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Developer Instructions

sgratzl edited this page Sep 25, 2014 · 7 revisions

Set Up Requirements

Caleydo uses Java, OpenGL and the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP). Things you need to install before being able to develop Caleydo:

  • Java SDK >= 1.7
  • Eclipse Kepler for RCP and RAP Developers, which you can get from the eclipse download page. Other Eclipse versions won't work.

###Windows Git Special EGit doesn't support gitAttributes up to now. To ensure that the repository still has consistent linefeeds, Windows user should set the set the following git config setting: core.autocrlf=true.

This can be down either via command line using git config --global core.autocrlf true or via Eclipse

EGit Settings

Install Eclipse Plug-ins

Besides the containing EGit plugin, you should install the Workspace Mechanics plug-in (Update site). This plugin simplifies the workspace settings synchronization. After you have checked out the repository, you need to configure an additional task source. see later.

Clone Repository

Clone the Caleydo repository either via EGIT or via command line. Choose a subdirectory relative to your workspace for each caleydo repository. E.g., if your workspace is




for the main repository. Add other repositories the same way, e.g.,


for the domino repository.

When cloning the repository, don't auto-add the projects.

Import Projects

Once you have cloned the repository you must import it through "File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects" and import the project.

If you want to use ssh (instead of https) for communicating with github out of eclipse follow these instructions. You will have to generate a new RSA key and save it to you ~/.ssh folder. Remeber to set a passphrase for you key. This will result in a file ida_rsa and turning up in your ssh folder. Save your public rsa key with your eclipse account folder.

When cloning the repository follow the above tutorial. Don't change the username "git" to your username!

Change Workspace Settings

To ensure that your Eclipse workspace uses consistent settings, we use the Workspace Mechanics plugin. A set of tasks are defined, that has to be added to the plugin to automatically setup your workspace correctly.

For this add a new task source pointing to <path to checked out repository>/org.caleydo.internal.assembly/mechanicTasks

Workspace Mechanic Settings

After you pressed Apply a popup should appear asking for setting some preferences.

Activate Target Platform

Caleydo comes with a custom target platform configuration that specify all external dependencies for you.

Navigate to: Preferences->(Search target) -> Target Platform

Workspace Mechanic Settings

it should appear a platform file called: 'org.caleydo.internal'. Activate this platform and press 'Reload' and 'Apply'.

Import Projects

Last but not least import the Caleydo projects. Either via the following lines or import the Caleydo working directory as maven projects.

To install Caleydo use EGit within Eclipse and clone the repository. Each directory in the caleydo folder corresponds to an Eclipse project. Here is a good tutorial on how to import Eclipse projects from git.

After you imported the existing projects, Eclipse will report some errors that some maven life cycle bindings aren't mapped. Go to the Problems View and try a Quick Fix on the problem. Eclipse will prompt with with the question to search for new maven lifecycle bindings. Accept and install the suggested Tycho Maven Connector. Afterwards the projects should build.

Happy Coding!