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Giggle Native API Guide

Gary Yu edited this page Jul 26, 2019 · 1 revision

Giggle Native API Guide

Table of Contents

  1. General
    1. General_Info
    2. Launch_Info
  2. Avatars
    1. Create New Avatar
    2. Delete Avatar
    3. List Avatars
  3. Settings
    1. Get Settings
    2. Update Settings
  4. Contact
    1. Get Contacts
    2. Add Contact
    3. Delete Contact
    4. Contact Detail
    5. Edit_Contact note
  5. Transaction
    1. List_All_Transactions
    2. Transaction Detail
  6. Wallet
    1. Get_Balance
    2. Send
    3. Ask


General Info


  • URL

    • /general_info
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      info JSON JSON Encoded
      - app_name string TRUE/FALSE
      - designer string
      - app_icon string url
      - purpose_of_design string
      - still_missing string
      - for_what_is_not_missing string
  • Sample Call:


Launch Info

Launch 頁面資訊

  • URL

    • /launch_info
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      info JSON JSON Encoded
      - desc string
  • Sample Call:



Create New Avatar

產生新的avatar code,可選擇random 或customize

  • URL

    • /create_avatar
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and method=[string] or avatar_code=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      avatar object JSON Encoded
      - avatar_code string 6-digit code, always uppercase
      - related_grinbox_address string grinbox address
  • Sample Call:


Delete Avatar

刪除avatar code,unique id 與avatar code 需同時滿足(要刪除,需要產生的那個unique id 才能刪除)

  • URL

    • /delete_avatar
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and avatar_code=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
  • Sample Call:


List Avatars

依據unique id 列出相對應的avatars

  • URL

    • /list_avatars
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      avatars object JSON Encoded
      - avatar_code string 6-digit code, always uppercase
      - related_grinbox_address string grinbox address
  • Sample Call:



Get Settings

依據unique id, 撈回相對應的settings

  • URL

    • /get_settings
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      settings object JSON Encoded
      - unique_id string unique device id
      - transaction_fee string double numbers. ex: 0.0001
      - node_ip string node ip. ex: 123.456.789.111
      - node_port string node port. ex: 12345
  • Sample Call:


Update Settings

依據unique id, 給予新的setting 資料

  • URL

    • /update_settings
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and node_ip=[string] and node_port=[string] and transaction_fee=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
  • Sample Call:



Get Contacts

依據unique id, 撈回相對應的contacts

  • URL

    • /get_contacts
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      contacts object JSON Encoded
      - avatar_code string 6-digit code, always uppercase
      - note note
  • Sample Call:


Add Contact

依據unique id, 新增contact

  • URL

    • /add_contact
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and avatar_code=[string] and note=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
  • Sample Call:


Delete Contact

依據unique id, 刪除contact

  • URL

    • /add_contact
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and avatar_code=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
  • Sample Call:


Contact Detail

依據unique id, 刪除contact

  • URL

    • /contact_detail
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and avatar_code=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      contact object JSON Encoded
      - avatar_code string 6-digit code, always uppercase
      - note note
  • Sample Call:


Edit Contact Note

依據avatar code, 修改note

  • URL

    • /edit_contact_note
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and avatar_code=[string] and note=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
  • Sample Call:



List All Transactions

依據unique id, 撈回相對應的transaction history

  • URL

    • /list_all_transactions
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      transactions object JSON Encoded
      - avatar_code string 6-digit code, always uppercase
      - amount string
      - note string
      - transaction_id string
      - transaction_time time
      - transaction_status string processing/confirmed
  • Sample Call:


Transaction Detail

依據transaction id, 撈回相對應的transaction detail

  • URL

    • /transaction_detail
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and transaction_id=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      transaction object JSON Encoded
      - avatar_code string 6-digit code, always uppercase
      - amount string
      - note string
      - transaction_id string
      - transaction_time time
      - transaction_status string processing/confirmed
  • Sample Call:



Get Balance

依據unique id, 撈回目前錢包裡的balance

  • URL

    • /get_balance
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
      balance double
  • Sample Call:



匯款至指定的avatar code

  • URL

    • /send
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and avatar_code=[string] and amount=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
  • Sample Call:



向指定的avatar code 要求匯款

  • URL

    • /ask
  • Method:


  • URL Params

    Required: sn=[string] and unique_id=[string] and avatar_code=[string] and amount=[string]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200

    • Content:

      Field Type Description
      status boolean TRUE/FALSE
      msg string error message
  • Sample Call:
