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坐山客 dusx1981
Kunyao Wu wu1du2
Postgraduate Student in RUC

Renmin University of China(RUC), Beijing Beijing, China

Xiao Li lxlxok

@salesforce San Francisco

henry devgony
DBA, Baby rustacean, Full Stack tech visionary
hackeren hackeren


zhangm365 zhangm365

Sun Yat-Sen University Shenzhen,China

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Naveen Madhan twentyone24
System Design | DevOps | Fintech | Cloud | DevTools | Apps | DeepTech

twentyone24 India

Larry PhilChina
Bachelor degree in computer science and technology. cv nlp......

Student ShangHai

Pete Warnock pwarnock

Southern California

Google or Bing name to view associate networks fostering business development to maximize any platforms growth potential utilizing ai and cloud

Donel Adams

Brevity is the soul of wit

@Bloomberg London, United Kingdom

skeptrune skeptrunedev
Founder and software engineer at Trieve

Devflow, Inc San Francisco, CA

Ibrahim Timothy Onogu WhiZTiM
Staff Software Engineer in the Identity and Access Management domain. And a C++ hobbyist. My interests are in Mission Critical, secure and scalable Systems


Leonardo Espindola oleoespindola
Estudante de Ciência da Computação e Analista de Dados

HS Telecom Bauru/SP.


Avanzaretech Virtual Sdn Bhd Putrajaya


China, Beijing

jn 0xqd
Buidl lightning-fast web3 infra / apps with Rust / Mojo / Typescript / Solidity.
Ankit Khare ankit1khare
A Deep Learner who loves Deep Learning

R&D @ Learning and Adaptive Robotics Laboratory - UT-Arlington seattle

Sharon Dagan j4zzcat
"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." (W. Shakespeare).

Totango/Catalyst Israel

zhangxiaoyu.york yorkhellen

@bytedance 深圳

paco xander nathan ceteri
devrel @Senzing

@Senzing coastal redwoods

Rohith Raj Srinivasan rohis06
MS CS student @ucdavis | Ex-@cisco | Ex-@Samsung

University of California, Davis California, USA

Ameya Deshmukh ameya-deshmukh
Doing what I love @SeismicSystems. BITS Pilani CS Class of '24. Interested in all things ZK, distributed systems and blockchains.

@SeismicSystems India

Rohitash rohitashpanda
Backend "Systems" developer, mostly into infrastructure and platform layer development for SaaS (DRaaS), core storage and database systems.


Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Daniel Sousa danielfsousa

@MessageBird Brasília, Brasil

Tachun Wu tachunwu
Ex-Google DSC Lead / Brobridge Software Eng Founder of Rainforest

Awareness Labs Taoyuan

Stan fullstackinfo

Full Stack Info San Diego, CA