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DerLev edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 13 revisions

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This is the wiki of the notion-gcal-sync project.
Here you will find all important information on setting the container up and configuring it.



This little NodeJS Docker container will sync your Google Calendar and Notion databases together.
It will use your Google Calendar as the source of truth and sync updates from Notion to it. It's fully customizable and can therefore be adjusted to your needs. There are always new features coming, so keep looking out for updates. As described below this project is free to use. You can fork the repository and make it your own, or even submit pull requests to improve it. You can always reach out through the Discussions tab or via DMs.

You can also read more about the limitations.

Reasons on why I created this app

Since I like to use Notion as a planner for my To-Dos and homework assignments - because I'm still a student - and Google Calendars for arranging appointments and getting notified about them, I thought: Why not bring those two awesome tools together. Thats when I began searching for a solution. But every solution I found was either a paid subscription model and not self-hosted or it didn't suit my needs. So I began sitting in front of my computer and started coding a Docker container that fits those needs. I'm also still exploring the world of maintaining an open-source project. If you do have any improvements to the code or new features don't hesitate to submit a pull request.


This little NodeJS app is published under the MIT License which gives others the right to alter the code and use it in their own projects. The license explicitly describes that the underlying code is provided "as is" and has no warranty of any kind.