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Merriam-Webster Plus

Easily get word definitions, synonyms/antonyms, usage examples, audio pronunciations, and more.

Optimizes core Merriam-Webster APIs to create a singular lexical resource with maximal parts-of-dictionary-entry coverage.

E.g. running 800 words from an official spelling bee list shows the following primary-entry coverage for Merriam-Webster Plus vs. its component sources:

Lexical Resource Part of Speech Definition Example Sentence Audio
Merriam-Webster Plus 99% 99% 87% 92%
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 94% 94% 59% 89%
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus 87% 87% 82% 0%


Set environment variables for COLLEGIATE_DICTIONARY_API_KEY and COLLEGIATE_THESAURUS_API_KEY with eponymous keys from

>> require "merriam_webster_plus"
>> lookup = "run")
>> puts lookup.primary_entry.to_yaml
:word: run                                                                                 
:class: verb                                                                               
:definition: to go at a pace faster than a walk                                            
:example: we ran all the way to the bus stop, but still missed the bus                     
>> puts lookup.entries.to_yaml
- :word: run                                                                               
  :class: verb                                                                             
  - - 1                                                                                    
    - :definition: to go at a pace faster than a walk                                      
      :synonyms: dash, gallop, jog, scamper, sprint, trip, trot                      
      :related_words: bound, canter, leap, lope, shag, skip, spring                  
      :near_antonyms: amble, saunter, shamble, shuffle, stroll                       
      :example: we ran all the way to the bus stop, but still missed the bus         
  - - 2                                                                              
    - :definition: to hasten away from something dangerous or frightening            
      :synonyms: bolt, break, bug out, flee, fly, hightail (it), retreat, run away,  
        run off, skedaddle                                                           
      :related_words: abscond, clear out, decamp, elope, escape, get (away), get out,
        lam, light out, make off, mizzle, scarper, scat, scram, skip (out), skirr
      :synonymous_phrases: beat a retreat, beat it, make tracks, turn tail
      :near_antonyms: beard, brave, confront, dare, defy, face
      :example: rather than run from a black bear, it's better to hold your ground
        and make lots of noise
  - - 3
    - :definition: to be positioned along a certain course or in a certain direction
      :synonyms: bear, extend, go, head, lead, lie
      :related_words: cross, cut, pass
      :example: the road runs along the river for a while
- :word: run
  :class: noun
  - - 1
    - :definition: a prevailing or general movement or inclination
      :synonyms: current, direction, drift, leaning, tendency, tide, trend, wind
      :related_words: curve, downside, shift, swing, turn, turnabout, upside
      :example: the company's stock has remained consistent with the overall run of
        the market
  - - 2
    - :definition: a natural body of running water smaller than a river
      :synonyms: beck, bourn, brook, brooklet, burn, creek, gill, rill, rivulet, runlet,
        runnel, streamlet
      :related_words: arroyo, billabong, fresh, freshet, runoff
      :example: a run full of catfish
  - - 3
    - :definition: the period during which something exists, lasts, or is in progress
      :synonyms: continuance, date, duration, life, life span, lifetime, standing,
      :related_words: spell, stretch
      :example: the actor has been assigned the part for the run of the show


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