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Hyperlambda leads to Hyperhumble

This chapter discuss some of the philosophical and psychological implications of learning Hyperlambda. The chapter is not necessary to read, if you only want to learn Hyperlambda and P5. However, I believe in that the more broad your knowledge about anything becomes, the better suited you are to learn something very narrow. If you don't want to read about my philosophical reasons for designing Hyperlambda the way I did, feel free to skip to the next chapter.

In the introduction to this book, we discussed how Hyperlambda have more feminine qualities, and inevitably will balance your hemispheres, due to changing the way you think. In this chapter, we will discuss these ideas more thoroughly, from the lessons learned from the two previous chapters.

But first a disclaimer. The name of this chapter might sound absurd for the uninitiated. However, before you discarding the chapter entirely, let me start out with a statement.

I agree with everything you say

I am not sure if my last statement made this chapter sound even more absurd, or if it changed your perception - But let me explain anyway.

Playing with ideas

In the previous two chapters, we saw how we could pass around logic, to function objects encapsulated, such that we could inject our own logic, into pre-existing functions.

This, as we discussed in chapter 8, facilitates for better visualization skills, since it forces you to visualize, that which is not there - Which results in that it trains your ability to visualize.

This creates a new skill, namely the ability to "play with logic in your mind". This, combined with the morphistic features of Hyperlambda, allows you to become more open minded to other people's perceptions, and world views - And obviously, also their ideas. Because you can allow yourselves to play with another person's ideas, in your head, following them through, trying to perceive the consequences of their ideas, before you act upon them, or entirely dismiss them, due to prejudice from your part.

This creates a larger amount of discernment. In addition, your argumentation, tends to change, and become more persuasive in nature - Simply because you focus less on "what you say", and more on "how to influence". Arguably, the objective of your arguments, becomes to make the receiver accept your "lambda object" (meme).

The results of this, tends to become less quarreling, and more persuasiveness, because you start out your arguments with "yes and". Which of course, creates rapport, giving you a golden opportunity, to influence others, by moving unto their side of an argument, and slowly bringing them towards your side - Realising that this process, doesn't apply any permanent changes to your own world view, since you can always "polymorphistically" change your view later, back to whatever it was originally - Or "overwrite an Active Event (meme)", as it no longer suites your needs.


Due to the lack of classes in Hyperlambda, you will not feel the need for classifying people into absolutes. For instance, is a racist only a racist? Some doctors are probably racists. Some rocket scientists are probably racists. Some Afro Americans are also racists. In a traditional software system, the term "racist" would probably end up being a classification. By classifying a "racist as only a racist", you have lost an opportunity to both learn from the good parts of these racists, in addition to loosing a golden opportunity to influence the racist - Such that he or she might potentially change his or hers opinion over time, due to you having influenced the person.

This process can only occur, if you focus more on what you agree with the person in regards to - And less on what you disagree with. This is simple psychology, and "influential theory". Hyperlambda, due to its ability to mold lambda objects, which are really quite similar to memes, or ideas, lets you train your ability to influence others, by slowly learning the techniques, necessary to plant new seeds inside the minds of others. You become a walking piece of "Hyperlambda", capable of persuasing others, into executing your "lambda objects" - Memes, or ideas that is ...

From a Neuro Linguistic Programming point of view, it first of all changes the way you think, making you become less certain. Secondly, as it does, it trains your mind, to be able to reproduce this process in others.

Its greater amount of cohesion, also tends to reflect unto your communication skills, and make you more precise in regards to your communication - While still retaining your softness, making you appear to be everybody's friend - Which paradoxically inevitably is one its side-effects.

The toughest man on Earth

Arguably, the toughest man that ever lived, was Bruce Lee. Few would object to this. However, Bruce Lee was though, because he was soft. He was able to balance his masculinity with his femininity. He was "balancing his Yin and Yan", to use an ancient analogy. He was magically convincing, due to his uncertainty in himself. He was unbelievably hard, due to his extreme softness. He was a marvelous teacher, because he accepted that he could learn something from everyone. He was in "both places at the same time".

I'd therefor like to do something which is probably highly unusual to do in a book about programming, supposedly intended to be a purely logical thing - Which is to finish this chapter with a poem. Which was given by Bruce Lee, in the forms of an interview.

Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water my friend

Hyperlambda is water

If you wish to see the video, where he is giving this interview, you can see it here. It's really quite fascinating to watch him.

Chapter 14, Your second real application