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A Short History of Encoding and Base64

Still researching this, apologies for errors and omissions

A (very) brief history. Base64 as defined today (RFC 4648) traces back to Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) in the early 1990s, which therefore predates the web (eg URLs etc). PEM was designed to encode (encrypted) binary data as well as cryptographic keys etc in a format that could be transmitted in email messages. At the time, the required subsets of US-ASCII was referred to as "printable characters" - as opposed to control characters, eg the C0 and C1 sets. US-ASCII in turn dates back to ISO/IEC 646 for 6-bit character set ... which in turn dates to the 1960s. (Trivia: it also became ECMA-6, which in fact predates ECMA-9 and ECMA-10 ... which is FORTRAN and punched tape, respectively.)

You've probably seen things like this:


That's a PKCS#8 private key encoded in PEM format (RFC 7468); similarly for things like X.509 (PKIX) and S/MIME (CMS) certificates, and so on.

Base64 defines the encoding as being done in 3-byte chunks, which is 24 bits, and with log2(64) being 6 bits that means 4 characters per chunk. The standards also dictate that the base64 encoding must be line-wrapped at 64 characters. PEM in fact used 76 characters per line, but MIME constrained this to 64.

Recapitulating some of these steps, we trace the "constrained resource" nature of 7-bit ASCII. ASCII "control" characters were defined as the first 32 characters, and the last character was DEL (127). The rest were "printable" characters (32-126). The alphanumerics (0-9A-Za-z) are interspersed with a quickly diminishing supply of symbols:


The first (#32, "space") is excluded quickly from any encoding format, and the symbols '"' (#34 or DQUOTE), '(' (#40), ')' (#41), ',' (#44), '.' (#46), ':' (#58), ';' (#59), '<' (#60), '>' (#62), '@' (#64), '[' (#91), '\' (#92), and ']' (#93) are all grabbed by RFC 822/2822, for a total of 14 absorbed back in the day when there seemed to be an infinite supply of symbols. Not counting '"' (DQUOTE), these are called "specials" in RFC 822/2822. Some of these can be, and are, resurrected.

SQUOTE ''' and DQUOTE '"' are excluded as they are used as string delimeters of various types.

At this point we need to mention non-English languages. Though the Phoeneician alphabet is pretty common, the English language doesn't make use of diacritics for "meaning", mostly for pronunciation hints - eg cooed vs coördinate. Other Latin-script languages may use them to distinguish between homonyms, eg French "ou" (or) vs "où" (where).

This meant that over time, and before the development of ASCII 'extensions', characters like '^' (#94), '`' (#96), and '~' (#126) became commonly used for diacritics. This relates to "deadkeys" on typewriters, which were used to type diacritics. The "deadkey" was a key that didn't print anything by itself, but modified the next key pressed. For example, on a French typewriter, the 'a' key would print 'a' by itself, but if the 'a' key was pressed after the '^' deadkey, it would print 'â'. The 'a' key was also used for 'à' and 'ä', and the 'e' key was used for 'ê', 'é', 'è', and 'ë' (to get 'ä', you would press the 'a' key after the '"' deadkey).

Along similar lines, whereas '$' (#36) was used for currency, it is the dollar. In some cases, '$' would instead become the local currency symbol such as '£' (#163) for British pounds, but in other cases, '#' (#35) would used (since US dollar was pretty universal).

So for these reasons, symbols like '^' (#94), '`' (#96), and '~' (#126) were in practice excluded from "reuse". Similarly, '{' (#123), '|' (#124), '}' (#125), '[' (#91), '\' (#92), and ']' (#93) were excluded from "reuse" as they were often used for 'national' characters, for example in Swedish keyboards, layouts would map "åÅäÄöÖ" to "{}[]|\". So a Swedish programmer had to switch keyboard mode to go between programming and writing emails.

This is all reflected in International Alphabet No. 5 ("IA5"), which was later defined in ISO/IEC 646:1991. IA5 is a subset of 7-bit ASCII.

Below I'm using '#' to indicate all these "national" characters, either because they are undefined in IA5, or because they are used for diacriticals. (Of course, '#' itself is one such character.)

