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tfspiegel is a client that implements the Terraform network provider mirror protocol. I wrote it because I felt that terraform providers mirror was not flexible enough and I wanted to be able to mirror provider versions without needing to reference actual Terraform provider configurations.

Current features

  • mirror to S3 (either AWS or S3-like such as Minio/Ceph) or local filesystem
  • mirror complex semantic version ranges (ranges are specified using blang/semver syntax)
  • only mirror what needs to be mirrored, i.e. missing file or wrong checksum
  • attempt to loop and re-mirror providers on a set interval without needing to be run from cron

Upcoming features

  • mirror to Artifactory
  • proper tests
  • proper release process
  • clean up user UX
  • fix some error handling issues
  • example Kubernetes manifests


  • build with make
  • use config.yaml.example as a model for how to set it up
  • if using S3 storage, all authentication/region variables are expected to be provided via normal AWSCLI environment variables
  • configure .terraformrc according to the Hashicorp documentation

IMPORTANT: Terraform mandates the use of HTTPS for the network provider mirror.