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Supported Plugins

Damian Korcz edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 3 revisions

⚠️ Required Plugin

Plugin Description
Style Settings Allows snippet, theme, and plugin CSS files to define a set of configuration options.

🧩 Plugins explicitly supported by the theme

These plugins have been checked to work correctly and have been styled for the theme, helping them look native. Some might have additional options in Style Settings.

Plugin Description
Advanced Tables Add improved navigation, formatting, and manipulation to markdown tables in Obsidian.
Kanban Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian.
Quick Explorer Menu-based and keyboard-friendly Explorer in the Titlebar.
Calendar Creates a simple Calendar view for visualizing and navigating between your daily notes.
cMenu Adds a minimal and user friendly text editor modal for a smoother writing/editing experience.
Dangling Links Displays the set of dangling links in your current vault in a side-panel.
Pane Relief Adds per-pane navigation history to
Icon Folder Allows you to add icons to your files or folders in the File Explorer.
Map View An interactive map view for the editor. It searches your notes for encoded geolocations (see below) and places them as markers on a map.
Emoji Toolbar Allows you to quickly search for and add emojis to your editor.
Tag Folder Shows your tags as like as though they are folders.
Obsidian Dictionary Adds a Dictionary to Obsidian.
Obsidian Icons Add icons to your Obsidian. Includes Remix Icon and Font Awesome (Free).
Jump To Date Quickly navigate to a Daily Notes Page using a popup calendar from the ribbon or with a form that you type in a natural language date expression.
Hover Editor Enhances the core "Page Preview" plugin by turning the hover popover into a full featured editor instance.
Quiet Outline Alternative Outline viewer with the ability to limit tree depth.
Recent Files Displays a list of most recently opened files in the sidebar. Optionally include paths of files which should be excluded from the list.
File Tree Alternative Alternative File Explorer with separated Folder and File views.
Settings Search Adds a global search bar for the Obsidian settings.
DataLoom Allows you to create databases similar to

If you have any issues with the plugins mentioned above or would like another plugin to be supported by the theme, Submit an Issue regarding it.