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Easy to use Big Integer class for cryptography and math, binary operation [MSVC] [WIP].


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Easy-BigInteger Library

Easy-BigInteger is a C++ library designed for handling large integer arithmetic, optimized for cryptography and mathematical applications. It is a CMake project compatible with both MSVC (Microsoft Visual C++) and GCC/G++ compilers.


Easy-BigInteger provides an extensive set of operations for big integers, including but not limited to:

  • Basic arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
  • Bitwise operations: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, shifts.
  • Modular arithmetic.
  • Efficient exponentiation and square root calculations.
  • Data import/export functionalities.

Getting Started

To integrate Easy-BigInteger into your project, include the BigInteger.hpp file in your C++ source code.

Building with CMake

Easy-BigInteger uses CMake to manage the build process. To build the library and run tests, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd Easy-BigInteger
  2. Create a build directory and run CMake:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
  3. Compile the project:
    cmake --build .

Example Usage

Here's a quick example to demonstrate the initialization and addition operation:

#include "BigInteger.hpp"

int main() {
   using PrimeNumberTester = TwilightDream::PrimeNumberTester;
   using BigInteger = TwilightDream::BigInteger::BigInteger;

   // Initialize large integers with strings of a particular binary
   // 使用特定进制的字符串初始化大整数
   BigInteger bigInt1("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", 10);
   BigInteger bigInt2("9876543210987654321098765432109876543210", 10);

   // Undefined Behavior: String data does not match the binary parameter to which it belongs.
   // 未定义行为: 字符串数据和所属进制参数不匹配。
   // BigInteger bigInt3("1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF", 10);

   // Prints a binary representation of the original large integer, with each block of bits separated by a space
   // 打印原始大整数的二进制表示,每个比特块之间用空格分隔
   std::cout << "Binary representation of bigInt1 (spaced):\n";

   // Prints a binary representation of the original large integer, with no spaces separating each block of bits.
   // 打印原始大整数的二进制表示,每个比特块之间不用空格分隔
   std::cout << "Binary representation of bigInt2 (unspaced):\n";

   // Bit shift operations: left and right shifts
   // 比特位移操作:左移和右移
   BigInteger shiftedLeft = bigInt1 << 10; // 左移10位
   BigInteger shiftedRight = bigInt2 >> 10; // 右移10位

   // Bitwise operations: AND, OR, NOT, XOR
   // 比特位运算:AND, OR, NOT, XOR
   BigInteger andResult = bigInt1 & bigInt2;
   BigInteger orResult = bigInt1 | bigInt2;
   BigInteger notResult = ~bigInt1;
   BigInteger xorResult = bigInt1 ^ bigInt2;

   // Arithmetic operations: addition
   // 算术操作:加法
   BigInteger sum = bigInt1 + bigInt2;

   // Arithmetic operations: subtraction
   // 算术操作:减法
   BigInteger difference = bigInt1 - bigInt2;

   // Arithmetic operations: multiplication
   // 算术操作:乘法
   BigInteger product = bigInt1 * bigInt2;

   // Arithmetic operations: division and balance
   // 算术操作:除法和取余
   BigInteger quotient = bigInt1 / bigInt2;
   BigInteger remainder = bigInt1 % bigInt2;

   // Converts large integers to a string representation in a different hexadecimal system.
   // 将大整数转换为不同进制的字符串表示
   std::cout << "bigInt1 in base 2: " << bigInt1.ToString(2) << std::endl;
   std::cout << "bigInt2 in base 16: " << bigInt2.ToString(16) << std::endl;

   // Print results
   // 打印结果
   std::cout << "Sum: " << sum.ToString() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Difference: " << difference.ToString() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Product: " << product.ToString() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Quotient: " << quotient.ToString() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Remainder: " << remainder.ToString() << std::endl;

   return 0;

Test Cases

Test cases for the Easy-BigInteger library are located in the root directory of the repository in the files BigIntegerTest.hpp and BigIntegerTest.cpp. These test cases provide a comprehensive suite to verify the functionality and performance of the library.

  1. Binary Input/Output: Tests initialization from and conversion to binary strings.
  2. Shift Operations: Validates left and right bit shifts.
  3. Squeeze Leading Bits: Checks the removal of leading zeros.
  4. Bitwise Operations: Assesses AND, OR, NOT, and XOR operations on big integers.
  5. Rotate Shift: Examines rotate left and right operations on bit levels.
  6. String Input/Output: Evaluates initialization from and conversion to strings of various numerical bases.
  7. Addition and Subtraction: Tests basic arithmetic operations.
  8. Multiplication: Measures performance of multiplication and verifies results.
  9. Reciprocal Newton: Tests Newton's method for reciprocal calculation.
  10. Division: Checks division and modulo operations, ensuring accuracy.
  11. Extended GCD: Applies the extended Euclidean algorithm for GCD and coefficient calculation.
  12. Modular Inverse: Determines the modular inverse of a number.
  13. Montgomery Reduction: Tests the Montgomery algorithm for efficient modular exponentiation.
  14. Power with Modulo: Calculates powers under a modulo.
  15. Byte Export/Import: Tests byte data handling with import and export functions.
  16. Prime Number Testing: Utilizes the Miller-Rabin test for prime number generation.


We welcome contributions to the Easy-BigInteger library. Please feel free to submit Pull Requests or create Issues to help us improve.


Easy-BigInteger is released under the MIT License.


While the Easy-BigInteger library has been significantly restructured and can be considered a new project, it retains a repository connection to its predecessor. We respect and acknowledge the original author's contributions and labor in the development of this project. The current project stands as a testament to the evolution and continued development inspired by the initial work.

The original project can be found at NoahBz/Easy-BigInteger.


Easy to use Big Integer class for cryptography and math, binary operation [MSVC] [WIP].








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