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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib


20 Dec 16:28
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Images and binaries here:


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • splunkhecreceiver: Delete the path key which is no longer in use and has been deprecated since September 2021. (#16999)
  • pkg/ottl: Enforce functions used as a value to start with an uppercase letter and the statement's invocation to start with a lowercase letter. (#16718)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

🚀 New components 🚀

  • haproxyreceiver: A receiver scraping metrics from the HAProxy stats command. (#16829)
  • processor/datadogprocessor: The Datadog Processor is used to compute pre-sampling APM Stats. (#15689)
    Use it to get full visibility into APM Stats in conjunction with the Collector's tail sampling processors.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • jmxreceiver: Add the JMX metrics gatherer version 1.21.0-alpha to the supported jars hash list (#17064)
  • hostmetricsreceiver: Add a new optional metric process.memory.utilization to the metrics scraped by the process scraper of the hostmetrics receiver. (#14084)
  • mysqlreceiver: add mysql.replica.time_behind_source and mysql.replica.sql_delay metrics (#14138)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add additional node metrics around request cache and process stats (#16095)
  • datadogexporter: Added support for consuming Datadog APM Stats as OTLP Metrics (usually generated by the datadogprocessor). (#16853)
  • googlecloudspannerreceiver: Support for p50, p95 and p99 percentile latencies for queries and transactions. (#16429)
  • exporter/loki: Added InstrumentationScope to log object (#16485)
  • exporter/loki: Allow nested attributes to be used in labels (#16475)
  • mongodbreceiver: Add mongodb metrics for operation latency and replication. (#16848)
  • oracledbreceiver: Set OracleDB receiver as alpha, from in development. (#16843)
  • snowflakereceiver: added metrics to snowflakereceiver (#14754)
    generated w/ mdatagen
  • pkg/ottl: Add substring Converter, returns a substring from the given start index to the specified length. (#17038)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • k8sobjects: Fix empty attribute when using watch mode (#16542)
  • logzioexporter: Implemented GetLevel method for go-hclog logger (#17009)
  • oracledbreceiver: Remove duplicate method to create default config. (#16997)
  • postgresqlreceiver: Fix issue where WAL stats query was incorrectly coalescing intervals. (#16769)
  • splunkhecexporter: Fix data race when gzip compression is enabled (#17083)
    Removed gzip writer pool and create a new one when needed.
  • splunkhecexporter: Fix isssue where splunkhec exporter always returns over capacity error when compression is enabled and MaxContentLength is 0 (#17035)


09 Dec 18:52
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Images and binaries here:


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • apachereceiver: turn on by default feature gates for server name and port resource attributes (#14791)

  • cumulativetodeltaprocessor: Remove histogram feature gate. (#16720)

  • mysqlreceiver: rename mysql.commands metric to mysql.prepared_statements (#14138)
    According to the documentation, the Com_stmt_xxx is related to prepared statements

  • mysqlreceiver: rename mysql.commands metric to mysql.prepared_statements (#14138)
    Disable the receiver.mysqlreceiver.renameCommands feature gate to temporarily revert this change.

  • dockerstatsreceiver: Enable the receiver.dockerstats.useScraperV2 feature gate by default. (#16381, #9794)
    See the README for information on how to migrate.
    The featuregate can be disabled, but it will be removed in a future release.

  • coralogixexporter: remove old jaeger based tracing client (#7931)

  • splunkhecexporter: Remove all use of the name attribute from logs as it is deprecated. (#16611)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • servicegraphprocessor: use prefix to distinguish dimensions from different span kind (#16002)
    The metrics label converts from dimensions specifying in the config will have a prefix to mark where are from.
    The client_ prefix relates to the dimensions coming from spans with SPAN_KIND_CLIENT, and the server_ prefix relates to the
    dimensions coming from spans with SPAN_KIND_SERVER. The old dimensions will be removed in the next release.

🚀 New components 🚀

  • receiver/promtailreceiver: Add a new receiver that scrapes logs using Promtail client (#14632)
  • receiver/purefareceiver: Add a new receiver that scrapes metrics using Purestorage FlashArray API (#14886)
  • logicmonitorexporter: New exporter for exporting traces and logs to Logicmonitor Platform (#13727)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • splunkhecexporter: Add HEC health check before sending the data to Splunk (#16479)

  • jmxreceiver: Add the JMX metrics gatherer version 1.20.1-alpha to the supported jars hash list (#16437)

  • hostmetricsreceiver: Add a new optional metric process.cpu.utilization to the process scraper of the hostmetrics receiver. (#14084)

  • azureeventhubreceiver: adds alternate log formatter that maps Azure log fields into OpenTelemetry attributes (#16283)

  • mysqlreceiver: add mysql.connection.count metric (#14138)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add scraping metrics on cluster level (#14635)
    The receiver now emits jvm and cache eviction metrics on cluster level scraped from new endpoint /_cluster/stats.

  • influxdbexporter: Add support for exporting to InfluxDB v1.X API (#16042)

  • vcenterreceiver: Added vcenter.vm.memory.ssdswapped and vcenter.vm.memory.swapped metrics. (#16727)

  • filelogreceiver: Promote component to Beta status (#15355)

  • probabilisticsamplerprocessor: Add support for probabilistic sampling of logs (#9117)

  • cmd/mdatagen: Add support for resource_attributes::enum field (#16464)
    resource_attributes::enum values in metadata.yaml are now properly supported in metrics builder developer interface.

  • cmd/mdatagen: Improve generated documentation (#16556, #16563)

  • cmd/mdatagen: Add a metadata.yaml option to specify a warning that will be shown in case if metric is enabled. (#16536)

  • kafkaexporter: Allows for custom marshalers to be added in future releases (#14514)

  • oracledbreceiver: Add oracledbreceiver implementation (config, scraper, db client) (#16043)

  • filterprocessor: Adapt ottl configuration to same BoolExpr, remove duplicate code (#16446)

  • pkg/ottl: Updates the IsMatch function to convert bools, ints, and floats to strings before matching. (#16503)

  • pkg/ottl: Add new merge function to OTTL, which allows merging maps. (#16461)

  • pkg/ottl: Add ability to negate conditions with the not keyword (#16553)

  • pkg/ottl: Add new ParseJSON function that can convert a json string into pcommon.Map. (#16444)

  • internal/filter: Change filter interface to be compatible with ottl (#16443)

  • receiver/awscontainerinsightreceiver: Polish up awscontainerinsightreceiver README (#16378)

  • pkg/translator/loki: Remove loki dependency, copy files from logproto (#16822)
    Files copied from to remove unnecessary dependencies.
    In logproto.pb.go I had to remove few types Query[Request|Response] and SampleQuery[Request|Response]
    and the gRPC service that uses them, because they depend on another loki package stats.

