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In this dapp we have created our own cryptocurrency named 'BigCoin' and deployed into our own private ethereum blockchain network.

Salient Features

  • This dapp is created using Truffle framework (under the hood it uses Web3).
  • Used Truffle framework to create, complie & deploy smart contracts quickly.
  • Used Web3 libraries to create REST endpoints (Web3 libraries allow you to interact with a ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket)
  • Created ERC20 based smart contracts using OpenZeppelin library.
  • DID NOT use any Web3 provider such as MetaMask or Infura as we use our own full nodes (our own private blockchain network rather any public blockchain network)!

HowTo run this dapp

Step1: Make sure your ethereum blockchain network is up & running

Step2: Clone this project & install dependencies

git clone

npm install

Step3: Update the files (truffle-config.js, app/server.js files) by updating your blockchain bootstrap node URL, Port and blockchain networkId

Step4: Deploy smart contract (BigCoin.sol) into your blockchain network using following commands

You can delete /build folder and do fresh build with command 'truffle compile'

truffle compile

To run the test cases

truffle test

To deploy smart contracts to your blockchain network

truffle migrate

Step5: Start the express app (having REST endpoints and static web resources)

npm start

Step6: Done you can access dapp with URL http://localhost:3000/ or you can access REST endpoints via Postman

DApp snapshots

REST API Endpoints (via Postman)

  1. API: /api/accounts
    Description: It fetch all accounts of the bootnode
    Method: GET
    RequestBody: None

  2. API: /api/accounts/:number
    Description: It fetch a account by number
    Method: GET
    RequestBody: account

  3. API: /api/new/account
    Description: It creates a new account
    Method: POST
    RequestBody: None

  4. API: /api/send/coin
    Description: It sends bigcoins from an account to another account
    Method: POST
    RequestBody: { "amount": "3", "sender": "0xb626B44E82eE5a54b2F64B5BcE70Ee6fbC7C32d5", "receiver": "0x02704FdC1dbBe97A39961952464Be9881c8849A8" }

  5. API: /api/balance
    Description: It fetch an account balance
    Method: GET
    RequestBody: { "account" : "0x02704FdC1dbBe97A39961952464Be9881c8849A8" }

Note: Similarly you can create many REST endpoints for your smart contracts and JSON-RPC APIs as per your business needs !


Free Software, by Siraj Chaudhary