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This repository demonstrates how to implement custom written Distributed Lock starter based on Spring Boot and MongoTemplate with Testcontainers integration testing and fabric8 docker-maven-plugin


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MongoDB distributed lock tests integration tests

A distributed-lock-mongodb-spring-boot-starter repository project contains custom written Distributed Lock starter based on Spring Boot and MongoTemplate with Testcontainers integration testing and fabric8 docker-maven-plugin maven module to help run example showcase application uses mongo docker container

Maven Central

Versions convention

We support next version convention:

Distributed Lock version Spring Boot version GitHub branch
3.0.6 3.0.6 master
2.7.11 2.7.11 spring-boot-2.7.x
2.6.14-4 2.6.14 spring-boot-2.6.x
2.5.14-4 2.5.14 spring-boot-2.5.x
2.4.13-4 2.4.13 spring-boot-2.4.x
2.3.12-4 2.3.12.RELEASE spring-boot-2.3.x
2.2.13-4 2.2.13.RELEASE spring-boot-2.2.x
2.1.18-4 2.1.18.RELEASE spring-boot-2.1.x





...if you need SNAPSHOT

Supported operations

  • Acquire lock (try lock)
  • Release lock (try to unlock)
  • Acquire lock and consume (only if lock was acquired)
  • Acquire lock and supply value (only if lock was acquired)


Inject distributed lock

A DistributedLockAutoConfiguration will provide DistributedLock you can use as locking implementation.

Feel free to simply inject it by defined single constructor in your spring Bean:

public class MyService {

    private MyService myService;

    // skipped...

Or you can inject it using @Auqtowired annotation by field injection (not recommended):

public class MyService {

    private final MyService myService;

    public MyService(MyService myService) {
        this.myService = myService;

    // skipped...

Or query it from ApplicationContext directly:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var context =, args);
        var distributedLock = context.getBean(DistributedLock.class);
        // skipped...

acquire(Lock config)

Acquire lock (try lock)

Optional<Lock> maybeLock = distributedLock.acquire(Lock.of(identifier));
if (maybeLock.isPresent()) log.debug("Lock was acquired.");
else log.warn("Lock can't be acquired...");

release(String lockId)

Release lock (try to unlock)

Optional<Lock> maybeUnlock = distributedLock.release("642b52e873d0ec7cd4463f05")
if (maybeUnlock.isPresent()) log.debug("Lock was released.");
else log.warn("Can't release lock...");


Acquire lock and consume (only if lock was acquired)

Optional<Boolean> maybeSync = distributedLock.acquireAndGet(Lock.of("sync"), () -> leaderElection.sync());
if (maybeSync.isPresent()) log.debug("Data synchronization was completed")
else log.warn("Data wasn't synced");


Acquire lock and supply value (only if lock was acquired)

Optional<SyncResult> syncResult = distributedLock.acquireAndGet(Lock.of("ETL"), () -> syncService.etl());
maybeResult.ifPresent(result -> log.debug("Synchronization complete with: {}", result));