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Nubian Maps


Share and save your favorite Black Businesses in Toronto

Have an interactive Google Map with different business categories, the ability to add new stores, and the ability to filter based on these categories. Users should be able to save their favourite locations, and check in using HTML5 Geolocation API.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Express
  • MongoDB


Finding a way to conviniently access Google API instance, without overtly comprimising secret key. Previously utilized a wrapper npm module "google-maps", before coming to a solution that involved creating an inline javascript file and appending it to the document. I was able to reduce my dependenies and functions call, making my app more efficient.

    setupAPI: async(loader)=> {
        if(!loader) {
        var promise = new Promise(async(resolve, reject)=>{
                let key = await Controller.getMapsKey();
                let script = document.createElement("script");
                let src = `${key}&libraries=places,geometry&callback=googleReady`
                script.src =  src;
                script.type = "text/javascript";
                window.googleReady = () => {
                    google =; 
        return promise;
        } else {google = loader;return}

Testing client side code using node. Managed by mocking browser environment with JSDOM. Wrapping my head around the different configurations availables took a few late but nights. But I now consider it an invaluable tool for unit testing.

const jsdom = new JSDOM(`<!doctype html><head>
</head><body><div id="map" style="width:100%;height:800px"></div></body></html>`, {
  url: 'http://localhost:8080/',
  contentType: "text/html",
  includeNodeLocations: true,
  storageQuota: 10000000,
  origin: 'http://localhost:8080/',
  baseURI: 'http://localhost:8080/',
  referrer: 'http://localhost:8080/',
  pretendToBeVisual: true

Next task is figuring out how to test my asychronous components. Examples seem to point towards mocking fetch requests.

How to Run

npm install setup environment variables for MONGOLAB_URI & MAPS_KEY, optionally NUBIAN_KEY can be set for base user for local deployment, initialize an instance of mongod

Future Updates

Implement a method to mark a locations as visited, & a view for favourite locations that users use to track locations they've been. API & geolcation; change to user model

Also must style login/register pages

Add caching layer to reduce number of API calls to DB; store all businesnes after first page pageload, also must work with update

Add voting infowindow, with voting API and validation and current rating; change to business model

  • Create Tests for Navbar select & deselect
  • Implement babel-plugin-react-require
  • Create test for checking that index is always served
  • Create test for checking Admin Maps component.didMount is succesful
  • CSeperate Client & Unit Tests into seperate filesC
  • Test for Controller createPlaceImgs()
  • Write server tests for put route on business model
  • Write server tests for post route on business model
  • Write server tests for delete route on business
  • Write server tests for getting favourites
  • Write server tests for posting favourites


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