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110 lines (82 loc) · 6.45 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (82 loc) · 6.45 KB

2016-03-14: aleph-v1.7.0



  • Fixed output of aleph query --includeData command, which was incorrectly ommitting object metadata. [PR #189]

2016-02-13: aleph-v1.6.0



  • Added manifest lookup command to list signed manifests for a given entity id PR #175
  • Added net find command to discover peers via DHT rendezvous PR #180
  • Added mcclient --version command to print current version PR #170


  • Friendlier REPL interactions thanks to internal refactor of Statement and QueryResult types PR #177
  • Added aleph --version command to print current version PR #170
  • Internal refactor of classes used for signature calculation / verification PR #168
  • Refactored Statement API to have clear distinction between signed and unsigned Statements PR #179
  • Added JSDoc comments to most public classes and methods in src/peer, with generated HTML API docs [PR #182]
  • Greatly improved test coverage PR #173
  • Removed outdated dependencies PR #172, PR #181

2016-01-18: aleph-v1.5.1


  • Fixed an issue that caused the aleph statement db to be erased after a period of inactivity. PR # 165

2016-01-17: aleph-v1.5


  • Removed default connection timeouts to concat node API to prevent spurious errors PR #145
  • Added mcclient net ping command, which uses libp2p ping protocol, and mcclient net identify, which returns the output of the libp2p identify protocol. Also renamed mcclient netAddr and mcclient netConnections to mcclient net addr and mcclient net connections, with the old invocations kept around as aliases for compatibility. PR #154
  • Require a prefix for "WKI"s during mcclient publish. PR #156
  • Add support for mcnode "manifest" commands to set and retrieve the node's public identity manifests. PR #158


  • Added local datastore to aleph nodes (currently in-memory only). PR #144
  • Added local statement db to aleph nodes (again, in-memory only). PR #146
  • Added support for pushing statements + data from aleph nodes to concat nodes. PR #147
  • Added support for merging statements + data from concat nodes to aleph nodes. PR #152

2016-12-19: aleph-v1.4


  • Support for concat 1.4 directory extensions, with namespace listings PR #128
    • mcclient listNamespaces command to list all public namespaces
    • mcclient listPeers command now allows optional namespace argument, to list all peers that have published to a given namespace
  • Support for getting/setting multiple directory servers PR #135
  • Support for batch data object retrieval API endpoint PR #123
  • Added global --timeout flag to override default 15s request timeout PR #129
  • Much faster (~ 1.8x) CBOR conversions thanks to borc module PR #131
  • Fixed memory leak that could cause mcclient publish to fail on very large ingestions PR #134
  • Automatic SSH tunneling no longer conflicts with local mcnode, uses random free port for tunnel PR #136
  • Added debug commands to list libp2p connections and known addresses for peers PR #122

2016-12-05: aleph-v1.3


  • mcclient --sshConfig option for creating SSH tunnel from config file (works with Mediachain Deploy credentials file)
  • support for new garbage collection and compation concat APIs
    • mcclient data gc, mcclient data compact, mcclient data sync
  • mcclient data keys command to list keys for all objects in datastore
  • mcclient lookupPeer comand to do directory or DHT peer lookup

aleph peer-to-peer:

  • use stronger RSA keys (2048 bit) for aleph peer ids

2016-11-25: aleph-v1.2.2

Fixes an issue that prevented npm install -g aleph from succeeding on linux.

2016-11-21: aleph-v1.2.1

Adds --jsonld flag to mcclient validate command to structurally validate JSON-LD input objects

2016-11-21: aleph-v1.2.0

  • support for large metadata objects (up to 1MB) during publication
  • better error handling for invalid publication inputs and unreachable peers
  • timeouts for peer-to-peer connections and concat API calls
  • support for concat-v1.2 authorization and push apis in mcclient
  • new aleph cli command with repl and peer-to-peer query commands
  • support fetching data inline with query results in aleph query

2016-11-04: aleph-v1.1.1

mcclient changes:

  • support for JSONSchema validation of records using "self-describing" schemas
  • use jq for preprocessing records before publication and pretty-printing JSON output
  • support publishing compound statements to concat
  • add mcclient netAddr command to show the listen addresses of local concat node
  • improve help text and usage output
  • add documentation for schema generation with schema-guru, and support for generated schemas
  • better error handling for publish command
  • updated ingestion scripts for CC datasets

aleph peer-to-peer changes:

  • support for fetching remote objects via mediachain peer-to-peer protocol
  • fix missing protobuf definitions in babel-compiled build