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Vue starter template Build Status Dependency Status

A simple, useful and opinionated vue starter template. This template uses bulma with font-awesome for UI components.


Please check package.json for updated list

  1. vue
  2. vue-router: Official router of vue.js
  3. vue-server-renderer: Official offers Node.js server-side rendering for Vue 2.0
  4. vuex: Official Centralized State Management for Vue.js
  5. vuex-router-sync: Official Sync vue-router's current $route as part of vuex store's state.
  6. vee-validate: For form validation
  7. bulma: For UI
  8. axios: For HTTP client
  9. moment: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times
  10. moment-timezone: Parse and display dates in any timezone
  11. accounting: Provides simple and advanced number, money and currency formatting
  12. lodash: Utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras
  13. flag-icon-css: For flag icons
  14. idle-timeout: Makes idle state detection in the browser
  15. popper.js: Easily position tooltips, popovers or anything with just a line of code

Testing Packages

  • Unit Testing: jasmine
  • Unit Test Runner: karma
  • Unit Test Coverage: istanabul
  • End 2 End Test: testcafe

Build Setup

Uses webpack 4.x.x, babel etc.

# install dependencies
yarn install

# Start mock server (json-server) from mock_server directory
node server.js

# Unit test and code coverage
yarn run test

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn run dev

# build for production with minification
yarn run build

E2E Tests

Uses test-cafe and testcafe-vue-selectors

# Please make sure that mock server (json-server) is up before performing e2e testing. If not, start from mock_server directory
node server.js

# Run e2e from project home dir
yarn run e2e