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ion-kit is a graph-based data processing framework. You can define an algorithm in Halide language as a "Building Block" (BB), then form a processing pipeline as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) combining BBs. The pipeline can be optimized and compiled targeting various architectures of CPUs, GPUs, and WebAssembly. You can also run the pipeline immediately on your host machine.

Quick start

You can download the official binary package from release.

If you wish to build using our repository, please use branch release/v1 which utilizes Halide16. We are currently working on migrating to Halide17 on the main branch.

#include <ion/ion.h>

struct MyFilter : ion::BuildingBlock<MyFilter> {
    // This Building Block takes 1 input, 1 output and 1 parameter.
    ion::Input<Halide::Func> input{"input", Int(32), 1};
    ion::Output<Halide::Func> output{"output", Int(32), 1};
    ion::BuildingBlockParam<int32_t> v{"v", 0};

    void generate() {
        Halide::Var i;

        // Increment input elements by value specified as "v"
        output(i) = input(i) + v;

int main() {
    int32_t v = 1;

    // ion::Builder is the fundamental class to build a graph.
    ion::Builder b;

    // Set the target architecture same as host.

    auto size = 4;

    ion::Buffer<int32_t> input{size};

    // Create sequential graph.
    // input -> my_filter (1st) -> my_filter (2nd) -> output

    // Builder::add() creates Node object from Building Block.
    ion::Node n1 = b.add("my_filter");

    // Input is set by calling Node::operator().

    // Parameter can be set by Node::set_params();
    n1.set_params(ion::Param("v", 40));

    // Method chain can be used to make it simple.
    auto n2 = b.add("my_filter")(n1["output"]).set_params(ion::Param("v", 2));

    // Bind output buffer.
    ion::Buffer<int32_t> output{size};

    // Run the pipeline.;

    // Or compile into the library.

    // Expected output is "42 42 42 42"
    for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
        std::cout << output(i) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

Assuming binary package is extracted in ION_KIT_PATH.

$ c++ -std=c++17 -fno-rtti -o main -I ${ION_KIT_PATH}/include -L ${ION_KIT_PATH}/lib -lion-core ${ION_KIT_PATH}/lib/ && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ION_KIT_PATH}/lib ./main
42 42 42 42


Please follow the instructions provided for your preferred platform.


The ion-kit is an open-source project created by Fixstars Corporation and its subsidiary companies including Fixstars Solutions Inc, Fixstars Autonomous Technologies.


This source code is based on results obtained from a project commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).