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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Training
  4. Evaluation

Input-Aware Dynamic Backdoor Attack

Input-aware Dynamic Backdoor Attack is a generic backdoor attack method which breaks the general assumption of current backdoor defense approaches: the universality and uniqueness of backdoor triggers.

This is an implematation of the NeurIPS 2020 paper Input-Aware Dynamic Backdoor Attack in PyTorch.

  • Training and evaluation code.
  • Defense experiments used in the paper.
  • Image regularization tests.

If you find this code is useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={Input-Aware Dynamic Backdoor Attack},
  author={Nguyen, Anh and Tran, Anh},
  booktitle={Proceedings of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


  • Install required python packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download and organize GTSRB data from its official website:
$ bash

Training code

Run command

$ python --dataset <datasetName> --attack_mode <attackMode>

where the parameters are the following:

  • <datasetName>: mnist|cifar10|gtsrb
  • <attackMode>: all2one (single-target attack) or all2all (multi-target attack)

The trained model with be saved at the path checkpoints/<datasetName>/<attackMode>/<attackMode>_<datasetName>_ckpt.pth.tar

Pretrained models

You can download the pretrained all2one models used in our paper here. Just extract the zip file inside the checkpoints folder to use these models.

Evaluation code

Run command

$ python --dataset <datasetName> --attack_mode <attackMode>

This command will print the model accuracies on three tests: clean, attack, and cross-trigger test. The clean and attack accuracies should be the same as reported in our paper, while cross-trigger one may be slightly different due to random pairing. Besides, our code will also generate three sample sets of backdoor images named <datasetName>_<attackMode>_sample_<index>.png with <index> as 0, 1, and 2.


Dataset Clean test Attack test Cross-trigger test
MNIST 99.54 99.54 95.25
CIFAR-10 94.65 99.32 88.16
GTSRB 99.27 99.84 96.80

Defense experiments

We put code of three defense methods used in our paper inside the folder defenses.

  • Fine-Pruning We have separate code for MNIST and CIFAR10/GTSRB due to different network architectures. Also, our code requires an extra parameter outfile to log the model's accuracies with respect to the number of pruned neurons.
$ cd defenses/fine_pruning
$ python --dataset mnist --attack_mode <attackMode> --outfile mnist_<attackMode>.txt
$ python --dataset cifar10 --attack_mode <attackMode> --outfile cifar10_<attackMode>.txt
$ python --dataset gtsrb --attack_mode <attackMode> --outfile gtsrb_<attackMode>.txt
  • Neural Cleanse Run the command
$ cd defenses/neural_cleanse
$ python --dataset <datasetName> --attack_mode <attackMode>

The result will be printed on screen and logged in results folder. Note that NeuralCleanse is unstable, and the computed Anomaly Index may vary over different runs.

  • STRIP Run the command
$ cd defenses/STRIP
$ python --dataset <datasetName> --attack_mode <attackMode>

The result will be printed on screen, and all entropy values are logged in results folder.

Image regularization test

Run the command

$ cd behaviors/image_regularization
$ python --dataset <datasetName> --attack_mode <attackMode>

The results will be printed on screen.


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