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Design and Process with Google Cloud

This module covers building a cloud service, based on Google best-practices.

Defining the Service

Defining a service involves starting with a rough design created by the whole team, then doing a more structured design process, and ultimately creating measurements to determine if we succeed with the service goals.

Everything at Google involves building:

  1. The presentation layer (which they define as "networking"?)
  2. Business logic layer ("compute")
  3. Data layer ("storage")

There are no universal solutions, only contextual solutions.

Avoid recency bias, the old adage about change for change's sake.


State is any action in a system that depends on the memory from a proceeding action. Stateful vs stateless is a big impact on design, "state is the cornerstone of any design."


p1 -> p2 -> p3 (p1 happens before p2)


p1 p2 p3 (no dependency between processes)

Sources of State:

  • Objects in a database
  • Shared documents in memory
  • User profile

Where is the truth in the system?

A central control mechanism is a choke point in the system, contributes to performance issues and can be a central point of failure. State stored at these locations (for example shopping card in the ecommerce application).

The best state is no state. But if you have to store state, what's the best place to store it?


If apps are co-located with state, and lots of users whose names start with a-f, load-balancing doesn't really balance, because requests pool on app server 1.

user request -> load balancers -> app server 1 (user a-f's profile) !!!
                               -> app server 2 (user f-r's profile)
                               -> app server 3 (user r-z's profile)

...Google suggests pushing state to a backend:

user request -> load balancers -> app server 1
                               -> app server 2 -> data store + cache
                               -> app server 3

But cache can become stale, so you can distribute the state with Cloud Load-balancing to replicated backend data stores.

user request -> load balancers -> app server 1                  -> data store 1
                               -> app server 2 -> load balancer -> data store 2
                               -> app server 3                  -> data store 3

This can introduce latency, but you pretty much have to live with it.

General Solution for Large-Scale Cloud Based Systems

stateless                     stateless                               stateful

dns + https                   many small    network                    sharded
loadbalancing  -> request ->  stateless  -> load balancer -> backend -> data

This design allows you to control:

  • Server discovery
  • Request balancing
  • Throttling

Using preemptible VMs means they can go down at any-point, and therefore must be stateless. Adding them into your architecture can force you to think about where state has to live.


Measurement helps you to:

  • Make design choices
  • Test and validated
  • Monitor during operation

In the beginning, you can't measure, so estimate. Actual numbers don't matter, orders of magnitude matter do, 10 vs 100 vs 1000.

Defining Measurements

  • Service level objectives (SLOs)
    • Quality of service or attribute to measure, what is the effect on the customer
    • They can be high level "user can see the shopping cart", or low-level "should be available 99.9% of the time"
  • Service level indicators (SLIs)
    • How you measure the SLOs
    • "How do you measure 99.9% availability": "back-end server up 99.9% of the time"
    • Max 95%, min availability, min freshness etc
  • Service level agreements (SLAs)
    • How are the KOs maintained?
    • What happens when the service is outside the KOs?
    • Communications to users?
    • Consequences?


Requirement: user is responsive to users Objectives: no more than 1/2 second latency Indicator: round-trip time

Performance Latency, throughput (qps), offered load, load shedding, velocity, obtainability, freshness
Availability Uptime, outage frequency / duration, reliability
Quality Accuracy, correctness, completeness, coverage, relevance, security
Internal State Queue Length, memory use
People Time to respond, time to fix, fraction fixed correctly

Real KIs beat Ideal

Indicators Impossibilities
Error budget Error free
Unplanned downtime Zero downtime
Risk tolerance Zero risk
Target availability Always available

Also: SLIs should be useful enough to warrant a human be involved, very expensive

  1. Numerical

Create actionable alerts

  • Understand you users
    • Some are far away, and care about round-trip times
  • Understand the context
    • Do you want sales from the last 5 minutes or the last 3 years


Design always starts with question gathering.

1. Qualitative Requirements

Why Why is the system needed? Why a new landing pad?
Who Who are the stakeholders, users, staff needed
What What does it need to do specifically?
When When? Do you want quality or speed?

2. Qualitative Requirements

  • Time
    • Operational time-constraints
    • Cost of downtime
  • Data
    • Cost of data lost
    • Data volume
    • Throughput
    • Freshness
    • Groups of data
  • Users
    • Number
    • Location
    • Demographics

3. Scaling

  • Growth requirements
    • How does storage, CPU, network increase?

4. Size Requirements

  • Dimensions
  • Replication
  • Rate of change

Example App - Thumbnail photo service

Google develops a sample application, a service where users can upload an image, get back a thumbnail.

Workflow and First Design

Input -> Image Storage -> Thumbnail Conversion -> Thumbnail Storage -> Thumbnails

First Design:

Single App Server -> Log Data

Gather Requirements

  • users: on the internet, using a web browser, want to upload images and get a thumbnail in return
  • speed: < 1 minute, beating estimate thumbnail time on computer
  • resources: we don't know make a guess
  • scale: this information will be given during the design exercise
  • size: application can be served to all users from one location, say central-US to start
  • availability: loose, no-one relies on it. Most of the time

Define Service Level Objectives (SLOs)

  • availability: 23 hours a day, 95.83%


  • Pre-production tests
  • Unit-tests
  • Integration tests
  • System tests
  • Stress tests
  • Roll-out

Business Logic Layer Design

Part of the project that encode the real-world business rules that determine how data can be created, stored and changed. For example: A work-flow of purchasing a ticket can occur through multiple front ends, but the process stays the way.


