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A simple JavaScript class to handle browser-side Websockets

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A simple JavaScript class to handle browser-side Websockets.

Note : this library provides an API only for browser-side Websokets.

Getting started

Include Websockets.min.js script in your HTML :

<script defer src="path/to/Websockets.min.js"></script>

And declare a new instance in your script :

const client = new Websockets({
    port: 9000,
    scheme: 'ws',
    onprogress(progress, dataSize, data) {
        if (progress === 0) {
            console.log('Data sended successfully !')
        } else {
            console.log(`${dataSize - progress}/${dataSize} bytes have been sent.`)

client.on(Websockets.DEFAULT_EVENTS.CONNECTED, () => {
    console.log("It's alive ! ALIVE !")

client.on('wakedup', () => {
    console.log("Waked up !")

await client.connect()

await client.emit('wakeup', { body: "It's time to wake up !" })


And.. that's it ! :)

Available getters and methods


// Websockets class default options
static DEFAULT_OPTIONS: Object.<String, any>

// WebSocket native API close codes by status
static CLOSE_STATUS: Object.<String, Number>

// WebSocket  native API close messages by codes
static CLOSE_STATUS_MESSAGES: Object.<Number, String>

// Websockets class default events
static DEFAULT_EVENTS: Object.<String, String>

// returns true if WebSocket API is supported by the actual browser, false otherwise
static hasSupport: Boolean

// WebSocket schme ('auto', 'ws', 'wss')
scheme: String

// WebSocket URL
url: String

// Registered events via `Websockets.on()` method
events: Object.<String, Array>

// returns true if WebSocket client is instantiated, false otherwise
isInitialized: Boolean

// returns true if WebSocket client is connecting, false otherwise
isConnecting: Boolean

// returns true if WebSocket client is connected, false otherwise
isOpen: Boolean

// returns true if WebSocket client is sending data, false otherwise
isSending: Boolean

// returns true if WebSocket connection is closing or closed, false otherwise
isClosed: Boolean


connect(): Promise

Connect the WebSocket client to the specified endpoint.

Example :

await client.connect()

send(data: any): Promise

send data to the server.

Example :

await client.send('PING')

emit(type: String, payload?: any = '', namespaced?: boolean = true): Promise

Format a data object with type and payload, and send it to the server. If namespaced is false, type parameter will doesn't be prefixed by the namespace specified in the Websockets instance options.

Example :

// Emit 'USER_MESSAGE' event to the server with a payload
await client.emit('USER_MESSAGE', { message: 'Hello, World !', user_id: 1 })

// Emit 'USER_MESSAGE' event to the server with a payload and without namespace
await client.emit('USER_MESSAGE', { message: 'Hello, World !', user_id: 1 }, false)

on(type: String, callback: Function, namespaced?: boolean = true): Websockets

Add an event. If namespaced is false, type parameter will doesn't be prefixed by the namespace specified in the Websockets instance options.

Example :

// Listen to 'PONG' event from the server
client.on('PONG', () => console.log('The server responds with PONG !'))

// Send 'PING' event to the server
await client.send('PING')

once(type: String, callback: Function, namespaced?: boolean = true): Websockets

Add an event. This event will be listenend only once. After that, it will be deleted. If namespaced is false, type parameter will doesn't be prefixed by the namespace specified in the Websockets instance options.

Example :

// Listen to 'PONG' event from the server
client.once('PONG', () => console.log('This event is unique !'))

// Send 'PING' event to the server
await client.send('PING')

off(type: String, callback?: Function = null, namespaced?: boolean = true): Websockets

Removes an event. if callback parameter is null, all events of type type will be removed, otherwise, only the event that corresponds to the callback parameter will be removed. If namespaced is false, type parameter doesn't be prefixed by the namespace specified in the Websockets instance options.

Example :

const onPong = () => console.log("The server responds with PONG !\n")

// Listen to 'PONG' event from the server
client.on('PONG', onPong)

// Send 'PING' event to the server
await client.send('PING')

// Detach 'PONG' event listener'PONG', onPong)

onMessage(callback: Function): Websockets

The callback parameter will be triggered with each message sent from the server.

Example :

client.onMessage(data => console.log(data))

disconnect(): void

disconnect the WebSocket client.

Example :


destroy(): void

Remove all Websockets events and disconnect the WebSocket client.

Example :


Instance options



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