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Releases: gmag11/NtpClient

Bug fix

01 Oct 08:30
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  • Fix issue when DNS cannot resolve IP address
  • Fix ESP32 crash
  • Correct Time Library version reference dependencies

30 Apr 21:39
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Non blocking communication

20 Apr 12:11
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Most library code has been rewritten.

ESP32 and ESP8266 only : Now NTP requests do not block your code while response is received.

Add bare simple example

23 Jul 18:33
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NTPClientBasic is a basic example with minimum code possible to show how easy is integrating NTP sync in your projects.

Rest of code remains unchanged from last version.

Major update. More boards supported

16 Jan 23:22
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All supported platforms have been integrated into same source code for better maintenability. This opens the possibility to improve sync mechanism to get higher precission.

Some parts of library interface have been changed. Although I've tried to mantain backwards compatibility you may find any discrepancy with former versions. If so, let me know. You don't need to change your existing code to use this version.

Now, library is compatible with Arduino with Ethernet shield, ESP8266, MKR1000 and ESP32. It should be compatible with WiFi shield for Arduino too, although I haven't tested it. I don't have a WiFi shield.

Better sync management for ESP8266

01 May 07:09
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  • BugFix: Fixed event triggering
  • Added WifiConfig.h so example compilation works without needing to add your own file.
  • Force sync trigger in case of time zone or daylight saving change
  • BugFix: Time was not kept if NTP server was not reachable.
  • BugFix: Time zone change is possible even if offline
  • Improve ESP8266 example

Fix Arduino version

29 Sep 06:55
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Added missing summertime() function to check if time is inside DST period.
Added license info to AVR and MKR1000 examples

New features

26 Sep 21:07
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  • Add function to check summertime period of a given time or current time (if DST is enabled)
  • Added license info
  • Improve ESP8266 example

Bugfix. Event handler added

05 Sep 09:21
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  • 2.0.2 was not able to compile due to a bug in call to TimeLib.h functions. Fixed.
  • Added onNTPSync event handler to trigger a function every time a sync is initiated

Bug fixes and debug rewrite

19 Aug 18:28
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NOTICE: Since this version library structure has had important changes. You need to make minor changes in your code but IDE will refuse to compile until you do it. Check latest included example.