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F - Publishing the

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Publishing the SDK

This section covers how to publish the repository artifacts to Maven Central Repository, under the group id stellar-anchor-sdk.

Sign the Publications

Before the publication can be published, it must be signed using a GPG key.

Create a GPG key pair

If you don't have a GPG key, you need to generate the pair by running

> gpg2 --full-generate-key

Please select what kind of key you want:
   (1) RSA and RSA (default)
   (2) DSA and Elgamal
   (3) DSA (sign only)
   (4) RSA (sign only)
  (14) Existing key from card

Your Selection: 4

Select 4 to generate a sign-only RSA key pair and enter 4096 to create a 4096-bit RSA keys. Follow the prompt the finish.

List GPG key pairs

To list all keys, run:

gpg2 --list-keys

To list all keys in short format, run:

gpg2 --list-keys --keyid-format short

Export the private key

Now export the secret key in keyring format:

gpg --keyring secring.gpg --export-secret-keys > ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

Edit ~/.gradle/

Now, we need to tell Gradle to use the new key for signing. In ~/.gradle/, add/modify the following entries:


Publish to Nexus Repository

Here are the steps to publishing the Stellar Anchor Java SDK to Maven Central:

  1. Set the environment varibles: OSSRH_USER=[OSSRH username] and OSSRH_PASSWORD=[OSSRH password].
  2. Run ./gradlew publish. The publish task will sign all publications with the sign plug-in configured by ~/.gradle/
  3. If publish task is executed successfully, we should see the repository successfully published. Open the OSSRH Console to manage the publication.
  4. Under Staging Repositories, select the published repository.
  5. Click on Drop to delete the publication, if that's what you want.
  6. Click on Close to trigger the Maven Central validation process. The sync process of the artifactory to Maven Central is enabled by OSSRH-78005 ticket.

Verify the Publication

The repository should be searchable at: Maven Search. It can take 2-4 hours after release before your artifacts show up in search results on

Import the Stellar Anchor Java SDK

At this point, you can finally import the updated version of the SDK into your project.



Gradle Groovy

implementation group: 'org.stellar.anchor-sdk', name: 'core', version: '${version}'

Gradle Kotlin
