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Setup local environment

Required software:

  • Docker
  • kubectl
  • kind
  • helmfile
  • helm
  • helm-diff

Setup Kubernetes Cluster

kind create cluster \
  --name workshop \
  --image kindest/node:v1.29.1 \
  --config kind.yaml
kubectl cluster-info \
  --context kind-workshop
kubectl config use-context kind-workshop

Setup the stack

helmfile sync

Get in Grafana

kubectl get secrets -n monitoring lgtm-grafana -o yaml | yq .data.admin-user | base64 -d
kubectl get secrets -n monitoring lgtm-grafana -o yaml | yq .data.admin-password | base64 -d

# open localhost:30000/grafana


make kind
make base
make lgtm
make otel-operator
make otel-instrumentation
make apps

Making some traffic

benchmark springboot health check

ab -n 100 http://localhost:30000/springboot/hello

benchmark express health check

ab -n 100 http://localhost:30000/express/health

create an order

curl http://localhost:30000/springboot/orders -d '{"customer":"simoexpo", "product":"banana", "quantity": 10}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

get orders

curl http://localhost:30000/springboot/orders