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Android Endless Scroll View for Recycler View

Implementing endless recycler view the easy way with this library. This library extends RecyclerView so any functions from recycler view can be called. Implemented fully with Kotlin.

alt text

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }


dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.pramonow:android-endlessrecyclerview:1.0.0'

Or you can use SNAPSHOT to keep your module up to date

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.pramonow:android-endlessrecyclerview:-SNAPSHOT'

How to use

In your xml layout file put in this block


For the Android Activity

    //Simply build the view this way
    var endlessRecyclerView = findViewById<EndlessRecyclerView>(

    //Put the adapter inside recycler view like usual recycler view
    endlessRecyclerView.adapter = sampleAdapter

    //Set callback for loading more
    endlessRecyclerView.setEndlessScrollCallback(object : EndlessScrollCallback {

        //This function will load more list and add it inside the adapter
        override fun loadMore() {
            //Load more of you data here then update your adapter

Recycler view is publicly accessible so it is possible to customize your recycler view and access your adapter

Several Methods that can be used:

  • fun setLastPage() => Do this when you don't want to load data anymore
  • fun blockLoading() => Block load more from being called, usually used when waiting for API call to finish
  • fun releaseBlock() => Unblock load more, usaually used when API call has finished
  • fun setLoadBeforeBottom(boolean: Boolean) => Used to set whether you want to load data before user reach bottom