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What is this?????

This is a sample application for 3ds homebrew (aka SDK).
Homebrew application for 3ds such as Video player for 3DS and Battery mark for 3DS are based on this sample code.

What sample code does it have?????

Currently this sample application contains following samples :

Draw image sample

This is a sample code to draw images such as .png and .jpg.

Application source code : source/sub_app0.cpp
Used APIs :

File explorer sample

This is a sample code to use file explorer.

Application source code : source/sub_app1.cpp
Used APIs :

Hardware settings sample

This is a sample code to change hardware settings such as wifi state, screen brightness and sleep.

Application source code : source/sub_app2.cpp
Used APIs :

Camera and mic sample

This is a sample code to take a picture by using camera and record sound by using mic.

Application source code : source/sub_app3.cpp
Used APIs :

Speaker sample

This is a sample code to playback audio.

Application source code : source/sub_app4.cpp
Used APIs :


You need :

If you want to build .cia, then you also need :

  • bannertool and makerom (Copy them in your path e.g. in {devkitPro_install_dir}\tools\bin).

If you already have devkitpro, type {devkitPro_install_dir}\devkitARM\bin\arm-none-eabi-gcc -v.
You should see something like :

Thread model: posix
Supported LTO compression algorithms: zlib zstd
gcc version 13.2.0 (devkitARM release 62)

Make sure you have release 62.
(later version may work but sometimes later version has incompatibility)
If you have older devkitpro, update it or compilation will fail.

  • Clone this repository
    • On windows run build.bat
    • On other system, type make (make -j for faster build)


This software is licensed as GNU General Public License v3.0.

Third party libraries are licensed as :

Library License
Base64 No specific license name
citro2d zlib License
citro3d zlib License
curl No specific license name
dav1d BSD 2-Clause
ffmpeg GNU General Public License v2.0
libctru zlib License
mbedtls Apache License 2.0
mp3lame GNU Lesser General Public License v2.0
stb_image Public Domain
x264 GNU General Public License v2.0
zlib zlib License