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RightMesh GPS Superpeer

This minimalist RightMesh "GPS Superpeer" implementation acts as node in the mesh that records GPS coordinates of it's peers, and provides a web interface that visualizes these coordinates as markers on a map.

Running the Superpeer

Superpeer is a Gradle application - it can be built with gradlew build, and a binary can be generated with gradlew installDist. The binary can be found in build/install/Superpeer/bin.

Connecting to the Superpeer

Currently apps that are running hard code this SuperPeer's MeshID and send data to it through the RightMesh library.


This was all tested with the following:

  • macOSX High Sierra 10.13.6
  • Java 8 (1.8.0_181)
  • RightMesh library 0.9.0
  • Mongo 4.0.2
  • Node 10.12.0

Other Dependencies

  • Dagger 2.17
  • Mongo Async Driver 3.8.2
  • JUnit 5.10

See build.gradle for the latest

For JS dependencies see package.json

Running the Superpeer

Generate the binary with ./gradlew installDist

Start the mongo daemon with mongod --dbpath <path/to/datastore>

Run the SuperPeer with ./build/install/Superpeer/bin/Superpeer

Run the web that marks the currently recorded GPS coords with node app.js <here-app-id> <here-app-code>

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