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Configuration File

Mariano Sciacco edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 1 revision

This section is for advanced users only. Use the Installation Wizard for a complete configuration.

Navigating to ./includes/Config, there are 3 configuration files:

  1. parameters.config.php
  2. modes.config.php
  3. guestpage.config.php

1. paramaters.config

It is an auto-generated files which contains global parameters for the basic configuration.

Do not change this file unless you need to make small corrections.

2. modes.config

It is an auto-generated files for preferences in the settings menù.

The params are based on ON / OFF (1 / 0).

3. guestpage.config

It is another auto-generated file used for guest page configurations and preferences.

You don't need to do any kind of edit, as you can simply navigate to settings and, once Guest Page is enabled, setting up your preferred options.

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