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  • Attention please:

  • If you want to reprint my article, please mark the original address and author(刘书裴).

  • If you are puzzled about a certain part or have some better suggestions, you can contact me:

  • If my blog has some mistakes, I'm so sorry!

  • Thanks for watching!

item tool
image mspaint
formula Online LaTeX Equation Editor
language python3.7
date 2020.7.3
author 刘书裴


  1. Contest analysis
  2. Data overview
  3. Model selection
  4. Model fitting
  5. Model voting
  6. Useless operations
  7. Contest scores

Contest analysis

It's a multi-label classification problem, including gender and status.

Thus we need to experiment with multi-label and single-label to check the effect.

  • Looking at the above pictures, there is an obvious result that this is a fine grained classification because of the large distance between some samples of similar class and small distance between some samples of dissimilar class.

    • We need a complex model.
  • Count the images. 1: 1294, 0: 1210, 4: 834, 2: 375, 3: 371, 7: 100, 6: 53, 5: 1. It's also an imbalanced classification.

    • We need to oversample the minority class. I choose NO.6 and NO.7 class.

I test some pretrained models(InceptionResNetV2/DenseNet121/EfficientNetB4/SeResNeXt50).The EfficientNetB4 and SeResNeXt50 have done well.

item detail
resolution 256*256
model efficientnet-b4(pretrained)/seresnext50(pretrained)
optimizer adam(1e-3)
lr strategy warm up + cosine decay
loss focal loss(alpha=1, gamma=2)
augment mix up + common image processing skills
balanced oversample
esemble SWA + weighted voting
other smooth label

Model1: Based on efficientnet-b4, 65 epochs, 24 batch size.

Model2: Based on seresnext50, 65 epochs, 24 batch size.

Model3: Based on efficientnet-b7, 65 epochs, 8 batch size.

# Model1
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_2 (InputLayer)         [(None, 256, 256, 3)]     0         
efficientnet-b4 (Model)      multiple                  17673816  
global_average_pooling2d (Gl (None, 1792)              0         
dense (Dense)                (None, 7)                 12551     
Total params: 17,686,367
Trainable params: 17,561,167
Non-trainable params: 125,200

# Model2
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_1 (InputLayer)         [(None, 256, 256, 3)]     0         
model (Model)                (None, 8, 8, 2048)        25579120  
ge_m (GeM)                   (None, 2048)              2048         
dense (Dense)                (None, 7)                 14343     
Total params: 25,595,511
Trainable params: 25,527,287
Non-trainable params: 68,224

# Model3
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_2 (InputLayer)         [(None, 256, 256, 3)]     0         
efficientnet-b7 (Model)      multiple                  64097680  
ge_m (GeM)                   (None, 2560)              2560      
dense (Dense)                (None, 2)                 5122      
Total params: 64,105,362
Trainable params: 63,794,642
Non-trainable params: 310,720

Finally, I use 0.45*model1+0.55*model2 to predict the result, then use model3 to correct some mistakes(With higher pd and same pv.).

Trust your CV.

Useless operations

  • teacher-student(Pseudo label)

    • I wonder why it doesn't work well.
  • cutout/augmix

    • Many pictures are hard to distinguish.
  • bigger resolution than 256*256

  • k-fold cv

    • It will spend so much time but get little improvement.
  • ResNeSt/RegNet/DANet

    • The pretrained models are so great that the attention and groupconv have no effect.