update -y

sudo yum install awscli python3 python3-pip make curl -y
sudo alias python='python3'
sudo pip3 install docker docker-compose boto3 botocore

sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker -y
sudo service docker start
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
sudo docker info

sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose version

sudo docker login --username=<username>
  1. Create an AMI out of the instance


Running the playbooks

The following command run the docker_deployment playbook:

ansible-playbook \
    -i inventories \
    --vault-id user@~/.ssh/ansible-vault-pw \
    docker_deployment.yml \

Alternatively, a make command can be used from the project root directory:

cd portfolio/  # if not already at the root of the repository.
make run-ansible-playbook

Encryption of credentials

The ansible-vault-pw file mentioned in the command above, contains the ansible vault passphrase, which is essentially a string used by Ansible to encrypt and decrypt sensitive variables.

To encrypt a variable, run a command such as:

ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id user@~/.ssh/ansible-vault-pw <sensitive-value> --name <var-name>

This will output the encrypted variable, which can be inserted in a <role-name>/vars/main.yaml to be used within a role.

var-name: !vault |

Set Environment Variables for Ansible

Name Description
RUN_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK Must be set to True to run the Ansible playbook within the CD pipeline
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD Passphrase used to encrypt/decrypt secret variables (see /ansible/
ANSIBLE_INSTANCE_ID To start and stop AWS EC2 instance
ANSIBLE_HOST_IP Used in Ansible inventories to specify ansible_host
ANSIBLE_HOST_NAME Used by docker-compose up role to check if app returns 200
ANSIBLE_HOST_PUBLIC_DNS To start and stop AWS EC2 instance
PORTFOLIO_ROOT_DIR For ansible roles to navigate on the remote and run commands
SSL_*_S3_OBJECT_PATH S3 paths for SSL private key and certificate (required for nginx)
SSL_*_HOST_PATH EC2 host path where SSL private key and certificate are located
ENABLE_SLACK_NOTIFICATION Can be set to False to skip slack notification when app is up
QA_INSTANCE_TIME_MINUTES Number of minutes the app should be running before the instance is shut down
SLACK_TOKEN Token for Ansible to connect to the slack app

Project setup

Ansible inventories

Inventories in ansible are a pattern for grouping managed nodes/hosts. They are located in ansible/inventories/.

Ansible playbooks

Playbooks contain the steps which are set to execute on a particular machine.

This repository contains the following playbooks:

  • docker_deployment.yml: set up an EC2 instance and deploy portfolio application (prod build) using the latest docker deploy tarball created from the CD pipeline (step

  • kubernetes_deployment.yml: similar to the above using Helm and Kubernetes (WIP)

  • stop_instance.yml: stop the EC2 instance whether the above playbooks are successful or not.

Ansible roles

Roles can be found in ansible/roles/ and are ways of automatically loading certain vars_files, tasks, and handlers based on a known file structure. Grouping content by roles also allows easy sharing of roles with other users.

For example, the docker_deployment.yml playbook runs the following roles:

  • start_instance: start an ec2 instance with a given instance-id, and wait for instance to be running

  • setup_instance: install required packages (pip, awscli, make, ...), and install Docker / docker-compose

  • prepare_deployment: docker prune all, delete existing project root directory, download the latest docker deployment folder from S3 (built by the CD pipeline), download SSL files for nginx from S3

  • docker_compose_up: start docker services, wait until services are healthy, and app is running

  • test_postgres_backup: run postgres back up scripts (dump to S3, and restore from S3)

  • send_slack_notification: send slack message to notify user the app is up,

  • pause_playbook: pause playbook for <QA_INSTANCE_TIME_MINUTES> minutes, to give enough time for a user to navigate around the UI and test app functionalities

  • docker_compose_down: stop and remove docker services


TIP: molecule can be used for testing.