Atomic, single purpose(ish) services

Benefits of small services:

  • Easier to develop and maintain
  • Does one thing well
  • Supports a/b testing

Independently developed serviecs aid in

  • Fault isolation
  • Debugging
  • Redundancy and resiliency


  • It's harder to understand how micro-services interoperate
  • Unit-testing is easier, integration testing is harder

Micro-services on Google Cloud

  • Cloud Functions
    • Latency, one language
  • App Engine
    • No local file system
    • One master app per project

12-factor on Google Cloud

  1. One code-base tracked in version control many deployments
    • Cloud Shell for deploying and building
    • Cloud Source Repositories / Github
  2. Strict separation between build and run phases
    • Build GAE (Google App Engine) in Cloudshell, upload to GAE
    • You can simulate all that locally on your desktop for integration testing
  3. Keep development, staging, production as similar as possible
    • Deployment manager templates, consistent build process
  4. Explicitly declare dependencies
    • Custom images, with clearly defined libraries, environment etc
  5. Store config in environment
    • Difficult, because you don't want to stick credentials into ode
    • So you can use Google Metadata server, or store in Google Cloud Storage
  6. Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
    • Instance templates create the same instance every time, managed instance groups use the same startup scripts etc, auto-scaling

Which Platform?

  • Think about AppEngine first
    • SnapChat built on AppEngine
    • Code first
    • Minimize overhead
    • Autoscale
    • Can run on GAE Flex
  • Google Kubernetes
    • If you need more knobs and switches go to Kubernetes
    • If you need cloud independence
    • No OS dependencies
  • Compute Engine
    • HPC
    • Processing efficiency

How to grow the Thumbnail Service?

  • Vertical scaling (up to 64 cores)
    • If we scale one box its easier
    • But it's a single point of failure
  • Horizontal Scaling
    • The ideal
    • Automation easy, rolling deployments
    • More overhead
    • E2E latency increases somewhat, more network chatter
    • Outweighed by decoupling scaling, failures, upgrades, config

Horizontal How-To

  • Keep servers simple
    • Minimize complexity
    • Design simple APIs
    • Identify where tasks are separable
    • Split into separate services
  • Prefer smaller, stateless servers
    • Easy to scale, no state to shard / rebalance
    • Failure is cheap, no state to manage or recover
    • Easy to load balance, no hot-spotting

Does horizontal scale just mean two boxes? Google suggests:

Number of Queries per Second / 3

With 3 instances of the same service, you have redundancy without too much overhead. If you just have 2, and one fails, the remaining one has to absorb 100% of the workload.

Small Stateless Servers Increase Reliability and Scalability Large Stateful Servers Reduce Complexity and Latency
Divide into parts Unify
Duplicate and Coordinate Simplify and Consolidate
Seperate and Isolate Coalesce and co-locate

Methods of achieving balance:

  • What are your SLOs? What do your users value?
  • What is the optimal size and number of parts? 1 service, 10 microservices, 100?
  • Sometimes central control is optimal
  • Plan on adjusting, build adjustment process


  • Use where there are many consumers of atomic functionality
  • When there is one consumer of tightly coupled functionality, micro-services could be too much overhead

Thumbnail Service is Slowing down

What to do about it?

Systematic SRE troubleshooting:

  1. Segment and reduce the problem space
    • Where can slow-downs affect the system
  2. Step through the system manually in your mind
  3. Add more monitoring and logging

Best Practices

  • Five why's
  • People are never the root cause, behaviors are
    • Blaming people leads to fixing the wrong things
Input -> Image Storage -> Thumbnail Conversion -> Thumbnail Storage -> Thumbnails

Thumbnail conversion looks like it might be the culprit, but it could be:

User Experience

  • HTTP server
  • Dynamic / static content
  • Session handling


  • HTTP
  • High throughput
  • Low disk I/O

Thumbnail Conversion

  • High CPU
  • Memory
  • Low disk/io

Image Storage

  • Large files
  • Small files
  • Many files
  • High r/w

Serving thumbnails

  • HTTP
  • high read I/O
  • Dynamic / static content
  • Session handling

After reflecting, the lecturer decided thumbnail conversion was the culprit.

Business issue: User experience is being impacted by the thumbnail conversion process

Possible Solution - Split Monolith to Offload CPU

  • Offload high CPU process to another service
    • This will reduce memory allocation on web-server
    • Reduce some disk I/O
    • Moved image storage to thumbnail processor

After implementing, we check our indicators to see if the approach was successful

Objectives Indicators
*Before: * - Availability, 23/24 hours a day = 95.83% Aggregated server up/down time
*After: * - Utilization of thumbnail server CPU untilization 48%

Data Layer Design

Classifying and Characterizing User's Interest in Data Layer

  • Users care about integrity
  • Users don't distinguish between data-loss, corruption and extended unavailability

What transaction properties are required?

  • CAP, consistency, availability, partition tolerance - pick 2
    • Availability:
      • BASE, basically available, soft state, eventually consistent
    • Consistency
      • ACID, atomic, consistent, isolation, durability

What are the data-consistency requirements?

Google Cloud Storage, two options:

  • Strong global consistency
  • Eventual consistency

Data Migration

  • console, drag and drop
  • gsutil, GCloud and AWS S3 buckets
  • JSON api
  • Google Cloud Transfer service
  • Google Transfer Appliance

Presentation Layer Design

Presentation layer has to do with flow of data through the system, between user, business logic and storage services. I.e. the network.

Less distributed <------> More distributed
Low latency               More fault tolerance

Controlling Location - Load-balancers

Location of resources is significant.

Transfer Time
2kb on 1 Gbps network 0.002 ms
Round trip within datacenter 0.5 ms
CA -> Netherlands -> CA 150ms
3 round-trips CA->N->CA 1 second
1000 round trips in data center 1 second

Load-balancing provides control over location and scale.

Design for Resiliency, Scalability, and Disaster Recovery

Design for Security

Capacity Planning

Deployment, Monitoring and Alerting, and Incident Response