  • snmpreceiver: Set component status to alpha (#16454)

  • solacereceiver: Added baggage unmarshalling support (introduced in Solace PubSub+ Event Broker 10.2.1) (#16570)

  • solacereceiver: Added configurable retry interval for flow control scenarios (#16570)

  • cmd/otelcontribcol: Split cmd/otelcontribcol into a separate module, extract testbed in a separate module (#16715)

  • transformprocessor: Add the merge_maps and ParseJSON functions. (#16551)

  • pkg/stanza: Upgrade version of doublestar from v3 to v4 (#16528)

  • configschema: add yaml generation command (#15231)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • exporter/azuredataexplorerexporter: Makes timestamp precision to nanos, updated azure-kusto-go to 0.9.2 (#16546)
  • cumulativetodeltaprocessor: Updates histogram conversion logic to correctly remove Min and Max when a histogram is converted. (#16520)
  • datadogexporter: Doesn't append duplicate ddtags on each log submission leading to 414 API errors. (#16380)
  • exporter/dynatrace: Make sure the original metrics are not mutated (#16506)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: fix the set of operations for which the data is fetched on index-level (#14635)
  • filterexpr: Fixed filterexpr Matcher.MatchMetric to be thread-safe (#13573)
  • fileexporter: Fix nil pointer in fileexporter when reusing configuration for multiple telemetry signals or pipelines. (#16733)
  • vcenterreceiver: vcenter.vm.memory.ballooned is taken from vm.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory that is expressed MiBy, not By. (#16728)
  • servicegraphprocessor: Fixes the number of bucket counts. (#16000)
  • prometheusexporter: Make sure the exporter doesn't mutate metrics (#16499, #16572)
  • datadogexporter: Suppress logs exporter payload dump to avoid filelogreceiver escape loop (#16380)
  • headerssetter: Do not require the secure transport for the headers setter extension. (#16508)
  • exporterconfig: The exporter config options should be HTTPS endpoint URL only (#14323)
  • pkg/translator/loki: fix loki.resource.labels not working as expected (#15386)
  • cmd/mdatagen: Rename metadata.yaml attribute field from value to name_override (#16561)
  • exporter/awsemfexporter: Consider metric data type while grouping metrics (#16512)
  • exporter/awsemfexporter: Export fields of MetricDescriptor to enable decoding (#16566)
  • awskinesis: Fixed configuration issues not being correctly used. (#16259)
    -| - Fixed applying region to the kinesis exporter
  • pkg/ottl: Add support for lists to be used as Getter values (#16320)
  • prometheusreceiver: Fix prometheus receiver panic on shutdown (#16469)
  • exporter/instana: Make sure the original traces are not mutated (#16505)
  • routingprocessor: Fix bug in routing processor that prevented collector from starting if from_attribute is not provided with OTTL routing statements. (#16555)
  • tailsamplingprocessor: When dealing with traces that have already been evaluated, use the final decision instead of trying using the individual decisions by the policies. (#14760)
  • processor/transform: Fix issue where collector would panic under certain conditions if the transformprocessor was configured to transform span events. (#16622)
  • zipkinreceiver: Fix zipkinreceiver panic on shutdown (#16471)


23 Nov 19:30
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The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release (be sure to check the release notes here as well!).

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • mongodbreceiver: Drop support for versions of MongoDB prior to 4.0 (#16182)
  • pkg/ottl: Rename ottldatapoints to ottldatapoint (#16245)
  • pkg/ottl: Rename ottllogs to ottllog (#16242)
  • pkg/ottl: Renames ottltraces to ottlspan (#16241)
  • redisreceiver: Support more metric label values for redis.cpu.time (#14943)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • hostmetricsreceiver: Add a new optional metric process.signals_pending to the metrics scraped by the process scraper of the hostmetrics receiver. (#14084)

  • splunkhecreceiver: Add a healthcheck endpoint as part of the splunkhecreceiver. Just returns 200 for now if the receiver is running. (#15367)

  • filterprocessor: Add ability to filter spans, span events, metrics, datapoints, and logs via OTTL conditions (#16369)

  • googlecloudspannerreceiver: Configurably mask the PII in lock stats metrics. (#16343)

  • interna/coreinternal: Split internal/coreinternal/processor into a separate internal/filter module (#16410)

  • exporter/loki: Automatic mapping beetwen LogRecord.SeverityNumber to LogRecord.Attributes["level"] (#14313)

  • jmxreceiver: Add the JMX metrics gatherer version 1.20.0-alpha to the supported jars hash list (#16356)

  • mongodbreceiver: Add additional metrics for mongodb locks (#13661)
    Add additional metrics for locks.acquire_count, locks.acquire_wait_count, locks.deadlock_count, locks.time_acquiring_micros

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add jvm heap percentage usage metric (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add missing data points for operation count and operation time (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add segment memory metric on node level (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add cluster health metrics for two more shards types (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add document count metrics on index level (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add fielddata memory size metrics on index level (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add query cache metrics on index level (#14635)

  • exporter/awsxrayexporter: Favour semantic convention attributes for DynamoDB table name and messaging url when translating OTel data into X-Ray AWS data. (#16075)

  • azuremonitorexporter: Support span and exception events (#16260)

  • datadogexporter: Change log level for host metadata (#14186)

  • azureeventhubreceiver: Mark the Azure Event Hub receiver as alpha. (#12786)

  • pkg/ottl: Add ability to perform basic (+, -, *, and /) arithmetic operations on ints and floats. Paths and Functions that return ints/floats are allowed. (#15711)
    Affected components

    • routingprocessor
    • transformprocessor
  • pkg/ottl: Add support for setting Maps in Values. This enables Contexts to set map values for attributes. (#16352)

  • prometheusreceiver: Trim type's and unit's suffixes from metric name as per otel specs. (#8950)
    Can be enabled by the featuregate pkg.translator.prometheus.NormalizeName

  • pkg/ottl: Remove duplicate parse IDs code, avoid coreinternal dependency (#16393)
    The "[trace|span]_id_string" func returns "000..000" string for invalid ids.

