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Bigdata Analytics on FMCG datasets.

This project is utilizes Python, Sparks, scikit learn ,plotly, matplotlib,numpy, pandas, scikit learn The research project was done in module 6CS012 Bigdata.


Big data analytics is the technique of analyzing large and complex data sets to find patterns and other information that is important to understand. It consists of using the complex algorithms such as statistical analysis, machine learning, and data mining to analyze the data that is in a high volume, high velocity, and high variety. Company uses big data analytics in the 21st Century to in�crease their competitive advantage, improve decision making, and foster innovation. Businesses can use huge amounts of structured and unstructured data from social media, sensors, transaction history, and web traffic to obtain information about their customers, improve operational efficiency, as well as create a new generation of products and services to meet the market’s needs. In our case we have Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) for analyzing. We are going to begin through understanding its datasets and business domain from this section.

Data Description

  1. invoice: This column contains a unique identifier as�signed to each sales transaction for tracking and refer�encing specific purchases made by customers.
  2. orderid: Similar to Invoice, Order ID also serves as a unique identification number for each order placed by customers. The only difference is invoice is generated after the product is received but the Order ID is gener�ated when customers demand the product. At the end, these both fields are two wheels of the same vehicle.
  3. category: The Category column is a broader representa�tion for categorizing products based on their similarities and the purpose it was intended to use. For example, the product may be categorized as Food, Juice, Energy, Beer, Personal Care, cosmetics, and so on.
  4. subcategory: Within each Category, products are further classified into Subcategories based on more specific attributes inside the same categories. For instance, Sub�categories like Snacks, Grains, Protein, nuts, Vegetable, Chocolates can be included under the Food category.
  5. subgroup: Subgroup is an additional level of classifi�cation under Subcategory. It facilitates detailed analysis and reporting by organizing products into more granular groups. For example, within Snacks Subcategory, Potato Chips, Popcorn, Noodles, Daalmoth can be included.
  6. groupname: Group Name column provides a broader classification that encompasses Categories, Subcate�gories, and Subgroups. It categorizes products at a higher level of abstraction, rather than providing detailed categorizations.
  7. tax application: This column indicates how taxes are applied to products or transactions. It helps in un�derstanding the tax treatment of products and ensures compliance with tax regulations.
  8. stock method: The Stock Method column in the dataset indicates the method used for managing inventory. This column contains two categorical options: FIFO and Average. These represent different approaches while valuing inventory and determining the cost of goods sold (COGS). FIFO stands for First In, First Out, where the oldest inventory items are assumed to be sold or used first, followed by newer items. The Average method typically referred to as the Weighted Average method, calculates the average cost of all units in inventory, regardless of when they were purchased.
  9. product addedon: This column contains the date when a product was added to the dataset. It provides metadata about the timing of data entry and can be useful in data governance and quality control.
  10. productupdatedon: Similar to Product Added On, this column indicates the date when information about a product was last modified in the datasets. It can also be helpful in tracking changes of product data over time.
  11. typeofproduct: Unfortunately, in our datasets, the types of products column consist only of a single type, that is the product itself.
  12. product: This column contains the name, brand and description of the product being sold. It represents what type of product is to be served and helps in understand�ing the specific items in each sales transaction. The same product can also vary here, for example large size of toothpaste and small size of toothpaste of same brand can be considered differently.
  13. productAlias: It is a primary identifier of the products. It helps in accommodating variations in product details and is represented by the brand name of a Product.
  14. salesId: It is a unique ID assigned to each sales trans�action to track individual sales records and facilitates analysis of sales performance metrics like Selling price, Maximum retailed price, and quantity sold.
  15. productId: It is a unique ID for each product in the dataset. It serves as a reference key for linking sales transactions to specific products and helps in understand�ing product-level metrics.
  16. Sales Price: It is the price at which the product was sold in the sales transaction. This field can help to get insights into pricing strategies, revenue generation, and customer purchasing behavior.
  17. mrp: MRP (Maximum Retail Price) is the highest price at which the product can legally be sold to consumers. It can be useful in understanding pricing dynamics and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.
  18. soldqty: Sold quantities indicates the quantity of the product that was sold in sales transaction. It may help in analyzing sales volume, demand patterns, and inventory management metrics.
  19. orderdate: This field represents the date when the order was placed by the customer. It provides temporal infor�mation for analyzing seasonality effects and customer purchasing behavior over time.
  20. invoice date: Invoice date is the date when the invoice was issued for the sales transaction. It can be useful in tracking the timing of sales transactions and facilitates analyzing of revenue and sales performance metrics over time.

