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Angular Library to handle long mouse clicks event for desktop and long touch events for mobile and tablets


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ngx-long-press2 - Angular Library to handle long mouse clicks event for desktop and long touch events for mobile and tablets

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@angular-material-extensions/select-country demonstration

Built by and for developers ❤️

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Table of Contents

View all the directives and components in action at

  • ngxLongPress2

  • Angular developed and tested with 16.x

Install via npm.

Install peer dependencies

npm i -s ngx-long-press2

Import the library

import { NgxLongPress2Module } from 'ngx-long-press2'; 

  declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
  imports: [NgxLongPress2Module, ...],  
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

Other modules in your application like for lazy loading import NgxLongPress2Module into your feature module:

option bind type default description
minTime Input() number 500 the minimum time to fire onLongPress event (in ms)
maxTime Input() number 2000 the maximum time to fire onReleasePressing event (in ms)
onLongPress Output() EventEmitter<void> - emits when the minTime is exceeded
onLongPressing Output() EventEmitter<number> - emits when the user is pressing and the time lapsed in ms will be emitted
onReleasePressing Output() EventEmitter<void> - emits when the maxTime is exceeded or touchend, mouseup and mouseleave haven been emitted
  <button mat-raised-button
          [color]="this.timeLapsed1 > 1000? 'primary' : 'warn'"
  {{ this.timeLapsed1 > 0 ? this.timeLapsed1 + ' ms' : 'PRESS ME'}}

@angular-material-extensions/select-country demonstration

<button ngxLongPress2></button>


Build the library

$ npm run build:lib

Serve the demo app

$ npm start

Other Angular Libraries

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This project is supported by jetbrains with 1 ALL PRODUCTS PACK OS LICENSE incl. webstorm

Copyright (c) 2023 Anthony Nahas. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)

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