  • exporter/signalfxexporter: Allow user to add a custom CA so the ingest and api clients can verify and communicate with custom TLS servers. (#16250)
    "ingest_tls" and "api_tls" can be used to set the absolute path to the CA file "ca_file".
    This is needed when the exporter is pointing to a TLS enabled signalfx receiver or/and TLS enabled http_forwarder
    and the CA is not in the system cert pool

  • pkg/stanza: Support to Customize bufio.SplitFunc (#14593)

  • processor/transform: Adds new configuration options that allow specifying the OTTL context to use when executing statements. See Transform Processor README for more details. (#15381)
    The existing configuration options will be deprecated in a future release.

  • transformprocessor: Added OTTL function ConvertCase into the Transform Processor (#16083)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • Fixes missed dependency updates in v0.65.0

  • receiver/jaeger: Fix an error message in thrift HTTP message decoder (#16372)

  • spanmetricsprocessor: Register processor.spanmetrics.PermissiveLabelSanitization featuregate, which was only defined but not registered. (#16269)

  • splunkhecexporter: Apply max content length to compressed HEC content (#13995)
    The Splunk HEC exporter uses the unzipped content to check the size of the payload to send, instead of the compressed content.
    The max content length configuration should apply to the zipped content when compression is enabled.

  • receiver/hostmetrics: Remove "Deprecated" label from network metrics (#16227)
    Replacement of the metrics was rejected some time ago, but the labels were not updated.

  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Checks host and port before assigning attributes in poll mode (#16284)

  • datadogexporter: Fixes crash when logging error on logs exporter (#16077)

  • pkg/ottl: Fix list argument parsing when using internal arguments (#16298)

  • pkg/stanza, filelog, journald, windowseventlog: Fix issue where specifying a non-existent storage extension caused panic during shutdown. (#16212)

  • pkg/stanza: Fix severity range unmarshaling (#16339)

  • splunkhecexporter: Do not log a warning on mapping empty metrics. (#3549)

  • exporter/datadog: Fixes bug to append tags in attributes instead of replacing them, simplifies filelog receiver setup, and adds otel_source tag. (#15387)

  • processor/transform: Fix issue where the metric context was using datapoint functions. (#16251)

  • vcenterreceiver: collect VM may be panic nil pointer. (#16277)


22 Nov 03:05
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Version v0.65.0

Release v0.64.0

09 Nov 14:01
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Images and binaries here:

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • pkg/stanza, filelog, journald, syslog, tcplog, udplog, windowseventlog, logstransform: Remove ability to configure converter. (#15696)
    The design of the converter is opaque and its behavior may change in the future.
    Because of this, the converter settings are deemed unstable. The actual behavior of the
    converter remains unchanged, but will always use the former default values.

  • exporter/googlemanagedprometheusexporter: Moved ClientConfig under MetricConfig, and added an option to change the default metric name prefix for advanced use cases. (#10543)

  • pkg/ottl: Update ExprFunc, Set, and Get to all return errors. (#15649)

  • pkg/ottl: Change Statement to use Expr[K] and BoolExpr[K] and for Statement.Execute to require context.Context. (#15709)

  • tanzuobservabilityexporter: Add a new metric exporter config(app_tags_excluded) to exclude application resource attrs(application,, cluster, shard) from the metric tags. Rename the config resource_attributes to resource_attrs_included. Build in-house logic in the tanzuobservability exporter and remove the usage of resourcetotelemetry. (#14733)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • hostmetricsreceiver: Introduce renamed process memory metrics (#14327)
    This starts the process of phasing out incorrect metric names:

    • process.memory.physical_usage
    • process.memory.virtual_usage

    and replacing them with the names adhering to the semantic conventions:

    • process.memory.usage
    • process.memory.virtual

    At this stage, the new metrics are added, but they are disabled by default.
    See the "Deprecations" section of the Host Metrics receiver's README for details.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • awsemfexporter: Added a log_retention field to the config to specify log retention policy for a Cloudwatch Log Group (#15678)

  • translator/jaeger: Add refType as attribute to link when translating Jaeger span references to OTEL. (#14465)
    The attribute is used to set the proper refType when translating back from OTEL to Jager.

    In the case of a span with multiple parents, which Jaeger supports, all the refType are properly translated.

  • apachereceiver: add port resource attribute (#14791)

  • apachereceiver: Extract server name as resource attribute (#14791)
    The feature is enabled through a feature gate and will be enabled by default in v0.65.

  • mysqlreceiver: add more mysql metrics (#14138)

    • Add mysql.connection.errors metric (#14723)
    • Add mysql.mysqlx_connections metric (#14727)
    • Add mysql.joins metric (#14728)
    • Add mysql.table_open_cache metric (#14737)
    • Add mysql queries (all, client and slow) count metrics (#14738)
    • Add metrics based on events_statements_summary_by_digest table (#14770)
    • Add metric (#14744)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add metrics related to GET operations (#14635)

  • elastisearchreceiver: Add new metrics related to segments, aggregated by all shards (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add store size metric for index level (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add metrics related to merge operations with aggregated for all shards (#14635)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: add translog metrics on index level (#14635)

  • hostmetricsreceiver: Add new process metrics (#12482)
    Add process.context_switches and process.open_file_descriptors as process metrics. They are disabled by default.

  • metricstransformprocessor: Add support for scaling histogram metrics (#15690)

  • datadogexporter: Use minimum and maximum fields from delta OTLP Histograms and OTLP ExponentialHistograms when available. (#16048)

  • pkg/ottl: Add ConvertCase OTTL function with lower, upper, camel and snake case options. (#15379, #16070, #16083)

  • pkg/ottl: Add parent_span_id.string accessor. (#16041)

  • pkg/ottl: Add new Span Event context to allow for efficient transformation of Span Event telemetry. (#14907)

  • pkg/stanza, filelog, journald, syslog, tcplog, udplog, windowseventlog, logstransform: This component does not mutate data, but can be useful as a generic node in complex pipelines. (#15706)

  • pkg/stanza: improve performance (#16028)

  • signalfxexporter: Allow 2 additional metrics to be included when exporting to SignalFx, k8s.container.cpu_request and k8s.container.memory_request. (#16009)

  • hostmetricsreceiver: Added root_path config option, allowing the user to specify where the host filesystem is. (#5879, #16026)

  • snmpreceiver: adds integration tests for SNMP metric receiver (#13409)

  • snmpreceiver: adds scraper for SNMP metric receiver (#13409)

  • spanmetricsprocessor: Improve spanmetricsprocessor performance, reuse buffer to calculate key (#16033)

  • global: Update gopsutil to 3.22.10 to return Windows partitions, regardless of errors (#14315)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • clickhouseexporter: remove unnecessary function in trace table creation SQL (#15679)

  • elasticsearchexporter: Fixed nil panic error when setting custom headers in elasticsearch exporter (#16017)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: emit missing data points related to segments, aggregated by primary shards (#14635)

  • zipkinreceiver: Fix invalid timestamps when using Zipkin V1 receiver (#15720)

  • kubeletstatsreceiver: return an error if metadata containerID is empty and log a warning message (#16061)
    The kubelet apiserver /pod metadata endpoint might not have the containerID set for newly created containers.
    Mark these datapoints as failed and don't process them. The issue should be resolved on the nexy poll.

  • jaegertranslator: For HTTP status codes in the 4xx range span status MUST be left unset in case of SpanKind.SERVER and MUST be set to Error in case of SpanKind.CLIENT. (#8273)

  • mezmoexporter: Fix usage of HTTP client to honor settings (#15246)
    This change fixes mezmoexporter's usage of the user supplied HTTP client
    settings. Previously, the settings were ignored for every request.

  • vcenterreceiver: Print the correct error message if VM fetch fails. (#15682)

  • vcenterreceiver: Fix x509 with TLS.InsecureSkipVerify setting (#15701)


27 Oct 00:13
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The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release (be sure to check the release notes here as well!).

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • processor/cumulativetodelta: Sets the processor.cumulativetodeltaprocessor.EnableHistogramSupport feature gate to enabled by default. Histograms will be converted by default if they match include rules. (#15288)

  • pkg/ottl: Renames accessor for instrumentation scope from instrumentation_library to instrumentation_scope to match documentation (#14933)

  • pkg/ottl: Add lists to the OTTL grammar and change the function signature of Concat. (#13391)
    The following functions have changed:
    keep_keys now has a function signature of keep_keys(target, keys[]).
    Concat now has a function signature of Concat(keys[], delimiter).

  • pkg/ottl: Updates ParseStatements to return a []*Statement instead of []Statement. (#14911)

  • postgresqlreceiver: Change postgresql.bgwriter.duration data type from int to double (#14725, #14972)

  • extension/headerssetter: Remove deprecated extension/headerssetter module. (#13774)
    The headerssetter extension was superseded by headerssetterextension.

  • elasticsearchreceiver: removing direction feature gate (#14955)

  • hostmetricsreceiver: remove direction feature gate (#14959)

  • kubeletstatsreceiver: remove direction feature gate (#14961)

  • memcachedreceiver: removing direction feature gate (#14964)

  • vcenterreceiver: removing direction feature gate (#14963)

  • zookeeperreceiver: removing direction feature gate (#14962)

  • exporter/routingprocessor: Rename OTTL expression configuration parameter of the routing table to statement to align with the OTTL naming. (#14950)

  • dockerstatsreceiver: container.cpu.usage.system is no longer a default metric. Added more description for the metric. (#9794, #14558)
    Change is not breaking unless you are have enabled the featuregate receiver.dockerstats.useScraperV2 and are using the specified metric.

  • processor/transform: Convert the keep_keys and Concat functions to use list parameters and change the function signature of Concat. (#13391)
    The updated functions now have the following signatures:
    keep_keys now has a function signature of keep_keys(target, keys[]).
    Concat now has a function signature of Concat(keys[], delimiter).

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • exporter/influxdb: change status to beta (#14098)
  • receiver/influxdb: change status to beta (#14099)

🚀 New components 🚀

  • azureblobreciver: Add a new component azureblobreciver (#8834)
    Add a new component azureblobreceiver that reads logs and traces from Azure Blob Storage
  • k8sobjectsreceiver: Add a new k8sobjects receiver to collect(pull/watch) Kubernetes Objects (#14185)
  • httpcheckreceiver: New HTTP Check receiver allows users to run synthethic checks from the collector (#10607)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • oracledbreceiver: Add metrics captured by this receiver (#13939)
  • hostmetricsreceiver: Add a new metric process.paging.faults to the process scraper of the hostmetrics receiver. (#14084)
  • receiver/prometheusreceiver: Append exemplars to the metrics received by prometheus receiver (#8353)
    Acknowledge exemplars coming from prometheus receiver and append it to otel format
  • azureblobreceiver: Implementation of the component (second PR) (#8834)
  • azureeventhubreceiver: Adds implementation of Azure event hub receiver for raw data (#12786)
  • bearertokenauthextension: Allow bearertokenauthextension to support custom auth schemes apart from "Bearer" (#14771)
  • clickhouseexporter: Add support export OTLP traces to ClickHouse (#8028)
  • mysqlreceiver: add mysql.opened_resources metric (#14138)
  • receiver/mysql: add metrics based on events_statements_summary_by_digest table (#14138)
  • mysqlreceiver: add mysql.mysqlx_worker_threads (#14138)
  • receiver/statsdreceiver: Add OTLP exponential histogram aggregator support for high-resolution histogram and timing metrics (#5742)
  • pkg/translator/loki: Add support for formatting Loki log lines in logfmt format, toggled by providing loki.format hint. It can have value logfmt or json. JSON is default if no format hint is present. (#15351)
  • exporter/lokiexporter: Add multi-tenancy support for Loki exporter via loki.tenant hint. (#14706)
  • pkg/translator/loki: Add support for grouping Loki requests by attribute that is resolved from the loki.tenant hint. (#14706)
  • cmd/mdatagen: Add ability to see if enabled option is overridden in user settings. (#15344)
  • oracledbreceiver: Adds DML locks and transaction metrics to capture usage and limits (#13939)
  • pkg/ottl: Add new Instrumentation Scope context to allow for efficient transformation of Instrumentation Scope telemetry. (#14892)
  • pkg/ottl: Add new Metric context to allow for efficient transformation of metric telemetry. (#14895)
  • snmpreceiver: adds SNMP config helper for SNMP Receiver metric scraper (#13409)
  • snmpreceiver: adds otel metric helper struct for SNMP metric receiver scraper (#13409)
  • snmpreceiver: changes the client of the SNMP metric receiver to only return data in its functions rather than try to process that data (#13409)
  • snmpreceiver: changes the config of the SNMP Metric Receiver to have "double" as an option in place of "float" (#13409)
  • solacereceiver: Updates Solace Receiver with a variety of improvements and fixes for compatibility with Solace PubSub+ Event Broker 10.2.0 (#15244)
  • syslogreceiver: Added RFC 6587 Octet Counting and Non-Transparent-Framing support. (#8390)
  • elasticsearchexporter: upgrade version of elasticsearch client to 8.4 (#15385)
  • dockerstatsreceiver: Log warning when using ScraperV1, and add documentation for migrating from V1 to V2. (#9794, #14968)
  • windowsperfcountersreceiver: Retry counter retrieval once, when error indicates possible rollover (#14343)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • servicegraph: Add servicegraph processor to component list (#14899)
    Bumps servicegraph stability to alpha
  • azuremonitorexporter: Application Insights Severity Level mapping was incorrectly based on SeverityText which was unique for every language/SDK. (#15275)
    Application Insights Severity Level mapping was incorrectly based on SeverityText which was unique for every language/SDK. The mapping approach has been changed to analyze SeverityNumber, which is supposed to be common across languages/SDKs.
  • awscloudwatchreceiver: Fix config validation for some named configurations. (#14952)
  • exporter/awsxrayexporter: Fix an issue where the awsxrayexporter would not parse .Net stacktrace correctly. (#14780)
  • postgresqlreceiver: Fix issue where WAL lag stats could cause panic (#14972)
  • prometheusremotewriteexporter: Fix value of +Inf histogram bucket to be equal to total count (#4975)
  • prometheusreceiver: Fix metrics being grouped into the same metrics family incorrectly (#13117)
  • spanmetricsprocessor: Sets TraceID and SpanID fields in Exemplar type (as per the spec) and removes the use of FilteredAttributes to pass these values around. (#13401)
  • splunkhecexporter: Skip SummaryDataPoint.Sum and HistogramDataPoint.Sum NaN values (#14877)
  • pkg/winperfcounters: Fix testing with -race flag for winperfcounters package and winperfcounter based receivers (#10145, #10146, #10149, #10150)


13 Oct 03:06
Choose a tag to compare


🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • pkg/ottl: Enhance replace_all_patterns functions to take a new parameter that specifies whether the function applies to keys or values. (#12631)
  • pkg/ottl: Unexports several types intended only for the package's grammar. (#14599)
  • pkg/ottl: Changed Statement to be an interface with an Execute function. (#14869)
  • pkg/ottl: Rename the Queries signal configuration field to Statements and remove the ottlconfig package. (#14680)
  • confmap/provider/s3provider: Rename s3mapprovider to a s3provider making it consistent with other providers. (#14616)
  • processor/transform: Rename the queries config key to statements. (#14680)

🚀 New components 🚀

  • oracledbreceiver: Add a new Oracle DB receiver component collecting metrics by periodically querying the database. (#13939)
  • azuredataexplorer: Adding a new exporter to OpenTelemetry that supports Metrics, Logs and Traces into Azure Data Explorer, a timeseries & analytics offering from Azure (#11830)
  • awscloudwatchreceiver: Adds the awscloudwatchreceiver in an alpha state (#14449)
  • snmpreceiver: adds the snmpreceiver metric receiver (#13409)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • probabilisticsamplerprocessor: add more mterics to probabilistic sampler for observ. (#13924)
  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Safeguard against large amounts of alert emissions. (#14610)
  • bearertokenauthextension: support reading tokens from file (#14325)
  • cumulativetodeltaprocessor: Reduce memory consumption in cumulativetodeltaprocessor by removing unnecessary storage of metric identities. (#13751)
  • carbonexporter: Change carbonexporter to use pdata, remove dependency on opencensus (#14589)
  • coralogixexporter: Adds support for mapping application name and subsystem using Resource attributes (#14398)
  • mysqlreceiver: add mysql.tmp_resources metric (#14138)
  • mysqlreceiver: add mysql.locked_connects metric (#14138)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add scraping index stats and generate search metrics (#14635)
  • pkg/telemetryquerylanguage: Add the Int factory function to the transform processor (#11810)
  • exporters: Use BuildInfo.Command for identifying the collector in some AWS exporter user agents. (#14719)
    Some exporters were using a build-time constant definition to change the identity of the collector binary in user agent strings. These will now use the collector service's BuildInfo.Command value.
  • jaegerexporter: Adds support for ValueTypeBytes to Jaeger's trace to jaegerproto translator. (#14574)
  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Adds capability to retrieve alerts from the API rather than listening (#14121)
  • pkg/ottl: Use generics to avoid context cast in getters and funcs. (#14482)
  • pkg/ottl: Simplify parser creation logic. (#14601)
  • pkg/ottl: Add new Resource context to allow for efficient transformation of resource telemetry. (#14887)
  • exporter/signalfxexporter/translation: Drop datapoints that have more than 36 dimensions and log a message when agent is set to debug (#14625)
    Additionally, the metric and dimension validation failures are now logged in Debug instead of Warn
  • sigv4authextension: Have "sts_region" default to "region" if not provided (#14573)
  • snmpreceiver: adds the client for the snmpreceiver (#13409)
  • snmpreceiver: adds the full configuration that the SNMP Receiver will use (#13409)
  • splunkhecreceiver: Updates Splunk receiver http status codes in order to be compliant with SplunkCloud (#14469)
  • pkg/stanza: readerFactory and Reader use helper.Encoding directly, no longer depends on helper.Splitter (#14593)
  • pkg/stanza: readerFactory and Reader use bufio.SplitFunc directly, no longer depends on helper.Splitter (#14766)
  • pkg/stanza: add splitter factory which return a split func (#14766)
  • exporter/awsxrayexporter: Change the value of xraysegment.url from dbConnectionString to the span name. This makes the XRay segment timeline more informationally useful. (#14342)
    This change contravenes the AWS documentation for what values should go into this segment field.
  • pkg/translator/zipkin: Change zipkin V1 conversion to use pdata. (#14592)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • clickhouseexporter: Fix serviceName variable scope (#8028)
  • exporter/datadogexporter: Fix an issue where the Datadog system metrics system.memory.{usage,total} would be incorrect in Kubernetes. (#14618)
  • mysqlreceiver: Fix sql queries for scraping table and index metrics. (#14138)
  • fileexporter: set rotation disabled by default (#14690)
  • fluentforwardreceiver: added case to handle uint64 timestamp (#11435)
  • sqlqueryreceiver: fix oracle db integration test (#12332)
  • prometheusreceiver: changes to use the new scrape_configs endpoint in the target allocator to dynamically pull scrape configuration. (#14597)
  • saphanareceiver: Fix incorrect use of units for saphana licenses metrics (#10565)
  • hostmetricsreceiver: Allow to continue collecting partition information even if an error is returned (#14315)
    Log the error and continue if partition information, however incomplete, was provided.


28 Sep 23:54
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The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release (be sure to check the release notes here as well!).

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • dockerstatsreceiver: For V2 scraper implementation, change the defaults from emitting everything to a sensible set of defaults. (#9794, #14093)
    This is only breaking if you have explicitly enabled the featuregate receiver.dockerstats.useScraperV2.
  • dockerstatsreceiver: Change 'stats' config key to 'metrics'. (#9794, #14184)
    Note: this is only breaking for those who have explicitly enabled the featuregate receiver.dockerstatsd.useScraperV2.
  • iisreceiver: Emit metrics per-site and per-app-pool with new resource attributes. (#14448)
  • pkg/telemetryquerylanguage: Unexport BoolExpressionEvaluator, Literal, NewGetter, and NewFunctionCall. (#13737)
  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Retain actual raw log line as Body. The raw attribute is now removed. Use Body instead for the raw log line. (#14178)
  • mysqlreceiver: The metrics are now being emitted with a resource attribute marking the endpoint of the database. (#14138)
  • pkg/ottl: Rename ParseQueries to ParseStatements and rename Query to Statement. (#14444)
  • jaegerreceiver: Remove remote sampling endpoint from the Jaeger receiver (#6633)
  • oteltransformationlanguage: Renames ottldatapoints to ottldatapoints to better represent how the context is intended to be used. (#14384)
  • pkg/ottl: Renames Telemetry Query Language to OpenTelemetry Transformation Language to avoid confusion with an analysis language. (#14150)
  • pkg/ottl: Flattens ottlcommon and ottlotel into ottlfuncs. (#14386)
  • pkg/ottl: Replaced Logger with TelemetrySettings (#14389)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • coralogixexporter: deprecating jaeger based tracing configuration in favour of OpenTelemetry protocol based one. (#7931)
    Please remove the endpoint field and use the new traces.endpoint field with your OpenTelemetry endpoint.
  • elasticsearchreceiver, hostmetricsreceiver, kubelestatsreceiver, memcachedreceiver, vcenterreceiver, zookeeperreceiver: Log message to announce direction attribute feature gate deprecation (#14129)
    The change to remove the direction attribute has been reverted in the specification. As a result, the following feature gates will be removed in v0.62.0:
    • receiver.elasticsearchreceiver.emitMetricsWithDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.elasticsearchreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.hostmetricsreceiver.emitMetricsWithDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.hostmetricsreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.kubelestatsreceiver.emitMetricsWithDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.kubelestatsreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.memcachedreceiver.emitMetricsWithDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.memcachedreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.vcenterreceiver.emitMetricsWithDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.vcenterreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.zookeeperreceiver.emitMetricsWithDirectionAttribute
    • receiver.zookeeperreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute
  • extensions/headerssetter: Deprecate the extensions/headerssetter module, use extensions/headerssetterextenions instead. (#13774)

🚀 New components 🚀

  • s3mapprovider: A new implementation of ConfigMapProvider for Amazon S3 (s3mapprovider) allows OTEL Collector the ability to load configuration for itself by fetching and reading config files stored in Amazon S3. (#12939)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • loki: Split the conversion OTLP -> Loki into its own package (#13649)
  • kafkareceiver: Add direct unmarshaler, inserting Kafka payload bytes as the body of a log record (#13252)
  • apachereceiver: The receiver now supports 6 more metrics, more information in the linked issue. (#14095)
  • datadogexporter: Add logs support (#2651)
  • datadogexporter: The "hostmetrics" receiver metrics are now correctly mapped to Datadog system metrics. (#14005)
  • fileexporter: support for compressing the telemetry data before exporting. (#13626)
  • fileexporter: support for encoding telemetry data using proto marshaler (#13626)
  • googlecloudspannerreceiver: Fixed errors when transaction-stats columns are NULL (#14189)
  • cumulativetodeltaprocessor: Reduce memory consumption of histograms in cumulativetodeltaprocessor by allocating only a single identity per datapoint. (#13751)
  • chronyreceiver: Improved chronyreceiver's context and timeout handling (#14131)
    Updated chronyreceiver to use net.Dialer.DialContext and respect timeouts more closely
  • filterspan: Add span kind filtering. (#13612)
  • mysqlreceiver: The receiver now scraper 16 new metrics related to io_waits. (#14138)
  • filelog, journald, syslog, tcplog, udplog, windowseventlog: Allow 'parse_to' fields to accept 'attributes' and 'resource' (#14089)
  • sentryexporter: Make sentry status more detailed - use HTTP and Grpc codes from tags (#13407)
  • routingprocessor: Add support for using OpenTelemetry Transformation Language (OTTL) expressions as routing conditions. (#13158)
  • transformprocessor: Add Split function, which separates a string by the delimiter and returns an array of substrings. (#11790)
  • pkg/winperfcounters: Add counter path to error if scraping fails (#14443)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • awsemfexporter: Fix regression that causes null dimensions to be appended during dimension roll up. (#14532)
  • k8sprocessor: check every association for eventual update (#13119)
  • sentryexporter: Omit empty parent span id (#13415)
  • pkg/ottl: Replace invalid comparison print statement with a debug log entry (#14467)
  • servicegraphprocessor: Fixed metric names to match the specification. (#14187)
  • hostmetricsreceiver: On Windows systems, do not fail to start if a performance counter is missing or inaccessible. (#14032)
  • loki: Fix converting log resources to loki labels for more than one log record. (#14288)
  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Fix timestamp parsing for mongodb 4.2 audit logs (#14168)
  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Add missing fields for audit logs (#14177)
  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Fix potential infinite loop when scraping audit logs (#14169)
  • otlpjsonfilereceiver: logs receive operations should use StartLogsOp/EndLogsOp (#14535)
  • pkg/translator/prometheus: do not normalize metric name with colon (#14135)


15 Sep 15:09
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The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release (be sure to check the release notes here as well!).

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • pkg/stanza: Change name of ParserConfig.Config to more specific ParserConfig.SeverityConfig (#14126)

  • pkg/stanza/adapter: Remove OperatorConfigs type, rename LogReceiverType.DecodeInputConfig to LogReceiverType.InputConfig. (#14078)

  • postgresqlreceiver: The receiver will now emit resource attributes via default. (#13811)
    old behavior can be established by setting the featuregates receiver.postgresql.emitMetricsWithResourceAttributes to false and receiver.postgresql.emitMetricsWithoutResourceAttributes to true

  • k8sattributesprocessor: Change the way how key_regex setting is handled. After this change, provided expressions are applied to the full length of attribute values. (#9716)

  • pkg/telemetryquerylanguage: Add ability to specify attribute keys in the limit function that aren't allowed to be dropped (#9734)
    This breaking change affects the transform processor since we don't have a way to default values in a function call.

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • exporter/influxdb: Change status to unmaintained (#14098)
  • receiver/influxdb: Change status to unmaintained (#14099)

🚀 New components 🚀

  • instanaexporter: Enable Instana exporter (#13395)
  • servicegraph: Add traces processor that builds a map representing the interrelationships between various services in a system (#9232)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add additional node metric for cache count (#14027)

  • pkg/telemetryquerylanguage: Add Concat, which allows concatenating an arbitrary number of strings with a delimiter (#12476)

  • processor/filter: Added ability to filter by metric type using expression MetricType keyword. (#14107)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add additional two cluster-level metrics (#13748)
    Add additional cluster metrics for elasticsearch.cluster.in_flight_fetch & elasticsearch.cluster.pending_tasks.

  • dockerstatsreceiver: Simplify BlockIO metrics by taking operation out of the metric name and putting it in an attribute. (#9794, #13445)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Added node.fs.disk.{free,total} to elasticsearch receiver (#13571)

  • elasticsearchexporter: Support sending OpenTelemetry tracing data to Elasticsearch index or data stream. (#12069)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Adds new method Version in the client request to get the elasticsearch version number (#14012)

  • fileexporter: Support for rotation of telemetry files (#13626)

  • processor/filer: Add support for ExponentialHistogram and Summary metrics (#14116)

  • receiver/k8scluster: Moving initialization of k8s client from receiver init to receiver start phase. (#12582)

  • lokiexporter: Overhaul of the Loki Exporter, in preparation for native OTLP support at Loki (#12873)

  • awskinesisexporter: Upgrading client to use v2 of the AWS SDK (#13898)

  • prometheusreceiver: Remove storing pointers to pdata points, allow removing unnecessary pdata points copy. (#13922)

  • sigv4authextension: Add more context to credential errors generated by the sigv4auth extension. (#14031)

  • tailsampling: Add support for all sampling policies in and & composite policy (#11505)

  • pkg/telemetryquerylanguage: Add a Logger interface and allow it to be specified as an argument type in TQL functions. (#9730)

  • telemetryquerylanguage: Adds inequality operators <, <=, >=, > to TQL. (#12491)

  • telemetryquerylanguage: Add the Int factory function. (#11810)

  • telemetryquerylanguage: Add split factory function to separate a string by the delimiter, and returns an array of substrings. (#11790)

  • processor/transform: Add Concat, which allows concatenating an arbitrary number of strings with a delimiter (#12476)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • hostmetricsreceiver: Set process metrics start time to process create time (#11447)
  • awsemfexporter: Properly handle empty dimension set in metric_declarations (#13766)
  • clickhouseexporter: cast FlagsStruct into uint32 in ExecContext to fix export failure (#13843)
  • k8sprocessor: fix the passthrough mode (#13765)
    Treating k8s.pod.ip resource attribute in special way, as it is added by passthrough mode
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix issue where elasticsearch.os.* metrics were not being collected (#13983)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix issue where elasticsearch.node.script.* metrics were not being collected (#13983)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix issue where elasticsearch.node.translog.* metrics were not being collected (#13983)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix issue where elasticsearch.cluster_state.* metrics were not being collected (#13930)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix issue where elasticsearch.node.shards.data_set.size emits 0 value for unsupported version (#14012)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix metrics from By to KiBy (#13815)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix issue where elasticsearch.indexing_pressure.memory.limit emits 0 value for unsupported version (#14012)
  • elasticsearchreceiver: Fix issue where elasticsearch.cluster.state_update.time emits attributes pairs that don't exist (#13984)
  • awsxrayexporter: Fixes a bug in the logic for parsing CloudWatch Log Group ARNs (#13702)
  • loadbalancingexporter: Fixed the case in loadbalancingexporter where a DNS resolver is defined without an explicit Port. (#10321)
  • k8sattributesprocessor: k8sattributesprocessor now correctly adds attributes to new pods that start after the collector (#13619)
  • tailsamplingprocessor: Fixes SpanCount sampler not using the correct span count for decision. (#13865)
  • filelogreceiver: Fix issue for missing key_value_parser operator (#13631)
  • mongodbatlasreceiver: fix log parsing for clusters using major version 4.2 (#14008)
  • chronyreceiver: When trying to read from socket, the socket type was incorrect (#13862)
  • postgresqlreceiver: Uses the postgres databasename when retrieving database inventory information (#13641)
  • prometheusreceiver/prometheusremotewriteexporter: Leave the sum unset in histograms without sums, and don't produce _sum metric points for histograms without sums (#7546)
  • processor/redaction: Update redaction attributes in case if data sent through the processor more than once, not not ignore them. (#13854)
  • chloggen: changelog generation tool moved to (#14022)
  • exporter/AlibabaCloudLogServiceExporter: Fix issue that promethus occuring error when the resource metric labels contains dot (#3429)
  • exporter/tanzuobservabilityexporter: This change causes tanzuobservabilityexporter to depend on 0.10.4 of the
    wavefront-sdk-go library.
  • transformprocessor: Fixes panic of transformprocessor handling Gauge types (#13905)
  • vcenterreceiver: Fix incorrect KBy and MBy units, updating them to KiBy and MiBy (#13935)


31 Aug 20:12
Choose a tag to compare

The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release (be sure to check the release notes here as well!).

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Remove direction for metrics. The feature gate: receiver.elasticsearchreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute can be set to apply the following (#13258) (#12189)

    • elasticsearch metrics:
      • will become:
  • kubeletstatsreceiver: Remove direction for metrics. The feature gate: receiver.kubeletstatsreceiver.emitMetricsWithoutDirectionAttribute can be set to apply the following (#12588) (#12164)

    • kubeletstats metrics:
      • will become:
      • will become:
  • processor/metricstransform: Remove processor.metricstransformprocessor.UseOTLPDataModel feature flag. OpenCensus-based implementation is not available anymore.

  • exporter/mezmoexporter: This change removes the hardcoded "otel" hostname that was embedded
    in outgoing logs data.
    It is replaced by:

    1. Sending to a new collector endpoint that does not require the
      hostname parameter.

    2. Recognizing the "" resource attribute and using that
      value to fill in log metadata recognized upstream.

    This is a breaking change, and as such will generate a startup
    error if the exporter is configured to send to an endpoint that
    does not support this feature.

  • ``filelog, journald`, `otlpjsonfile`, `syslog`, `tcplog`, `udplog`, `windowseventlog` receivers`: Remove `helper.Duration` struct. Configured time values no longer have a default unit of `s` (#13439)

  • pkg/stanza: Remove HostIdentifier, HostIdentifierConfig and associated functions (#13396)

  • ``filelog, journald`, `syslog`, `tcplog`, `udplog`, and `windowseventlog` receivers`: Fix a bug where original severity text was not preserved. (#13263)

  • pkg/stanza: Update function and struct names in keyvalue parser (#13418)

  • cmd/mdatagen: Remove old metadata generator (#13374)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • jaegerreceiver: Add remote sampling deprecation warning (#6633)

🚀 New components 🚀

  • pulsarreceiver: Add Apache Pulsar receiver (#9796)
  • instanaexporter: Add Instana exporter implementation (#13395)
  • instanaexporter: Add initial structure of the Instana exporter (#13395)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • loadbalancingexporter: Added interval and timeout to the dns configuration in the loadbalancer exporter (#10199)

  • pkg/telemetryquerylanguage: Add Join, which allows joining an arbitrary number of strings with a delimiter (#12476)

  • elasticsearchreceiver: Add additional metrics (#13115)
    Add additional metrics for indexing_pressure, published_states, state_queue, ingest, script.

  • hostmetricsreceiver: Add threads count metric (#12482)

  • aerospikereceiver: Add query_count and query_tracked metrics (#13255)

  • docsgen: use contrib components, add makefile target (#12639)

  • dockerstatsreceiver: Change relevant memory metrics from gauges to sums, so they are aligned with spec recommendations and can be aggregated. (#9794)

  • pkg/stanza/csv_parser: Add ignore_quotes option that ignores all quoting in fields if true. (#13656)

  • pkg/telemetryquerylanguage: Add TQL mappings for InstrumentationScope.attributes (#13639)

  • k8sattributesprocessor: Add support for discovering Kubernetes CronJob name (#141)

  • coreinternal: Move test utilities out of testbed into coreinternal, allow use of these lightweight helpers from other modules. (#5742)

  • kafkametricsreceiver: Migrate receiver to the new metrics builder (#7142)
    This allows users to disable particular metrics in through user settings.

  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Add logs retrieval capability (#12347)

  • mongodbreceiver: Enhance partial error handling with descriptive metric/attribute messages. (#13367)

  • ``filelog, journald`, `syslog`, `tcplog`, `udplog`, `windowseventlog` receivers`: Add ability to set log body when when parsing. (#10274)

  • ``filelog, journald`, `syslog`, `tcplog`, `udplog`, `windowseventlog` receivers`: Enhance error message when csv_parser finds unexpected number of fields (#13427)

  • ``filelog, journald`, `syslog`, `tcplog`, `udplog`, `windowseventlog` receivers`: Enable debugging operators `stdout` and `file_output` (#13394)

  • postgresqlreceiver: Adds background writer metrics (#13327)
    Adds the following metrics:

    • postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.allocated
    • postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.writes
    • postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoint.count
    • postgresql.bgwriter.duration
    • postgresql.bgwriter.maxwritten.count
  • postgresqlreceiver: Adds more metrics regarding database tables. (#13228)
    metrics added:

  • postgresqlreceiver: Adds WAL and connections metrics (#13399)
    metrics added

    • postgresql.replication.data_delay
    • postgresql.wal.age
    • postgresql.wal.lag
    • postgresql.connection.max
  • prometheusreceiver: allow to query scrape jobs from OpenTelemetryOperators TargetAllocator (#7944)

  • prometheusremotewrite: Support customization of target_info metric including the ability to disable it (#12300)

  • prometheusexporter: Adds a feature to prometheusexporter that enables it to export exemplars along with histogram metrics. (#5192)

  • prometheusexporter: Use HTTPServerSettings in the exporter to leverage inbuilt TLS. (#10851)

  • receivercreator: adds the unique EndpointID to generated receiver componentID to prevent collisions (#12670)

  • spanmetricsprocessor: The unit of the latency metric is now explicitly defined. (#13423)

  • extension/storage/storagetest: Add in-memory and file-backed test extensions and clients (#13086)

  • telemetryquerylanguage: Avoid copying attributes when filtering on keys in the keep_keys TQL function (#4756)

  • prometheusreceiver: Remove temporary maps to dedup and remove unuseful labels (#13705)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • processor/metricstransform: Aggregate cumulative data points with different start time. (#12611)
  • expvarreceiver: Fixes an bug where the mSpanSys value was recorded into the mCacheSys metric. (#13171)
  • extension/filestorage: Allow putting the compaction temp folder on a different filesystem. (#13449)
  • prometheusremotewriteexporter: Handle the case with 0 metrics gracefully. (#10364)
  • prometheusreceiver: Fix num data point for metrics recorded in prometheusreceiver (#13705)
  • loadbalancingexporter: Fixed a crash if endpointFor is called before any endpoints have been discovered (#10110)
  • prometheusreceiver: Fix timestamp for histograms and summaries with no Sum (#13705)
  • exporter/sumologic: Mark the exporter as mutating. (#13647)
  • jaegerremotesampling: Mark as alpha (#13005)
  • mongodbreceiver: Adds metric versioning checks to prevent partial errors (#13155)
  • mongodbreceiver: Change lpu integration test to use a mongodb 4.4 (#12981)
  • pkg/translator/prometheus: do not normalize metric name with multiple underscore (#13322)
  • prometheusreceiver: Make the error returned when dropping summary metrics that collide with histograms clearer. (#12976)
  • prometheusremotewriteexporter: Don't emit the target_info metric when it would only contain job and instance (#12768)
  • receiver_creator: Correct observer instance reference by updating watch_observers use ComponentID instead of just Type (#12801)
  • vcenterreceiver: Re-establish sessions when running with particular TLS settings. (#13447)