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Highly experimental repo with some shell scripting that is used across dnb-org.


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hugo-bin hugo-bin

This is a highly experimental project at the moment and tries to combine and normalise the build system across all @davidsneighbour/hugo-* projects. Use with caution. Don't blame me if it breaks everything ;) Once I have a version that I trust it will reach v1.0.0.

Principal mode of operation

The scripts are contained in a bin directory and have a structured setup with helpers and scripts and an overall uniform way of function. The bin folder should be added to the repository that is using the scripts, as a folder, not a submodule. Updating overrides the existing files and can commit updates to the repository.


Note that this will override files in bin. Commit all files in bin before installing/updating so you have something to git diff against at first install.

sh -c "$(curl -sSL"


Run bin/self/update. Then check with git diff what's changed (or subscribe to releases on GitHub).


  • As this is the build system for @dnb-org components some of the default settings might be more restrictive than you would want them to be --- to keep ME on a high quality coding course. All settings or procedures that might seem controversial will receive configuration options to be "fixed" for your requirements. Feel free to open an issue about this if you stumble upon one of these.
  • All code should be as self explanatory as possible. This includes useful variable names (for instance counter as opposed to i, configurationPath as opposed to path) and probably excessive commenting. As comments don't have any negative impact on compilation or run time it won't ever be seen as loquaciousy.
  • The issue system of this repository may be (ab)used as Q&A system, as brainstorm collection, as teaching spot. No worries. The worst that can happen is that your "issue" will be locked or closed.



  • All scripts expect the project to be a GoHugo project, either by having the file structure of a Hugo website or by supplying a go.mod in the directory root. It's in the name, dummy 😏
  • Required tools may vary by script, but each script will test for availability of its requirement and complain if one is missing. In most cases a simple apt install TOOLNAME will suffice, if not the installation of the requirement will be explained in the scripts documentation. I typically try to use scripts that are available in any bash script environment, but sometimes something more specific is required.
  • Most scripts expect node/npm to be installed or available. Read Development Setup for details on how I set up my local development system.


Build commands

Dependency configuration for package.json:

"devDependencies": {


Script configuration for package.json:

"scripts": {


Dev Server

Dependency configuration for package.json:

"devDependencies": {


Script configuration for package.json:

"scripts": {



Dependency configuration for package.json:

"devDependencies": {


Script configuration for package.json:

"scripts": {


Release Hooks

Dependency configuration for package.json:

"devDependencies": {


Script configuration for package.json:

"scripts": {



Dependency configuration for package.json:

"devDependencies": {


Script configuration for package.json:

"scripts": {


Netlify specific scripts

Dependency configuration for package.json:

"devDependencies": {


Script configuration for package.json:

"scripts": {


Algolia specific scripts

Dependency configuration for package.json:

"devDependencies": {


Script configuration for package.json:

"scripts": {


Development Setup

Setup node and npm

QI Notes

  • We use shellcheck to improve the code quality in all bash files. While it might make a lot of sense to just silence certain errors we will strive to implement all rules properly. If a # shellcheck note is used to silence a warning/error then it will be commented explicitly or a PR with it will be declined. See this for an example.
  • Currently there is no pre-commit setup done yet, but in the near future (pre 1.0.0) a commit will need to be validated by pre-commit to be accepted.