    IA5 character set
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
    2x   ! # # # % & # ( ) * + # - . /
    3x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
    4x # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
    5x P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # # # # #
    6x # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
    7x p q r s t u v w x y z # # # #

The first (#32, "space") is excluded quickly from any encoding format, and the symbols '"' (#34 or DQUOTE), '(' (#40), ')' (#41), ',' (#44), '.' (#46), ':' (#58), ';' (#59), '<' (#60), '>' (#62), '@' (#64), '[' (#91), '\' (#92), and ']' (#93) are absorbed back in the day. Not counting '"' (DQUOTE), these are called "specials" in RFC 822/2822. Some of these would be resurrected.

SQUOTE ''' and DQUOTE '"' are in any case excluded as they are used as string delimeters of various types.

If we exclude RFC 822 "specials" from the characters that are encoded the same in ASCII and IA5, we are left with just these symbols:

   ! % & * + - / = ?

PEM picked their 64-character subset from this - the alphanumerics are identical in ASCII and IA5, and then they grabbed '/', '+', and '='. I have not been able to find documentation on why these choices in particular. But dating back to at least ECMA-1 (1963, see references) and 6-bit character sets, the only unambiguous symbols were ''( ) * + , - /'', and '=' and '%' were interchangeable so either could serve as padding (back then).

Moving on. With MIME (RFC 1341) we get "tspecials" which are the specials plus '/' (#47), '?' (#63), and '=' (#61).

So the Base64 standard chooses the same as PEM.

Now comes World Wide Web, starting in 1990. RFC 1630 defines URLs, and RFC 1738 defines URLs in more detail. The URL syntax is based on RFC 822, and so inherits the specials and tspecials. We lose '%' (#37) for escaping, '+' (#43) for spaces, and '#' (#35) for fragment identifiers. And '!' (#33) and '*' (#42) are reserved for use as having "special significance" in certain contexts.

With WWW comes HTML, as defined in RFC 1866 and based on SGML (ISO 8879:1986), and certain characters are treated as special due to their roles in markup syntax. SGML designates '<' (#60), '>' (#62), and '&' (#38) as special characters for defining tags and entities. HTML, while inheriting these special characters from SGML, also commonly uses double quotes '"' (DQUOTE) and single quotes ''' (SQUOTE) for delimiting attribute values within element tags, and '#' (#35) to precede numeric character references.

The language issues were of course intimately understood by the WWW pioneers, since they were literally based in Geneva. In RFC 1630 the category 'national' thus includes '{', '}', '|' (VLINE), '[', ']', '\', '^', and '~'. Though they don't seem to have been money grubbers so they ignored dual use of '#'.

So to summarize at this point:

   symbols = "!" | "%" | "&" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "/" | "=" | "?"
   base64  =                         "+" |       "/" | "="
   URI     = "!" | "%" | "&" | "*" | "+" |     | "/" | "=" | "?"

So standards for "content" collide with standards for "addressing" (*).

This gives birth to Base64URL, which replaces '+' with '-', and '/' with '_'. Note that '_' is not ideal, since it was used as national character. But it was the least bad.

The final collision is with graphical user interfaces, in particular smaller devices like phones and tablets. Double-clicking will select a "word", which by convention includes the underscore '_' but not '-', so double tapping on a base64url would absorb one of the symbols, but not both. The origin for this distinction, in turn, is that the underscore is used in programming languages as a valid character in identifiers, which thus make up "words" in the context of programming, whereas '-' is not, since that's an operator (minus) and a math symbol, whereas '_' had no real corresponding convention in writing.

But of course standard-based base64 decoders do not accept 'base64url'. Yet because of the above issues, newer standards have been forced to use 'base64URL' instead of 'base64', eg JSON Web Token (JWT, RFC 7519). And notably in javascript and web pages, things like btoa(), atob(), and Data URLs work with standard base64 not base64url. Instead, encodeURIcomponent() provides percentage escaping of all characters except:

A–Z a–z 0–9 - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )

Which safeguards any string of characters ... except for a www form submission spaces should be "+" and "%20" needs to be post-recoded to "+".

And of course IPv6 URI syntax reserves "[" and "]".

And the newest URI standard (RFC 3986) reserves ''! ' ( ) *'' ...

So, yeah, base62 comes in handy.



(*) Something analogous happened in the Middle Ages when arithmetic and geometry started to merge, and hence standards for "distances" collided with standards for "surface area", which is the short answer to the question of why there are 5280 feet in a mile (the surface area standards were much more important).