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NMEA Parser Project

Project Description

The purpose of the project is to parse NMEA sentences and visualize the output data with QML or Tkinter based UI. We will gather the NMEA messages with TCP/IP Protocols, parse them using NMEA-Parser that we created using pynmea2 module and update the UI in real-time.

NMEA: (National Marine Electronics Association)


To use the project, you need to download the project from releases section. Then run the executable file.

First you need to select the file that contains the NMEA messages. There is sample log files in the zip file.

Then program will automatically parse the messages and display them in the main window.

Example Parsed NMEA Sentence

NMEA sentence:


Parsed data:

Roadmap of the Project

  • Main

    • Developing NMEA parser ✔️
    • Creating UI (Tkinter) ✔️
    • Integrating parser with UI ✔️
    • Implementing TCP/IP Connection ●
    • Updating UI with parsed messages in real-time.
  • Additional

    • Creating QML based UI


Opening MessageBox

File Dialog (File Selection)

Main Window (Parsed Messages)