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Releases: datacol-io/datacol


21 Apr 11:07
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  • [CLI] Remove code and description from GRCP errors
  • [API] Skipping ephemeral pods while log streaming
  • [CLI] ps should list recent pods with tabular format (Added cpu, memory fields)
  • [API] Don't stream logs from crashed/failed pods
  • Sort environment variables in API response
  • AWS nginx ingress controller to respect Path: /
  • Async support for streaming logs from mutiple processes.
  • Making datacol run independent of shell


  • [CLI] Added domains:{add, remove} API
  • [CLI] Renaming command ps scale to scale
  • [CLI] Renaming command build list to builds
  • [API] version label into k8s deployments
  • Paging for GET /v1/builds API
  • [CLI] Tabular output for listing apps and builds
  • [CLI] STACK env var for datacol env, datacol infra
  • [CLI] Number of logs lines for process logs (--lines 10)


02 Mar 14:00
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  • Supported --build-args while building containers from Dockerfile
  • Procfile to manage multiple processes in an app
  • Process Management API
  • Supporting nginx-ingress controller on AWS based stack
  • Supporting interactive command (datacol run rails c)
  • Support for Local cloud provider based on minikube
  • Domains for an App


22 Jul 07:49
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Datacol provides Heroku-like workflow for deploying apps on cloud (AWS/GCP). It is still under active development, and features may change at any time.

To know more, follow our site.


Datacol is distributed in binary form for Linux, OSX, and Windows systems for the v1.0.0-alpha.6 release. Please note that Windows support is currently experimental and may have issues. Binaries are available through on Google Cloud Storage. The direct GCS links are:



curl -sSL | sh 


Datacol alpha.6 release includes following updates:

AWS Provider

Now you can install datacol stack inside your AWS cloud. It will setup all necessary components (codebuild, ecr repository) including kubernetes using cloudformation. We have also added support for provisioning RDS and ElasticCache through CLI. Afterward you can create apps and attach aws services using datacol infra command. The base stack will look something like -


[Feature] Provision services
Easily provision RDS and ElasticCache by running datacol infra create mysql and datacol infra create redis using sane default. Later you can link to any app by setting environment variables.

[Feature] App Workflow
Once you have a stack initialized, you can create an app, set environment variables, attach AWS services like RDS, Memcache or run one-off commands.

datacol apps create 
datacol env set PORT=5000
datacol deploy
datacol logs -f
datacol run rake db:migrate

[Feature] Logs
We use cloudwatch to aggregate logs for each app. Just run datacol logs -f to get streaming logs.


01 Jun 15:12
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v1.0.0-alpha.5 Pre-release

Datacol v1.0.0-alpha.5

Datacol provides Heroku-like workflow for deploying apps on cloud (AWS/GCP). It is still under active development, and features may change at any time.

To know more, follow our site.


Datacol is distributed in binary form for Linux, OSX, and Windows systems for the v1.0.0-alpha.5 release. Please note that Windows support is currently experimental and may have issues. Binaries are available through on Google Cloud Storage. The direct GCS links are:



curl -sSL | sh 


Datacol alpha.5 release includes following updates:

[Feature] CloudSQL Postgres Support

Provision a Cloudsql Postgres instance directly from CLI using datacol infra create --cpu 1. Later you can link with any app via datacol infra link postgres-1123.

[Feature] Buildpack support

If no Dockerfile or app.yaml ( App-engine config) found, datacol will try to detect the app type with Heroku buildpacks.

[Feature] Streaming logs

Better streaming logs from k8s datacol logs --follow

[Fix] Controller authentication

Added authentication for GRPC api

[Fix] Large repositories

Since GRPC have max 4MB message type, we added support for upload large repositories in chunks of 1MB.

[Fix] Better build status

Support for polling build status from container builder.

[Feature] Improved config

datacol login will dump config into ~/.datacol/config.json


18 May 08:23
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v1.0.0-alpha.4 Pre-release

We are glad to release a major update with various features and bug fixes. You can upgrade the CLI using datacol upgrade to have the latest version or get started here.


Datacol is distrubuted in binary form for Linux, OSX, and Windows systems for the v1.0.0-alpha.4 release. Please note that Windows support is currently experimental and may have issues. Binaries are available through on Google Cloud Storage. The direct GCS links are:


Datacol alpha.4 release includes following updates:

API Controller

  1. Using f1-micro compute engine instance as a controller for underlying infrastructure
  2. Added GRPC gateway and protocol buffers
  3. Exposing kubectl wrapper as an api

Stack improvements

  1. Moved models to Google Datastore from boltdb
  2. Cleaup cloudsql-proxy container if a sql resource is unlinked

CLI improvements

  1. Added datacol login to switch among multiple stacks
  2. Removed project from datacol init cmd, will support interactive mode
  3. Reduced size of cli ( upto 3MB compressed)
  4. Updated rollbar token