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Nxt Movies


Keywords: React,Front-end

  • Developed the frontend part of the NxtWatch an NETFLIX clone application.
  • This application allows users to log in, search and view details of the movies.
  • Concepts such as authentication, state management, context, page navigation, media queries and flexbox concepts in the code by following the clean code guidelines.

Technical Aspects

Keywords: Authentication, Validation, Cookies

  • Implemented a basic authentication flow and handled common errors such as invalid username and invalid password.
  • Used cookies to persist user credentials across page reloads.

State Management and Navigation:

Keywords: State management, Navigation, Protected Route Used

  • Context for state management for creating a global state to manage cart state across routes.Used React Router for navigation within the application.
  • Additionally, implemented protected routes to control access based on user roles.`

API Integration:

Keywords: API Integration

  • Integrated mock APIs for displaying data

Clean Code Guidelines:

Keywords: Clean code guidelines

  • Followed clean code guidelines by maintaining a consistent folder structure and used meaningful naming conventions, such as prefixing event handlers with on and creating reusable components throughout the application.


Keywords: Responsiveness,

  • Flexbox To ensure a responsive design, used media queries and flexbox for layouting.

Design Files

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  • You can check the Design Files for different devices here.

Set Up Instructions

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  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start


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  • Login Route

    • When an invalid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the respective error message received from the response is displayed
    • When a valid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home Route
    • When an unauthenticated user tries to access the Home Route, Popular Route, Search Route, Account Route and Movie Item Details Route, then the page is navigated to Login Route
    • When an authenticated user tries to access the Home Route, Popular Route, Search Route, Account Route and Movie Item Details Route, then the page is navigated to the respective route
    • When an authenticated user tries to access the Login Route, then the page is navigated to the Home Route
  • Home Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Home Route,

      • An HTTP Get request is made to Trending Now Movies API URL, Originals API URL with jwt_token in the Cookies

        • Loader is displayed while fetching the each data

        • After the data is successfully fetched from both the API's

          • A random movie title and movie poster with its details is displayed from the Originals Response
          • Display the list of movies received from the Trending Now Movies Response
          • Display the list of movies received from the Originals Response
        • If any of the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the failure view given in the Figma screens is displayed respectively

          • When the Try Again button is clicked, then the respective HTTP GET request is made

          • When a Movie item is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Movie Item Details Route

        • An HTTP Get request is made to Top Rated Movies API URL as well

        • Loader is displayed while fetching the data

        • After the data is successfully fetched from the API

          • Display the list of movies received from the top rated movies response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the failure view given in the Figma screens is displayed

          • When the Try Again button is clicked, then the HTTP GET request is made to Top Rated Movies API URL
        • Users can browse popular movies & searched movies using pagination buttons.

    • Header

      • When the Movies logo in the header is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home Route
      • When the Home link in the Header is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home Route
      • When the Popular link in the header is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Popular Route
      • When the Search icon in the header is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Search Route
      • When the Profile logo in the header is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Account Route
  • Popular Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Popular Route

      • An HTTP GET request is made to Popular Movies API URL with jwt_token in the Cookies

        • Loader is displayed while fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, the response received is displayed
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the failure view given in the Figma screens is displayed
          • When the Try Again button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to Popular Movies API URL
      • When a Movie item is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Movie Item Details Route

      • All the header functionalities mentioned in the Home Route works in this route accordingly

  • Movie Item details Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Movie Item Details Route

      • An HTTP GET request is made to Movie Item Details API URL with jwt_token in the Cookies

        • Loader is displayed while fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully,
          • Movie item details received from the response is displayed
          • Display the list of similar movies received from the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the failure view given in the Figma screens is displayed
          • When the Try Again button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to Movie Item Details API URL
      • All the header functionalities mentioned in the Home Route works in this route accordingly

  • Search Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Search Route

      • When a value is provided in the search input and the button with the search icon is clicked

        • Make an HTTP GET request to the Search Movies API URL with jwt_token in the Cookies and query parameter search with value as the text provided in the search input
        • Loader is displayed while fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of movies received from the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the failure view given in the Figma screens is displayed
          • When the Try Again button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to Search Movies API URL
        • When the HTTP GET request made to the Search Movies API URL returns an empty list for movies then Search no results view is displayed
      • When a Movie item is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Movie Item Details Route

      • All the header functionalities mentioned in the Home Route works in this route accordingly

  • Account Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Account Route

      • The username which was provided in the login, is displayed
      • The password which was provided in the login, is displayed in masked
      • When the Logout button is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Login Route
    • All the header functionalities mentioned in the Home Route works in this route accordingly

  • Not Found Route

    • When a random path is provided as the URL, then the page navigates to the Not Found Route
  • Users is able to view the website responsively in mobile view, tablet view as well

Login API


Trending Now Movies API


Top Rated Movies API





Search Movies API


User Credentials

Click to view user credentials
 username: rahul
 password: rahul@2021
