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Deep Learning projects

Project Description Used libraries
Alpaca classifier (Transfer learning with MobileNet) Build a deep learning model that classifies is there alpaca/not alpaca on the given photo Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, MoblieNet
Art Generation with Neural Style Transfer Using two images this neural network generates a third one with the visual of second one applied to the first Python,Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, VGG, style transfer
Autonomous driving application (Car detection) Trained a Machine Learning model to predict the number of taxi trips for the next hour. Python, Machine Learning, Computer vision, YOLO
Dinosaurus Island Character level language model Trained the Machine Learning model to determine the market value of the car. Python, NLP, NumPy, NLP
Emojify sentence NLP-Network for adding context emoji to the sentence Python, Deep Learning, NLP, Tensorflow, NumPy, word embeddings
Face emotion recognition (Happy House) NN checking whether visitor is happy or not. If not, he couldn't pass though the door Python, Computer Vision, Numpy, Matplotlib, Math, Keras, Machine Learning
Face recognition DNN which could be used for employee recognition to get into the building Python, Math, Numpy, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision
Image segmentation UNet As you might imagine, region-specific labeling is a pretty crucial consideration for self-driving cars, which require a pixel-perfect understanding of their environment so they can change lanes and avoid other cars, or any number of traffic obstacles that can put peoples lives in danger. Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Numpy, Math, UNet, Image Segmentation
Improvise a Jazz Solo Built the LSTM network for impovising Jazz music from provied samples Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Numpy, Python, LSTM, TensorFlow, Time-series
Neural machine translation with attention Deep Learning model which recieves dates and standartize them in a single format using attention RNN model Python, NumPy, NLP, Machine learning, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, Keras, RNN, Attention Model
QA Transformer Being provided information needed this NN tries to give an aswer to the questions Python, Numpy, Math, TensorFlow, PyTorch, NLP, transformers, BERT, TFDistilBertForQuestionAnswering
Signs recognition Using photo of the hand gives the shown number in digits Python, Math, Numpy, CNN, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, ResNet50, signs recognition
Transformer application NER Using unique tags this DNN will match the named-entities to them being provided information for a resume and structurize it Python, NumPy, NLP, TensorFlow, Pandas, re, transformers, TFDistilBertForTokenClassification, BERT
Trigger word detection This RNN can be used to listen for trigger word to do some kind of action. For this one it is the alarm sound that tells whether stopword was said or not Python, Pandas, Numpy, PyDub, TensorFlow, Keras, Time-series, Speech Recognition, NLP, RNN