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Final Year Project

MOCR (Multilingual Optical Character Recognition)

The project supports English and Devanagari characters.

last update forks stars open issues license

📔 Table of Contents

🌟 About the Project

I have used this project using CRNN+Ctc loss. The OCR project has two languages: English and Devanagari. It uses Chain approximation and Otsu method for edge detection, and makes predictions based on the detected edges.

:datasets: About the datasets

For the English language model, I used the IAM English handwritten dataset. This is a widely recognized dataset for training and evaluating handwritten text recognition systems. To train the Devanagari model, I manually collected and labeled a dataset of Bhagwat Gita scriptures. Bhagwat Gita is a sacred Hindu text written in the Devanagari, Hindi with some sort of sanskrit script, providing a challenging and domain-specific dataset for the Devanagari OCR task.

📷 Screenshots

Visiter page Register Login Upload Uploaded Edited Edge Detection Prediction English CER English WER Detecting edge in Devanagari image Making Prediction Devanagari CER Devanagari WER

👾 Tech Stack

Modeling stacks

🎯 Features

  • OCR model develop from ownselves instead of using Others
  • Detect, Extract textual content from Image and export in desired format
  • Supports Two language script, English and Devanagari

🎨 Color Reference

Color Hex
Primary Color #222831 #222831
Secondary Color #393E46 #393E46
Accent Color #00ADB5 #00ADB5

🔑 Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

Cloudinery API_KEY for storing Uploaded image

Your email host password for recovering forgot password

🧰 Getting Started

‼️ Prerequisites

This project uses Docker for containerization. Make sure you have Docker installed on your machine. If not, you can download it from here.

🏃 Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Multilingual-OCR-FYP

Install pipenv if you haven't already

  pip install pipenv

Install dependencies

  pipenv install

Activate the pipenv shell

  pipenv shell

Start the server

  python runserver

🐳 Dockerization

Build the Docker image

docker build -t your-image-name .

Check the Docker images

docker images

Run the Docker container

docker run -d -p 8080:80 your-image-name

🚩 Deployment

To deploy this project, you can use the Docker container you built in the previous step.

🧪 Running Tests

To run tests, use the following command

  python test

🧭 Roadmap

  • Data Acquisition
  • Research
  • Design Architecture
  • Test with Different Hyperparameters
  • Keep Training and Improving
  • Design REST API
  • Design User Interface
  • Backend Setup
  • Deploy Model
  • Performance Monitoring Using Tensorboard

👋 Contributing

This project is Solely Contributed by MySelf as Final Year Project

📜 Code of Conduct

Please read the Code of Conduct

❔ Academic Questions and Answers

  • What are the limitation in Current OCR so that Intelligent OCR is still the topic of research?

    • Answer 1
  • Why OCR sysytem dont have different level of Performance in different languages?

    • Answer 2
  • What can be done to improve the existing OCR systems?

    • Answer 3

⚠️ License

Distributed under MIT license

🤝 Contact

Your Name - @linkedin -,

Project Link: (

💎 Acknowledgements

Use this section to mention useful resources and libraries that you have used in your projects.

  • [Biru Shrestha] - Project Supervisor
  • [Uttam Acharya] - Reader


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