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Get It in Writing: Formal Contracts Mitigate Social Dilemmas in Multi-Agent RL

logo; Midjourney "A minimalistic geometric logo on white background, a hand of an artificial intelligence signs a contract, visible pen and paper"


  1. Install required packages using Conda:
    conda env create -f requirements.yml 
    conda activate contracting
  2. Create results directories:
    mkdir gifs results experiment_paths
  3. Test the installation:
    python --name "test-v1" --config_path "experiment_configs/test.json"

Running experiments

This codebase is built on RLlib and has a multi-layer structure to enable large benchmarking runs.

  • Low Level - Config Files: Users need to create configuration files which specify the parameters for the jobs to be run. A single config file can be used to specify the parameters for multiple jobs to be run, as detailed in the section below.
  • High Level - Scheduler: If multiple jobs are to be run, users have control over how they are scheduled. They can be run in parallel using python"s multiprocessing library or run sequentially. More details can be found in the section below.

Configuration Files

A config file is a json file that specifies the parameters for the jobs to be run. Configuration files are defined as a list of dictionaries:

  • The first dictionary in the list defines values for all jobs in a file.

  • The second dictionary contains hyperparameters. Keys are hyperparameter names, and values are lists of values. All combinations of all parameters will be run.

  • The remaining elements of the list can be used to specify any job-specific parameters. These job-specific parameters can also be used to override the global dictionary for a specific job.

The following image shows an example config file built using the rules described above.

Example: There are 6 possible permutations from the permutation dictionary. Each of these 6 permutations are then run on both Harvest and Cleanup environments, leading to a total of 12 jobs. Each job uses 16 workers, 15M timesteps and a batch size of 64000 as defined in the global dictionary. However, all jobs in Harvest use a batch size of 32000 due to the override. More configuration files can be found inside experiment_configs/

    "num_workers": 16,
    "num_timesteps": 15000000,
    "batch_size": 64000,
    "separate": [true, false]
    "environment": "cleanup_new",
    "environment": "harvest_new",
    "batch_size" : 32000


Config files allow for the specification of multiple jobs where each job requires a specified number of workers $N$. There are two ways to run these jobs:

  • Sequentially: Jobs are run sequentially by default:
python --name "cleanup-complete" --config_path "experiment_configs/cleanup-contracting.json" 

To run with gpu enabled, add --gpu

python --name "cleanup-complete" --config_path "experiment_configs/cleanup-contracting.json" --gpu
  • In Parallel: Jobs in the config can be parallelized by adding the --mp flag and specifying the total number of workers available as well as the number of workers required per job. The following code runs 4 jobs parallely.
python --name "cleanup-complete" --config_path "experiment_configs/cleanup-contracting.json" --w_per_job 16 --workers 64 --mp 

Available Environments

The following environments are available to train. The first column can be used in a configuration.

String Representation Class Description Contract to Use (if contracting)
cleanup_new CleanupEnv image-based cleanup, adapted from here CleanupContract
cleanup CleanupFeatures feature-based cleanup, manually-designed features CleanupContract
harvest_new HarvestEnv image-based harvest, adapted from here HarvestFeaturemodLocalContract
harvest HarvestFeatures feature-based harvest, manually-designed features HarvestFeaturemodLocalContract
selfdrive SelfAcceleratingCarEnv self-driving merge domain SelfdriveContractDistprop

Configuration Parameters

The following is a partial list of paramters, which are parsed in utils/ Additional parameters are defined in RLLib.

Argument Type Description Default Value
num_timesteps int Training timesteps required, 10M recommended
num_workers int Number of parallel ray workers required, $1$ turns of parallelism
num_agents int Number of agents in the environment ($2 \le n \le 8$) required
batch_size int Number of timesteps to collect before each training update required
contract str Contract space to use Required for contracting runs, refer contract/contract_list for available contracts
wandb bool Logging on Weights and Biases False
separate bool No-contracting, separate training False
joint bool Joint training, single controller False
solver bool NegotiationSolver is used to find the proposed contract False
shared_policy bool All agents share a policy False
num_renders int Generate renders at end of training for HarvestEnv/CleanupEnv required
horizon int Episode Length Required, recommended is 1000 for HarvestEnv/CleanupEnv/SelfAcceleratingCarEnv
env_args dict Values passed to base environment See environment definitions and sample configuration files
model_params dict Values passed to the RL model See

Sample Configurations

Sample configuration files are in continuous_domain/experiment_configs. The use of 8 workers per job in the configuration files is arbitrary and should be adjusted.

Config Description #Jobs
cleanup-baseline-2agents.json Runs CleanupEnv with 2 agents and no contracting 1
cleanup-contracting-2agents.json Runs CleanupEnv with 2 agents and contracting 1
cleanup-joint-2agents.json Runs the CleanupEnv with 2 agents and a joint controller 1
cleanup-contracting.json Runs CleanupEnv with 2, 4, and 8 agents, and contracting 3
harvest-contracting.json Runs HarvestEnv 2,4, and 8 agents, and contracting 3
driving-contracting.json Runs SelfAcceleratingCarEnv with 2, 4, and 8 agents, and contracting 3
contracting-full.json Runs CleanupEnv, HarvestEnv, and SelfAcceleratingCarEnv with 2, 4, and 8 agents 9
baseline-full.json Runs CleanupEnv, HarvestEnv, and SelfAcceleratingCarEnv env with 2, 4, and 8 agents and no contracting 9
cleanup-old-contracting-2agents.json Runs contracting in cleanup env with 2 agents 1
harvest-old-contracting-2agents.json Runs contracting in old feature-based harvest env with 2 agents 1

Example: The following command runs contracting on all environments in parallel using a GPU and 32 workers, with eight workers per job.

python --name "contracting-full-v1" --config_path "experiment_configs/contracting-full.json" --w_per_job 8 --workers 32 --mp --gpu

Overview of Files

The following files are important for the codebase:

  • Initializes jobs.
  • experiments_handles/ Parses the config, and calls
  • Implements the training pipeline.
  • utils/ RL model configuration parameters are processed in this file.
  • contract/ Implements contract spaces.
  • environments/ Defines the contracting augmentation as wrappers.


Weights and biases is integrated with the codebase and is recommended to visualize training results as well as other performance metrics.

Finding the optimal contract

In the contracting algorithm presented in the original Formal Contracting Mitigates Social Dilemmas in Multi-Agent RL, a reinforcement-learning-based algorithm was implemented. This repository implements a second solver.

  1. SeparateContractNegotiationStage follows the method described in the paper.
  2. NegotationSolver The solver uses the agent"s frozen value functions to find the contract that maximizes welfare subject to the constraint that all agents accept the contract. Adding solver=true in the config file enables this for contracting.


If you want to cite this repository accademic work, please use the following citation:

author  = {Christophersen, Philip and Haupt, Andreas and Hadfield-Menell, Dylan},
title   = {Getting it in Writing: Formal Contracting Mitigates Social Dilemmas in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning},
year    = {2022},
booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},


Formal Contracts for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning







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