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Repository files navigation YARD Doc Server is the next generation Ruby doc server, replacing and This doc server uses YARD to generate project documentation on the fly, for both published RubyGems as well as GitHub projects.

The public doc server is hosted at

Getting Started

This site is a public service and is community-supported. Patches and enhancements are welcome.

Running the doc server locally is easy:

git clone git://
bundle install
cp config/config.yaml.sample config/config.yaml
bundle exec rake gems:update
bundle exec rake server:start

This will start a daemonized process, you can stop the server with:

bundle exec rake server:stop

Running With Docker

If you have Docker installed, you can get started using docker-compose:

docker-compose up

Add -d to daemonize the process. To stop the server in daemonized mode, run docker-compose down.

Thanks was created by Loren Segal (YARD) and Nick Plante ( and is a project of DOCMETA, LLC. Additional help was provided by our friendly developer community. Pull requests welcome!

(c) 2019 DOCMETA LLC. This code is distributed under the MIT license.