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"Pencilpal" is a digital platform designed for collaborative note-taking and brainstorming. It facilitates real-time sharing and editing of notes, fostering efficient team collaboration and idea generation.

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This project was initiated with Create React App.

Commands at Your Disposal

To execute commands, navigate to the project directory and run:

yarn start

This command launches the application in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will automatically reload if you make edits.
You'll also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test

This command initiates the test runner in interactive watch mode.
For more information on running tests, visit the testing documentation.

yarn build

This command compiles the application for production to the build folder.
It optimizes the build for the best performance and includes React in production mode.

The build is minified, and the filenames include hashes.
Your application is now ready for deployment!

For more information on deployment, check out the deployment documentation.

yarn eject

Please note: This action is irreversible. Once you eject, there's no going back!

If you're dissatisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you have the option to eject at any time. This command removes the single build dependency from your project.

Instead, it copies all configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc.) directly into your project, granting you full control over them. All commands except eject will continue to function, but they'll refer to the copied scripts, allowing you to customize them. From this point forward, you're on your own.

You aren't obligated to use eject. The provided feature set is suitable for small to medium deployments, and you're under no pressure to utilize this feature. However, we acknowledge that this tool wouldn't be valuable if customization wasn't an option when you're prepared for it.

Expand Your Knowledge

For additional insights, delve into the Create React App documentation.

To deepen your understanding of React, peruse the React documentation.

Code Splitting

This topic has been relocated: Code Splitting.

Analyzing the Bundle Size

This topic has been relocated: Analyzing the Bundle Size.

Building a Progressive Web App

This topic has been relocated: Making a Progressive Web App.

Advanced Configuration

This topic has been relocated: Advanced Configuration.


This topic has been relocated: Deployment.

Troubleshooting yarn build Minification Failures

This topic has been relocated: Minification Failure Troubleshooting.


"Pencilpal" is a digital platform designed for collaborative note-taking and brainstorming. It facilitates real-time sharing and editing of notes, fostering efficient team collaboration and idea generation.







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