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CryptoAvisosV1 is a multichain product of

To install:

npm install

To test:

npx hardhat test tests/testCryptoAvisosV1.js

To deploy:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network NETWORK_NAME

To verify:

npx hardhat verify --network NETWORK_NAME DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Constructor argument 1"

Detailed information about contract operation:

OnlyOwner functions:

  • prepareFee & implementFee: used by admins to set the fee of the purchases with a 7 days wait time.
  • claimFees: used by admins to claim collected fees.
  • submitProduct: creates a new product in the contract. Product id should be unique.
  • switchEnable: change enabled status of a product
  • releasePay: release the pay to the seller, if all conditions are OK.
  • updateProduct: updates a product. Product id to update should exist, and not be in "SOLD" or "WAITING" status.
  • refundProduct: send to the buyer the cost of the product (included fees).
  • addStock: add units to stock
  • removeStock: remove units from stock

Public functions:

  • payProduct: pay a product.

Product struct:

  • price: Price in WEI. (Default for Solidity).
  • seller: Product seller, should be able to receive ETH and ERC20.
  • token: Contract address of ERC20 to pay the product.(0x00 if it's native coin, example: ETH, BNB, MATIC).
  • stock: How many units of the product for sell
  • enabled: Boolean to check if the product is available

Ticket struct:

  • productId:
  • status: Product status. (See Status Enum).
  • buyer: Product buyer, 0x00 address if not bought yet.
  • tokenPaid: Contract Address of token paid
  • feeCharged: Fee charged for buying a product. Used for refund.
  • pricePaid: Price in WEI paid



Title Address
BSC Multisig 0xf0Bfc9f97BAe489411b22Aa69dBCA1170d51182A
Polygon Multisig 0x62D20398Be41397c9Af7eB745471003031c26DF6


Title Address
CryptoAvisosV1 BSC 0xd77DBc54a318a86Aa93954B23Ca2F57BA1E3c0a9
CryptoAvisosV1 Polygon 0xd77DBc54a318a86Aa93954B23Ca2F57BA1E3c0a9
CryptoAvisosV1.1 BSC 0x3deFBEc15F95e0Aaa31205059B64522BB3cF1828
CryptoAvisosV1.1 Polygon 0x3deFBEc15F95e0Aaa31205059B64522BB3cF1828