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[ICRA 2023] V2XP-ASG: Generating Adversarial Scenes for Vehicle-to-Everything Perception


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V2XP-ASG: Generating Adversarial Scenes for Vehicle-to-Everything Perception (ICRA2023)

paper supplement video

V2XP-ASG is an Open Adversarial Scene Generation framework for Vehicle-to-Everything Perception. It is also the official implementation of ICRA2023 paper V2XP-ASG



V2XP-ASG is dependent on CARLA simulator. Please follow CARLA official installation guide to correctly install CARLA 0.9.12. Our V2X perception algorithms are implemented based on OpenCOOD. Please follow the tutorial to set up the environment.

Scene Generation

Adversarial config files

The adversarial config files are stored at asg/hypes_yaml. Take random search as an example. Some key arguments are listed below.

  num_cavs: &num_cavs 2 # number of agents(infra+cavs)
  num_infra: &num_infra 1 # set to 1 and ignore it. No influence for V2V and V2I for now.

  core_method: "RandomSearch" # Adversarial optimization method name
  max_iter: 75 # Max number of search iterations for pose perturbation
  num_cavs: *num_cavs
  num_infra: *num_infra
  num_cav_trials: 1 # During cav selection, how many (cav1,cav2,...cavk) pairs we will try.
  k: 3 # Number of vehicles to perturb at once
  N: 12 # N and interval defines the search x, y range. x,y\in [-(N-1)//2*interval, (N-1)//2*interval]
  interval: 0.5
  angle_range: [-45, 45, 15] # [start_angle, end_angle, step_size] in the unit of degree
  N_sample: 1000 # Number of sampled poses in the feasible set Q (search space size).

  client_port: 2200 # This port number should match the world_port number for CARLA

For a given perturb agent, we can define a feasible set Q. For the feasible set Q, we will first sample N_sample (x,y,yaw) pairs. Afterwords, we will prune it by using collision check and range check. This pruned set may be too small for a valuable search. Thus we have another parameter N_min in get_vid_list_and_feasible_set method of It defines the minimum number of points required for feasible set Q. If len(Q) < N_min, then we will try to perturb another agent.


To run the scene generation, please first run the CARLA.

  • For quick experiment/debug, users can directly run

  • For long-time experiment (longer than 20min), please use the following bash scripts to automatically run/kill/re-run CARLA so that the memory of CARLA will be cleaned whenever we re-run it. Please modify the path to to the actual path.

while true 
    echo "Running CARLA"
    timeout 1000 CARLA_0.9.12/ # path to
    sleep 5
    pkill CarlaUE4
    echo "CARLA failed wait for 10 seconds before running"
    sleep 10
Run scene generator

For quick experiment or debug, please use the following command to run the scene generation.

python -m asg.scripts.scene_generator \
    --sg_hypes_yaml asg/hypes_yaml/sg_random_search.yaml \
    --model_dir /home/hao/Downloads/infra_car_only/sg_opv2v_finetuned \
    --fusion_method intermediate \
    --v2x v2x

Some important arguments:

  • sg_hypes_yaml: path to the adversarial attack (RS, BO, GA) config.
  • model_dir: path to the detection model folder
  • resume_attack_path: path to resume the adversarial attack. Located at asg/logs/xxxx.
  • fusion_method: nofusion, late, intermediate, early
  • discard_cav_selection: Set this flag, then the CAV selection is ignored. Only pose perturbation will be used.
  • v2x: choose from ['v2v', 'v2i', 'v2x'].
    • If 'v2v', then for all the scenes, only V2V collaboration is considered.
    • If 'v2i', then for all the scenes, only V2I (infra as the ego) collaboration is considered.
    • If 'v2x', then 1/3 scenes are V2V and 2/3 scenes are V2I, allowing a mix of collaboration.

For long-time experiment, please run the script Please first run the above command to generate the log file located in asg/logs/xxxx and kill the program. Afterwords, please change the --resume_attack_path to the path to the generated folder (asg/logs/xxxx).

Run multiple CARLA in the same machine

Please use the following command to run CARLA

./ --world_port=2200

And change the client_port to 2200 in the asg/hypes_yaml/xxxx.yaml.


[ICRA 2023] V2XP-ASG: Generating Adversarial Scenes for Vehicle-to-Everything Perception







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