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Test Levels

Yaron Weiss edited this page Aug 15, 2018 · 1 revision

Ginger unit test are marked with Levels (0-5) and each marked with AAA - Arrange, Act Assert

  • Level 1-3 - runs for each push

  • Level 4 - run once nightly only

  • Level 5 - Runs weekly

  • Level 0: Temporary level if we want the build machine to run our test first and if it fail stop other tests, DO NOT check in to master only to sub branch

  • Level 1: For core test of items which are stand alone classes and requires very minimal setup to test the method

    • tests only basic core test runs in less than 500 ms, can run in parallel – no dependency – no Mutex
  • Level 2: Plugins, Driver, Standalone actions, GingerConsole integration between components

  • Level 3: Ginger UI POM include UI testing launch browser, test app etc, can have Mutex – sequential

  • Level 4: Slower Longer tests – test durability, parallelism - run nightly only not during regular build Check Performance only, speed of execution, can be long test running the same action many times Requires internet connection - going to public web sites, for example to test Github check-in

Running full Ginger UI and performing different activities like create new solution, add Agent, automate and more, same like a regular user will do these tests include visual testing where we compare baseline screen to current screen and doing bitmap diff with several algorithms to compare

  • Level 5 Longevity Tests - these test execute run sets and keep Ginger running for hours while measuring Memory, CPU, Disk consumption. These tests execution takes 36 hours and they are executed once a week on the development branch
  • Performance Tests -
  • Require specific component to be installed and user/pass to access it like SVN server
  • Amdocs internal - We have a large amount of automation solution of our customers and we verify the new build is working on then without impact

Expected test level per project

  • GingerCoreCommonTest - Level 1
  • GingerTest - Level 3 and up

Test are executed in order and stop if fails, for example if test in Level 1 fails it will not continue to test level 2 and build will be marked as failed

Test Class

  • Test class name should end with Test
  • Mark the test class with the test level, do not mark specific methods
  • Name the test method describing what the test does, do not use underscore '_' in test method
  • Keep the test method code minimal
  • More asserts per test method is better no limit
  • Assert should have comments
  • Use Test resources methods to get test data
  • Output data
  • Data Driver TestMethod input from CSV, or DataRow
  • Run sequential test using Mutex

For example

public class StandAlonePluginTest
    public static void ClassInit(TestContext TC)
        // put class initialization code here, will be exeucted once 

    public static void ClassCleanup()
		// put class cleanup code here if needed 

    public void TestInitialize()
        // Code that will be executed before each test method start

    public void TestCleanUp()
        // Code which will be executed after the test method

public void VariableRandomNumberMin5Max10Interval1()
    VariableRandomNumber VRN = new VariableRandomNumber();
    VRN.Min = 5;
    VRN.Max = 10;
    VRN.Interval = 1;


    Assert.IsTrue(decimal.Parse(VRN.Value) >= 5, "vn.Value>=5");
    Assert.IsTrue(decimal.Parse(VRN.Value) <= 10, "vn.Value<=10");


  • Getting started
  • Workstation
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