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Synthesising Realistic Calcium Imaging Data of Neuronal Populations Using GAN.

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Synthesising Realistic Calcium Imaging Data of Neuronal Populations Using GAN

Implementation of CalciumGAN, used to obtain the results detailed in CalciumGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network Model for Synthesising Realistic Calcium Imaging Data of Neuronal Populations.

Citing this work

  title={CalciumGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network Model for Synthesising Realistic Calcium Imaging Data of Neuronal Populations},
  author={Li, Bryan M and Amvrosiadis, Theoklitos and Rochefort, Nathalie and Onken, Arno},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02707},

Table of content

1. Installation

1.1 Requirements

  • It is recommended to install the codebase in a virtual environment, such as conda.

1.2 Quick install

  • Create a new conda environment in Python 3.6
    conda create -n calciumgan python=3.6
  • Activate calciumgan virtual environment
    conda activate calciumgan
  • Install all dependencies and packages with script, works on both Linus and macOS.

1.3 Manual setup

Install the following packages:

2. Dataset

  • Navigate to dataset
    cd dataset

2.1 Recorded Calcium Imaging Data

  • Place all raw calcium imaging data under dataset/raw_data
  • Apply OASIS to infer spike train
    python --input_dir raw_data
  • Generate TFRecords from a specific pickle file --input, normalize the data, preform segmentation and store the TFrecords in output_dir. Use --help to see all available arguments.
    python --input raw_data/signals.pkl --output_dir tfrecords/sl2048 --sequence_length 2048 --normalize

2.2 Dichotomized Gaussian Artificial Data

  • Generate artificial spike trains and calcium-like signals from the Dichomotized Gaussian distribution with the mean and covariance of data in --input, save the the output pickle file to --output. TFRecords in --output_dir. Use --help to see all available arguments.
    python --input raw_data/signals.pkl --output dg.pkl
  • Generate TFRecords from a specific pickle file --input, normalize the data, preform segmentation and store the TFrecords in output_dir. Use --help to see all available arguments.
    python --input dg.pkl --output_dir tfrecords/sl2048_dg --sequence_length 2048 --normalize

3. Train model

  • To train CalciumGAN on the recorded calcium imaging data with the default hyper-parameters for 400 epochs. Checkpoints, generated data, model training information are stored in --output_dir.
    python --input_dir dataset/tfrecords/sl2048 --output_dir runs/001 --epochs 400 --batch_size 128 --model calciumgan --algoirthm wgan-gp --noise_dim 32 --num_units 64 --kernel_size 24 --strides 2 --m 10 --layer_norm --mixed_precision --save_generated last 
  • Use --help to check all available arguments. Mixed precision compute, TensorBoard profiling, hyper-parameter search are some of the features built into this codebase.
  • The training command applies to both recorded data and dischotomized Gaussian artificial data.

4. Spike analysis

4.1 Recorded Calcium Imaging Data

  • Deconvolve the calcium signals to spike trains from generated data in --output_dir, then compute various spikes statistics. Use --help to check all available arguments.
    python --output_dir runs/001
  • All the plots can be found in runs/001/metrics/plots

4.2 Dichotomized Gaussian Artificial Data

  • Deconvolve the calcium signals to spike trains from generated data in --output_dir, then compute various spikes statistics. Use --help to check all available arguments.
    python --output_dir runs/002
  • PLots of mean and covariance can be found in diagrams/

5. Visualization and Profiling

  • Run tensorboard
    tensorboard --logdir runs/001
  • We have implemented profiling with TensorFlow Profiler support. You can enable profiling with --profile flag when training the model with

6. Hyper-parameters Search

  • We have incorporated the Hyperparameter Turning with Keras feature. Modify the hyper-parameters you would like to test in and run
    python --input_dir dataset/tfrecords/sl2048 --output_dir runs/hparams_search --epochs 400 --mixed_precision


Synthesising Realistic Calcium Imaging Data of Neuronal Populations Using GAN.