Business Domain

Having analyzed the data sets we mentioned so far, we can deduce our business domain as an FMCG sector, which is the fast-moving consumer goods market. FMCG, for the most part, implies the products that are in demand rapidly and cheaply and this includes products such as food, beverages, household goods, and personal care products. This area features a large turnover, busy shopping days, or high frequency buying, and there are multiple contenders for the top position. A breif topic of the descipline of the businesses determined by the datasets as follows: • Product Portfolio: Here, it should be noted that the dataset had data about various FMCG products including their categories, subcategories, with each of the items being provided a detailed description. These goods are a representative reflection of the assortment of consumer goods that the retail store has to offer. • Sales and Distribution: The dataset consists of the items comprised of sales related data like invoices, order IDs, sale cost price, quantity sold and the date of transactions. It is clear, however, that the operation of the business is carried out by selling FMCG goods to customers by means of different distribution channels. • Inventory Management: The appearance of “stock method” relays that the business carries out its inventory management with different methods e. g. FIFO (First In, First Out) and weighted average. Stock availability, min�imum out of stock, and optimal storage space utilization are the most vital points inventory management should imbibe in FMCG industry. • Taxation: The info for example tax application shows that the charge is incorporated with sales transactions. It is crucial to know the tax regime affecting FMCG busi�nesses, so that they can report financial data accurately and fulfill the regulatory requirements • Competitive Landscape: In the personal product market�place there are numerous different brands competing for shares. Business, therefore, has to translate its product preferences and lay the foundation for its future market�ing activities. Thus, it should differentiate its products according to their importance in view of the emerging consumer preferences to stay ahead of the game or remain competitive in the market.

Lifecycle of Project


Some insights

img_2.png img_3.png img_4.png img_5.png The graph shows the Total Sales Over Time from 2021-01 to 2024-01. The y-axis represents the total sales, with a range from 0 to 160. whearas, x-axis contains the date with the time intervals. We can gain the following understanding from the above graphs. • The highest peak in total sales occurs around 2022-01 where it reaches almost 140. • The lowest point in total sales occurs at 2021-05, drop�ping total sales to 20. • The overall trend shows an increase in sales from 2022 to 2024, with some variations and fluctuation on the way.

img_6.png img_7.png img_8.png img_11.png The chart gives the detail of ”Top 3 Most Used Product Units”, which comprise of different measurement units.

• 0 - Here we find the products that are not measured in weight, and they make up 34.6% of the total.

• 24.4% for ’G’ and 19.9% ’GM’ both are expressed in grams and combinely we can called that 47.% of total products are represented in grams.

• ’ML’ - This category includes milliliters and covers 11.9% of the total products units.

• ’KG’ - This corresponds to kilograms and contains the 7.1% of the total product units.

• ’L’ - It is liters and is assigned the number 2.1% of the total unit.

ElasticSearch Dashboard

img_9.png img_10.png img_12.png img_13.png img_14.png

No of Components for PCA

img_15.png img_16.png


Algorithm Used: Kmeans++

Finding Optimal K

img_17.png img_18.png img_19.png

After Analyzing Elbow and Silhouette Score, we decided to go with 5 cluster by considering time and computation

Interpreting our clusters img_20.png img_21.png




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