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Releases: stellar/django-polaris


16 Sep 17:01
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  • Updated SEP-24 POST /transactions/deposit/interactive endpoint account request parameter optional to reflect the specification (#656)

Bug Fixes

  • Various endpoints did not accept languages with subtags (ex. en-US, pt-BR) (#657)
  • Languages specified in SEP-24 deposit & withdrawal requests are now used to render interactive URL content in accordance with the specification (#657)


17 Aug 15:41
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Bug Fixes


19 Jul 21:36
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Bug Fixes

  • SEP-6 withdrawals now uses the address returned from CustodialIntegration.get_receiving_account_and_memo(). Previously it always returned Asset.distribution_account


09 Jun 17:57
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  • Adds complete support for using external SEP-24 interactive flows with Polaris deployments (#633). See the SEP-24 documentation for more info.
    • Adds two endpoints, POST transactions/deposit/interactive/complete and POST /transactions/withdraw/interactive/complete, for sending state collected during external interactive flows to Polaris servers
    • Adds the DepositIntegration.after_interactive_flow() integration function for processing state collected during the external interactive flow (called on requests to the aforementioned endpoints)

Bug Fixes

  • Properly decodes transaction envelopes containing claimable balance operations in Polaris' deposit submission logic (#638)


13 May 19:39
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  • Updates Python stellar-sdk to v8.0
    • This removes the need for the ENABLE_SEP_0023 environment variable to be set

Bug Fixes

  • Always return errors using the Content-Type of the calling endpoint (#609)
  • Ensure all endpoints are reachable with or without using a trailing slash (ex. /auth/? vs. /auth?) (#611)
  • Use ANCHOR_QUOTE_SERVER for SEP-38 stellar.toml attribute (not QUOTE_SERVER) (#616)
  • Use OS-agnostic functions for graceful shutdown of process_pending_deposits (#615)


  • Add docs and dev server dependencies as optional dependencies when installing via PyPi

SEP-24 Default UI

  • Minor padding adjustments to the logo image and guidance text
  • Changed the default logo from the old Stellar logo to the new Stellar logo


04 Apr 17:10
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Bug Fixes

  • Allows the omission of the SEP-12 account request parameter. If specified, it must match the account authenticated via SEP-10
  • Ensures the "memo" value passed to SEP-12 integration functions is always a string, even if "memo_type" is "id"


  • Updates PyPi packaging configuration


04 Mar 21:49
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  • Adds polaris.integrations.CustodyIntegration which can be used to integrate third-party custodial solutions with Polaris
  • Improves Stellar transaction submission and related error handling
  • Adds polaris.middleware.TimezoneMiddleware which can be used to detect a customer's timezone and display local datetimes in the SEP-24 interactive flow
  • Improves SEP-24 transaction amount field default UI


Data Model

  • Adds a PolarisHeartBeat table used to manage application-layer advisory locks on database resources
  • Adds Transaction.queue, Transaction.queued_at, and Transaction.submission_status columns for transaction submission handling

Bug Fixes

  • Update in-memory decimal.Decimal precision to match the database precision of 30 decimals (previously 28)
  • Ensures transaction envelope is saved to the database prior to submission (previously lost on submission error)
  • Adds SEP-38 QUOTE_SERVER attribute to auto-generated SEP-1 stellar.toml file, if SEP-38 is active


01 Dec 20:50
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Bug Fixes

  • Saves transaction envelopes to the database before instead of after submitting to Stellar
    • Previously, if transaction submission failed, the transaction envelope would not be saved to the database


12 Nov 19:59
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This release adds support for using SEP-38 quotes in SEP-6, 24, and 31 transactions. It also adds support for authenticating, sending payments to, and receiving payments from multiplexed accounts.

Breaking Changes

  • SEP-24 templates have been updated with altered template variables. If you're using the default templates provided by Polaris, ensure your views are still rendering correctly. See the .content_for_template()integration function documentation for a detailed list of changes to the template variables.


  • Added all SEP-38 Anchor RFQ API endpoints
  • Added SEP-6 GET /deposit-exchange and GET /withdraw-exchange endpoints for using quotes
  • Updated SEP-31 POST /transactions to accept quotes
  • SEP-10 authenticates clients using shared accounts


  • QuoteIntegration base class for SEP-38 integrations
    • The integration functions correspond directly to endpoints defined in the specification
  • .content_for_template() can now return a template_name key-value pair for rendering a custom template
  • The default template variables present in deposit.html and withdraw.html have been greatly expanded, and the values can be overridden using .content_for_template(). The integration function documentation for specifics.

Data Model

  • Add the following models: Quote, ExchangePair, OffChainAsset, & DeliveryMethod
  • Adds a Transaction.account_memo column for a shared account using memos to disambiguate users
  • Adds a Transaction.muxed_account column. Transaction.stellar_account will always be the G... address derived from the muxed account, if present.
  • Adds a Transaction.quote column
  • Adds a Transaction.fee_asset column
  • Adds a Asset.sep38_enabled column
  • Updates the following fields to be nullable:
    • Transaction.deposit_fee_fixed
    • Transaction.deposit_fee_percent
    • Transaction.withdrawal_fee_fixed
    • Transaction.withdrawal_fee_percent
    • Transaction.send_fee_percent
    • Transaction.send_fee_fixed
  • Updates Transaction.kind to support the following new values: deposit-exchange and withdrawal-exchange
  • Added Asset.asset_identification_format property for using SEP-38 asset format

Environment Variables

  • The python SDK's ENABLE_SEP_0023 environment variable must be truthy


  • SEP10Token now has the additional properties: muxed_account, memo

Bug Fixes

  • GET /transaction(s) response bodies contained improperly formatted datetime strings


11 Nov 03:10
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  • Updates the stellar-sdk to 5.0.1, resolving a dependency conflict with aiohttp