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Feature Summary:

  • Computing Inflation
  • Currency Conversion
  • Adjusting a given currency for Inflation
  • 'Normalizing' a currency, i.e., adjust for inflation and then convert to a base currency.
  • Relating ISO Alpha2/3 Country Codes, Currency Codes as well as a Region's Name to one another.
  • This tool automatically obtains the latest inflation and exchange rate information from online databases.



EasyMoney requires: numpy, pandas, pycountry, requests and wbdata.


Python Package Index:

$ pip install easymoney

Latest Build:

$ pip install git+git://

EasyMoney is compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.3+.


Import the tool
from import EasyPeasy
Create an instance of the EasyPeasy Class

The standard way to do this is as follows:

ep = EasyPeasy()

However, fuzzy searching can also easily be enabled.

ep = EasyPeasy(fuzzy_threshold=True)

Prototypical Conversion Problems

1. Currency Converter
ep.currency_converter(amount=100000, from_currency="USD", to_currency="EUR", pretty_print=True)

# 94,553.71 EUR
2. Adjust for Inflation and Convert to a base currency
ep.normalize(amount=100000, region="CA", from_year=2010, to_year="latest", pretty_print=True)

# 76,357.51 EUR
3. Convert Currency in a more Natural Way
ep.currency_converter(amount=100, from_currency="Canada", to_currency="Ireland", pretty_print=True)

# 70.26 EUR

Handling Common Currencies

1. Currency Conversion
ep.currency_converter(amount=100, from_currency="France", to_currency="Germany", pretty_print=True)

# 100.00 EUR

EasyMoney understands that these two nations share a common currency.

2. Normalization
ep.normalize(amount=100, region="France", from_year=2010, to_year="latest", base_currency="USD", pretty_print=True)

# 111.67 USD
ep.normalize(amount=100, region="Germany", from_year=2010, to_year="latest", base_currency="USD", pretty_print=True)

# 113.06 USD

EasyMoney also understands that, while these two nations may share a common currency, the rate of inflation in these regions could differ.

Region Information

EasyPeasy's region_map() method exposes some of the functionality from the pycountries package in a streamlined manner.

ep.region_map('GB', map_to='alpha_3')

ep.region_map('GB', map_to='currency_alpha_3')


If fuzzy searching is enabled, the search term does not have to exactly match those stored in the databases cached by an EasyPeasy instance.

For example, it is possible to find the ISO Alpha 2 country code for 'Germany' by passing 'German'.

ep.region_map('German', map_to='alpha_2')

# DE


It's easy to explore the terminology understood by EasyPeasy, as well as the dates for which data is available.

Region Alpha2 Alpha3 Currencies InflationDates ExchangeDates Overlap
Australia AU AUS AUD [1960, 2015] [04/01/1999, 29/11/2016] [04/01/1999, 31/12/2015]
Austria AT AUT EUR [1960, 2015] [04/01/1999, 29/11/2016] [04/01/1999, 31/12/2015]
Belgium BE BEL EUR [1960, 2015] [04/01/1999, 29/11/2016] [04/01/1999, 31/12/2015]
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Above, the 'InflationDates' and 'ExchangeDates' columns provide the range of dates for which inflation and exchange rate information is available, respectively. Additionally, all dates for which data is available can be show by setting the range_table_dates parameter to False. The 'Overlap' column shows the range of dates shared by the 'InflationDates' and 'ExchangeDates' columns.


For complete documentation please click here.


This software is provided under a BSD License.


Indicators used:

  1. Consumer price index (2010 = 100)
    • Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Financial Statistics.
    • Note: All inflation-related results obtained from easymoney (including, but not necessarily limited to, inflation rate and normalization) are the result of calculations based on IMF data. These results do not constitute a direct reporting of IMF-provided data.
  2. Euro foreign exchange reference rates - European Central Bank
    • Source: European Central Bank (ECB).
    • Notes:
      • The ECB data used here can be obtained directly from the link provided above.
      • Rates are updated by the ECB around 16:00 CET.
      • The ECB states, clearly, that usage of this data for transaction purposes is strongly discouraged. This sentiment is echoed here; as stated above, this tool is for information purposes only.
      • All exchange rate-related results obtained from EasyMoney (including, but not necessarily limited to, currency conversion and normalization) are the result of calculations based on ECB data. These results do not constitute a direct reporting of ECB-provided data.

Sherouse, Oliver (2014). Wbdata. Arlington, VA.